Jindal Journal of International Affairs

Jindal Journal of International Affairs

Welcome to the Jindal Journal of International Affairs (JJIA), a prestigious publication dedicated to fostering scholarly dialogue and advancing research in the field of international affairs.

As an interdisciplinary journal, JJIA provides a platform for academics, researchers, and practitioners to explore critical issues shaping the global landscape.

Engaging with Global Dynamics

At JJIA, we recognize the interconnectedness and complexities of international affairs. Our journal publishes peer-reviewed articles that delve into a wide range of topics, including global governance, international security, conflict resolution, regional cooperation, diplomacy, and foreign policy analysis. By examining these multifaceted issues, we aim to contribute to a deeper understanding of the rapidly evolving global order.

Interdisciplinary Perspectives: We embrace an interdisciplinary approach to international affairs, encouraging contributions from various disciplines such as political science, economics, sociology, history, and cultural studies. This inclusive approach fosters diverse perspectives and enriches the discourse on global challenges and opportunities.

Cutting-edge Research and Analysis: JJIA is committed to publishing rigorous and innovative research that pushes the boundaries of knowledge in international affairs. Our articles undergo a rigorous peer-review process, ensuring the highest scholarly standards. We encourage authors to employ robust methodologies and theoretical frameworks to provide insightful analysis and contribute to theoretical advancements.

Exploring Policy Implications: Recognizing the practical implications of scholarly research, JJIA aims to bridge the gap between academia and policymaking. We encourage authors to consider the policy relevance of their work and offer practical recommendations to address contemporary global challenges. By fostering dialogue between researchers and policymakers, we strive to facilitate evidence-based decision-making and contribute to effective policy formulation.


Global Collaborations

JJIA actively seeks collaboration with international organizations, governments, and think tanks to foster a global network of scholars and practitioners. We believe in the power of partnerships to address complex global issues and promote meaningful change. Through collaborative research projects and knowledge-sharing initiatives, we aim to generate impactful insights and promote international cooperation.