In spite of constituting half of the world’s population, many women and girls across the world do not have equal access to health, education, economic and political decision making power. While there has been progress over the decades, there still remains a long road to go for global gender equality. In the last 10 years, the global gender gap has closed only by 4%.
As underscored in the ‘Diversity and Inclusion: Towards Building a Diverse, Equitable and Global University’ report, Gender Parity is one of the 16 indicators of diversity and inclusion at JGU.
Gender parity and equity is a central goal for JGU in its pursuit to establish institutional spaces that value and embrace diversity in all forms and manifestations. Building diverse student, academic and non-academic staff bodies has been one of our key areas of focus. In a short period of time we have accomplished many milestones in increasing participation of women in our staff and faculty positions both at the entry and senior leadership positions.
JGU has been able to attract outstanding women academics, scholars and researchers as faculty members spread across all schools. Women are also well represented in leadership roles at JGU. This is evident in the number of women across the university in a range of functions – over 46 percent of our students and 49 percent faculty are women, and women hold 40 percent of leadership roles within the faculty, and 29 percent in non-teaching leadership roles. is has resulted through a conscious effort to recruit
more women students and staff by JGU’s admissions and outreach team, and human resources team.
This focus is reinforced through institutional mechanisms and processes that are designed to retain, sustain and strengthen gender equity, and address common challenges that face working women and men, employees with children and those who are primary or secondary care-givers, and employees who face unexpected health or family crises. For instance, employee welfare initiatives at the university include on campus daycare and playschool services, flexible working hours and child-care leave. University-wide committees
complement these efforts by providing formal processes through which discrimination or harassment in the workplace can be addressed.
In JGU’s second decade since founding, we are conscious that we strengthen our performance on all indicators of diversity, inclusion and equity within the institution. Over the next ten years, we will invest in sustaining and further enhancing existing gender diversity at JGU. This will be achieved through targets that include gender equity ratio of 1:1 among our teaching staff.
Advancing equity within the institution will necessitate that greater representation is achieved among the student and staff communities through conscious efforts; and talented students, researchers and staff members see JGU as an equitable and inclusive institution where the possibilities remain open to learn, teach, think, innovate, explore and collaborate.
Our institutional progress will be premised on consciously encouraging and promoting the participation of women in decision making processes and bodies at JGU. Over the next half decade, we aim to have women occupying at least 45 percent of the university’s leadership positions. We will also work towards increasing parity between male and female non teaching staff, aiming to achieve a gender equity ratio of 7:5 (male: female).
We will strengthen resource investment in research, teaching and engagement on gender rights and advocacy, rights of sexual and gender minorities, and related issues.
At JGU, we record women’s application rate, acceptance rate and degree completion rate. Our undergraduate student population consists of 48.7% female and 51.3% male students. Our postgraduate student population consists of 42.1% female and 57.9% male students. In the year 2023, 2049 out of 2076 (over 98%) students from all graduating batches successfully completed their degrees.
Shallu Jindal Outstanding Women Scholarships
The aim of this Jindal university scholarship is to nurture, encourage and support outstanding women to enter the field of law. Two students from the three year LL.B. programme, two students from the five year B.A./B.B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) and two students from the one year LL.M. programme will be awarded this scholarship on the basis of an independent selection process. An award of 50% of one year programme fee will be given to each student. Studentships ranging from 10% to 75% of tuition fees are awarded on merit-cum-means basis to a substantial number of selected students as per university rules.
Savitri Jindal Merit Cum Means Fellowship
This fellowship is for outstanding female students who may not otherwise be able to afford the full fees of the M. A. (DLB). The number of Savitri Jindal (SJ) Scholarships awarded by JSAA shall be not less than 40% of the total intake per program 4.0 Scholarship Amount 4.1
– 50% of awardees shall receive OP Jindal University scholarship of 30% of tuition fees for the year.
Note: O. P. Jindal Global University doesn’t award any Domicile Based scholarships. All the scholarships are based on Merit-cum-Means and open to all. To be eligible to receive scholarships, the annual parental income must not exceed INR 50 lakhs in the last financial year.
JGU encourages applications by women in subjects where they are underrepresented and empowers women belonging to historically disadvantaged sections. Through university outreach programmes, student-led events and expert discussions, we hope to inspire female students to apply to these subjects. Research has shown that women are globally underrepresented in the field of data analytics, finance and economics. JGU’s degree programs related to these subjects: BBA (Hons.) Business Analytics, BBA (Hons.) Financial Markets, One Year Global MBA (Business Analytics), B.Com (Hons.), B.A. (Hons.) Finance & Entrepreneurship, B.Com (Hons.) Financial Markets, Global B.Com, M.Sc. Finance and
B.A. (Hons.) Economics have been successful in maintaining diversity and a healthy gender ratio.
Policy for non-discrimination against women
Non-discrimination policies for transgender people
Maternity Leave shall be given as per the Maternity Benefits Act.
The University prohibits retaliation against individuals who raise concerns of perceived discrimination or harassment or who participate in the investigation of any claim of discrimination or harassment. Retaliation is any materially adverse action that would dissuade a reasonable person from making or supporting a claim of harassment or discrimination. Retaliation can be direct such as changing an employee’s work location, work assignments, pay or schedule, or it can be indirect such as intimidating, threatening, or harassing an employee who has raised a claim or participated as a witness in an investigation. All parties to a concern are prohibited from engaging in intimidating actions directly or indirectly through other persons.
View policy on non-discrimination, equal employment opportunity and affirmative action
Global Kidz is a Day Care Centre located inside the campus spread over 1900 sq. ft. area for the kids of employees and students. The day care centre provides an avenue for children aged between 6 months to 10 years (for infants, toddlers, pre-school and school-goers).
The centre is open from Monday through Saturday between 8.30 am & 6.00 pm.
Contact: Ms. Rosemary , +91- 7027850271,
Gender Sensitization against Sexual Harassment
Within JGU, the definition of sexual harassment applies equally to men, women, and individuals identifying as third gender. The policy includes harassment by a member of one gender against a member of another, or of the same gender. JGU recognises that sexual harassment is overwhelmingly perpetrated by men against women. However, sexual harassment may also be perpetrated by women against men or may occur between persons of the same sex.
We recognise that sexual harassment is not only perpetrated by men against women and encourage anyone being harassed to approach the Committee to seek support. The JGU Policy Against Sexual Harassment protects all employees and students.
View policyCommittee On Gender Sensitisation Against Sexual Harassment (COGSASH)
Girl Up initiative by the United Nations Foundation & JGU
Gender Priorities for the G20: A Monograph for the Jindal Global Centre for G20 Studies