Women’s applications in underrepresented subjects

Women’s applications in underrepresented subjects

Gender Equility

Women’s applications in underrepresented subjects

JGU encourages applications by women in subjects where they are underrepresented and empowers women belonging to historically disadvantaged sections. Through university outreach programmes, student-led events and expert discussions, we hope to inspire female students to apply to these subjects. Research has shown that women are globally underrepresented in the field of data analytics, finance and economics. JGU’s degree programs related to these subjects: BBA (Hons.) Business Analytics, BBA (Hons.) Financial Markets, One Year Global MBA (Business Analytics), B.Com (Hons.), B.A. (Hons.) Finance & Entrepreneurship, B.Com (Hons.) Financial Markets, Global B.Com, M.Sc. Finance and

B.A. (Hons.) Economics have been successful in maintaining diversity and a healthy gender ratio.