Research Centres for SDGs

Research Centres for SDGs

Quality Education

Centre for Sustainability

Being a part of a global university that aspires to achieve the highest standard of academic credentials, Jindal School of Government and Public Policy (JSGP) considers foray into “sustainability” a fait accompli. Governance of sustainability and the implications of SDGs in designing effective public policy interventions cannot be over emphasized. The Centre for Sustainability housed within JSGP is thus a timely effort by the school to contribute meaningfully to the challenges of achieving Agenda 2030. Being a research-led School, it will engage its students in both academic and action research to understand and disseminate the possible pathways to sustainable development that capture the pluralities in approaches to achieving the goals, rather than looking for a one size fits all solutions.


Center for Environment, Sustainability and Human Development (CESH)

The main focus of the environmental research group at JSLH is to merge environmental sciences with social studies, economics, policy, politics, climate, food, air, water, sanitation and several others to come up with ideas about the (a) governing factors, natural and anthropic, affecting human sustainable development, (b) spatio-temporal dimensions of the factors over varied scales and (c) potential pathways to address the challenges. A major thrust of our research is to devise and test latest geospatial modeling tools and techniques to map ‘hotspots’ of environment-induced socioeconomic changes, characterize temporal trends, identify main driving factors and develop strategic interventions.

The above ideas aptly lay the foundation of the Center for Environment, Sustainability and Human Development (CESH) – a transdisciplinary environmental research center established at JLSH that actively engages students from across the camps. Recently the center has received a university grant to test the applicability of recycled food-waste and crop-residues, alongside vermi-compost, to address growing concerns over air pollution in the NCR. The project will open up a variety of applied research opportunities for students in addition to help them earn paid-internship credits towards fulfillment of their BA degree program. This also sits at the very core of the entire liberal arts pedagogy at JSLH that strives to foster experiential learning and critical/creative thinking abilities among students.


Centre for Research on Digital Circular Economy for Sustainable Development Goals (DCE-SDG)

The aim is to create the first CE knowledge hub in India that will strengthen regional, national and transnational partnerships between industries and academia through the following objectives.

  • Objective 1. Conducting evidence-based research with beneficiaries – academic researchers, industry practitioners, and policymakers to systematically align the capacity-building needs, policies and roles of each beneficiary to facilitate transition from linear to circular economy for UN SDGs.
  • Objective 2. Designing and developing virtual support centre for the hub to facilitate leadership in the thematic area through knowledge co-creation, capacity building, and strengthening partnership with beneficiaries.
  • Objective 3. Designing training packages for academic researchers and industry practitioners for facilitating CE adoption within SMEs’ supply chains through upskilling talent, creating a capability cluster, and enhancing the International reputation of the hub.