Ethical Organisational Culture

Ethical Organisational Culture

Peace justice and strong institutions

Ethical Values

JGU’s Strategic Vision Report highlights the leadership’s mission to “Conduct capacity development programmes for practitioners from governments, corporations, and civil society organisations to enhance their leadership qualities and skills, management capacity and commitment to professional ethics” and having the “highest ethical standards in personal and professional behaviour” as a core value.

Education at JGU is intended to foster in our graduates, a participative consciousness and ethical imaginations for an active participation in democratic discourses and practices in emerging contexts, attributes we regard essential for living and ourishing in professional, public and private lives.

Our teaching, research, and collaborative and capacity building activities are centred around generating wider impact beyond the classroom and our campus, on issues of public concern to India, our regional neighbours, and other parts of the world. Part of this effort is also centred on nurturing public spiritedness amongst our students in order that they embody approaches that are ethical, fair and just, while pursuing work in both public and private sector enterprises. We believe that cultivating a tradition of public service will be key to achieving our larger mission.

We believe that by providing access to interdisciplinary programmes, an enabling, diverse, multicultural, and collaborative environment for teaching and research, an emphasis on community engagement, and opportunities to study at some of the best universities in the world, our students will gain a unique repertoire of qualities: a capacity for self-reection; intercultural sensitivity; a sense of social, civic and environmental responsibility; and commitment to being ethically and socially responsible global citizens.

Click on the link to view the Decisions Taken in Annual General Meeting.