Global Languages Lab

Global Languages Lab

Global Languages Lab

The Global Languages Lab is housed in T4M85 West Side classroom. It is equipped with self-learning software for English, French, Spanish, German, Russian and Arabic languages. The 30-system facility is open without any charge for students and staff of JGU on all week days.

The language centre promotes use of technology for language learning and provides opportunities for self-access learning through multi-media.It organizes different activities like story writing,debates and discussions and also invites reputed people from different areas for talks and deliberations on literary issues.

The following is the detail of the programs loaded on the systems:


Full title of application

For learning


Sanako Pronounce

Pronunciation of words and phrases in English, Spanish, French and German languages



Russian, Mandarin and Arabic* languages


Read-up Speed-up

Reading speed and comprehension


Tense Tester

Tenses in English language

Pitchvantage —

through Chrome


Presentation skills in English and other languages

*Available in limited number of machines.

For User Manuals, please click on User Manuals

Mr. Umesh Kumar is the lab attendant posted in the Centre. For any problem, he can be contacted at (Phone 97171 45076). 

Faculty Coordinator

Prof. (Dr.) Sérgio Meira de Santa Cruz Oliveira
Professor. Email:

While software applications for English aim at enhancing English language proficiency to a good level, other applications for selected languages (French, German, Spanish, Russian and Arabic) provide basic knowledge of these languages in an interesting DIY format.