
B.A., M. Sc. (St. Francis College for Women, Osmania University);

Ph.D. (BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus)

Dr. Namita Ruparel

Assistant Professor & Deputy Director (CLC)

Email namita.ruparel@jgu.edu.in
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Key Expertise Authentic happiness, Quality of Life, Mental Toughness, Job Crafting, Knowledge Hiding, Recruitment practices using professional social media platforms.

B.A., M. Sc. (St. Francis College for Women, Osmania University);

Ph.D. (BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus)


Dr. Namita Ruparel serves as Assistant Professor at Jindal Institute of Behavioral Sciences (JIBS), O. P. Jindal Global University. She has three years of experience in teaching and research. She received her Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology from Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Pilani Campus. Thereafter, she has taught courses in Organizational behaviour and human resource management, human resource analytics, managing people and performance, strategic human resources at institutes of repute. Her research focuses on identifying the antecedents of employee happiness and quality of life. Dr Ruparel has been associated with Division 15 – Psychology Students of International Association of Applied Psychology. In her association, she has served as Asia’s Ambassador (April-19 to March-20) and Secretary (March-20 to January-21). She was selected as a trainee at Advanced Research Training Seminar sponsored by International Associated of Applied Psychology at Montreal, Canada.

Research Experience

The primary focus of Dr Ruparel’s research is on measuring levels of happiness and quality of life among employees. Her research also branches into scale development and validation. Dr Ruparel has developed and validated the Mental Toughness Scale, which can be used to measure mental toughness among employees. Dr Ruparel has published research papers in areas of personal internet use at workplace, professional social media platforms and recruitment processes, employee knowledge hiding.

Dr. Ruparel has conducted trainings for employees of Haryana Government, Pratham Software, Jaipur and other corporates. Her trainings are based around the topics of – stress management; mental toughness and resilience, team cohesiveness, active communication, emotion regulation among others.

Ruparel, N., Bhardwaj, S., Seth, H., & Choubisa, R. (2023). Systematic literature review of professional social media platforms: Development of a behavior adoption career development framework. Journal of Business Research, 156, 113482.

Nagpal, G., Ruparel, N., Seth, H., & Saha, V. (2022). Socially responsible marketing in pandemic times at CoKarma. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 12(4), 1-38.

Ruparel, N., Choubisa, R., Seth, H., & Dubey, S. (2022). Mental toughness for employees: towards conceptual clarity and scale development. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.

Ruparel, N., Choubisa, R., Seth, H., & Nagpal, G. (2022). Does time perspective influence knowledge hiding? Empirical evidence from Indian employees. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, 36(2), 11-13.

Ruparel, N., Choubisa, R., & Seth, H. (2022). Imagining positive workplaces: extrapolating relationships between job crafting, mental toughness and authentic happiness in millennial employees. Management Research Review.

Tandon, A., Kaur, P., Ruparel, N., Islam, J. U., & Dhir, A. (2022). Cyberloafing and cyberslacking in the workplace: systematic literature review of past achievements and future promises. Internet Research, 32(1), 55-89.

Seth, H., Chadha, S., Sharma, S. K., & Ruparel, N. (2021). Exploring predictors of working capital management efficiency and their influence on firm performance: An integrated DEA-SEM approach. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 28(4), 1120-1145.

Nagpal, G., Arora, V., Madishetti, S., Seth, H., & Ruparel, N. (2021). Cushioning the Economy From COVID-19: A Commentary on the Approaches Adopted by Major Nations. In Handbook of Research on Reinventing Economies and Organizations Following a Global Health Crisis (pp. 181-201). IGI Global.

Ruparel, N. (2020). Mental toughness: Promising new paradigms for the workplace. Cogent Psychology, 7(1), 1722354.

Ruparel, N., Choubisa, R., Sharma, K., & Seth, H. (2020). Assessing the psychometric properties of cultural intelligence scale among Indian employees. Current Psychology, 1-12.

Dubey, S., Ruparel, N., & Choubisa, R. (2020). Does organizational virtuousness and psychological capital impact employee performance: evidence from the banking sector. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, 34(5), 17-19.

Ruparel, N., & Choubisa, R. (2020). Knowledge hiding in organizations: A retrospective narrative review and the way forward. Dynamic Relationships Management Journal, 9(1), 5-22
Email namita.ruparel@jgu.edu.in
Key Expertise Authentic happiness, Quality of Life, Mental Toughness, Job Crafting, Knowledge Hiding, Recruitment practices using professional social media platforms.
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