Centre for Foreign Languages organises Austrian Cultural Week

Inside JGU

April 2024

Centre for Foreign Languages organises Austrian Cultural Week

The Centre for Foreign Languages (OFL) organised the Austrian Cultural Week from April 15 to 22. Highlights of the event included the exhibition ‘Calliope Austria’ celebrating Austrian and Indian women’s contributions to culture, society and sciences.

The week saw daily posts on inputs related to cultural and historical aspects of Austria along with the screening of the film ‘The Trial’ (based on Franz Kafka’s novel). On April 22, a delegation from the Austrian Embassy, New Delhi, comprising Mr. Michael Pal, Director of Austrian Cultural Forum, and Mr. Rishabh Kurseja, Program Manager & Communications, Austrian Cultural Forum, visited JGU and discussed cultural exchange and opportunities of higher studies in Austria. The event ended with a workshop on Viennese Waltz conducted by Mr. Pal.