JGU signs MoUs with seven leading Japanese universities

Inside JGU

April 2024

JGU signs MoUs with seven leading Japanese universities

A high-level JGU delegation led by the Founding Vice Chancellor, Professor (Dr.) C. Raj Kumar, visited Japan in April with a view to strengthening and fostering the internationalisation of higher education between the two countries. The visit culminated in the signing of seven memorandums of understanding (MoUs) and student mobility agreements with seven leading Japanese universities.

The universities are:

1.  University of Yamanashi
2. Yamanashi Gakuin University
3. Hiroshima University
4. Ritsumeikan University
5. Ryukoku University
6. Kwansei Gakuin University
7. Kansai Gaidai University

The delegation, comprising of deans and senior faculty members of JGU, was aimed at strengthening academic collaborations, intellectual engagement and cultural exchanges between Indian and Japanese universities. They visited five Japanese cities — Tokyo, Yamanashi, Kyoto, Osaka and Hiroshima — interacting with the top academics and leadership teams at 14 Japanese universities represented by their respective Presidents, Deans and other senior leaders including at the University of Tokyo, Temple University Japan, United Nations University, International Christian University, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Doshisha University and Osaka Gakuin University.

On the success of the visit to Japan, Professor (Dr) C. Raj Kumar observed, “Our visit to Japan had five major objectives: first, to introduce the Indian higher education system and universities to the key leaders of Japanese universities and policymakers of Japan; second, to create substantive opportunities for the students and faculty of JGU to collaborate with the leading Japanese universities; third, to build international partnerships with Japanese universities that will promote exchange programmes, joint, dual and pathways degree programmes and short-term study abroad programmes; fourth, to collaborate with Japanese universities to promote research and scholarship through the advancement of faculty engagement by organising joint conferences and joint lectures leading to joint research projects and publications; and fifth, to promote collaborations among all stakeholders within Japan that includes government agencies, public institutions, private corporations, think-tanks and research institutions with a view to establishing a strong intellectual presence and institutional imagination of India in Japan and for Japan in India.”

He said, “I had the amazing opportunity to address the Members of Parliament at the Japanese national parliament, the Diet, on issues relating to higher education partnerships and the overall trajectory of the strategic relationship between India and Japan. Through our landmark visit to Japan, we have reaffirmed the profound significance of the India-Japan relationship in not only shaping the continuity of historical bilateral ties between the two countries but also ensured meaningful collaboration between JGU and the leading universities in Japan to contribute significantly to global academia. Our collaborations with esteemed Japanese universities not only foster student mobility but also cultivate rich faculty-level engagements, enriching both nations’ academic landscapes and advancing towards a more interconnected world.”

This visit highlights the growing strategic importance of Japan for India in the realm of higher education. Renowned for its excellence in innovation and research, Japan boasts world-class universities offering exceptional academic programmes. This makes Japan a highly attractive destination for Indian students seeking international higher education and exposure to cutting-edge advancements across diverse disciplines.

The MoUs and agreements comprise of student mobility programmes including short-term study abroad programmes, semester exchange programmes, India immersion programmes for students from Japan to study at JGU, dual degree programmes; and faculty level engagements including joint teaching programmes, joint research projects, joint publications, joint conference and seminars, etc. These initiatives will strengthen and consolidate the strategic partnership between India and Japan in the higher education sector.

Professor Kumar along with the JGU delegation also had fruitful discussions on advancing India-Japan ties in the field of higher education and research with the Indian Ambassador to Japan, H.E. Mr. Sibi George, and the Consul General of India in Osaka, Mr. Nikhilesh Giri.