Admissions Open 2024

Dr. Pradeep Guin

Dr. Pradeep Guin


B.Sc.; M.Sc. (University of Delhi);

Ph.D. (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)


Pradeep holds a PhD in Public Policy from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). His primary area of research lies at the intersection of environment, health, governance, and policy. He focuses on studying the impact of climate change on human health and health systems, and on the politics and governance of environmental issues. For his doctoral research, he studied the impact of exposure to natural disasters on children’s health and educational outcomes.

Prior to joining JSGP, he was with the Public Health Foundation of India. His experiences include working with health research and policy organizations in India and the U.S. He has collaborated with multiple stakeholders across several governmental, non-governmental, and international organizations responsible for directing policies at different levels. His scholarly work appears in various national and international journals including the Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Environment International, Environmental Policy and Governance, Economic and Political Weekly, Global Public Health, Infectious Diseases of Poverty, to name a few.

Peer Reviewed

  • Guin, P., Rajeshwari, B., & Mahajan, B. (2024). What determines how governance indicators shape policy processes? Evidence from three environmental issues in India. Environmental Policy and Governance, 1–19.
  • Guin, P., Kumar, E. L., & Mukhopadhyay, I. (2023). Do climatic and socio-economic factors explain population vulnerability to malaria? Evidence from a national survey, India. Indian Journal of Public Health, 67(2), 226-234.
  • Panda, R., Guin, P., & Gaurav, K. (2020). Governance in public purchasing of tertiary-level health care: Lessons from Madhya Pradesh, India.SAGE Open10(3), 1-9.
  • Ericson, B., Dowling, R., Dey, S., Caravanos, J., Mishra, N., Fisher, S., Ramirez, M., Sharma, P., McCartor, A., Guin, P., Taylor, M. P., & Fuller, R. (2018). A meta-analysis of blood lead levels in India and the attributable burden of disease.Environment International121(1), 461-470.
  • Dhimal, M., Dahal, S., Dhimal, M. L., Mishra, S. R., Karki, K. B., Aryal, K. K., Haque, U., Kabir, M. I., Guin, P., Butt, A. M., Harapan, H., Liu, Q., Chu, C., Montag, D., Groneberg, D. A., Pandey, B. D., Kuch, U., & Müller, R. (2018). Threats of Zika virus transmission for Asia and its Hindu-Kush Himalayan region.Infectious Diseases of Poverty7(40), 1-7.
  • Gupta, I., & Guin, P. (2015). Health status and access to health services in Indian slums. Health, 7(2), 245-255.
  • Gupta, I., Guin, P., & Trivedi, M. (2013). The new patent regime and disease priorities in India. Global Public Health, 8(1), 37-54.
  • Gupta, I., & Guin, P. (2010). Communicable diseases in the South-East Asia Region of the World Health Organization: Towards a more effective response.Bulletin of the World Health Organization88(3), 199-205. doi: 10.2471/BLT.09.065540
  • Mathur, A. S., & Guin, P. K. (2006). Issues on trade in environmental goods and services. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(45), 4675-4683.

Chapters in Books

  • Gupta, I., Trivedi, M., & Guin, P. (2011). HIV/AIDS in Bellary: A human development perspective. In S. C. Gulati (Ed.), Population, health and human resources in India’s development (pp. 447-472). Academic Foundation.
  • Mathur, A. S., & Guin, P. K. (2008). Issues on trade in environmental goods and services (reprint). In M. Bhatnagar (Ed.) Environmental service markets: Global scenario. The ICFAI University Press

Peer Reviewed Reports

  • Guin, P., Gupta, N., Karmakar, K., & Thara, K. (2020). Do property rights explain adolescent girls health outcome in India? Evidence from the Teen Age Girls survey. CSEP Impact Series 092020-02, 2020. Centre for Social and Economic Progress.
  • Guin, P., & Bhatt, P. (2017). Absorption capacity of public funds in health care sector: Evidence from four Indian states. In Public expenditure review of health spending in select states in India. Report submitted to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Public Health Foundation of India.
  • Panda, R., Rastogi, A., Gaurav, K., & Guin, P. (2016). Governance, regulatory and institutional architecture for strategic purchasing: A pre-requisite for Universal Health Coverage. Public Health Foundation of India.
  • Gupta, I., Guin, P., & Trivedi, M. (2010). Impact of the new patent regime on public health in India. In B. N. Goldar et al. Effects of new patents regime on consumers and producers of drugs/medicines in India. Report submitted to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Institute of Economic Growth.
  • Gupta, I., Trivedi, M., & Guin, P. (2008). Understanding HIV & development: An analysis from Bellary district in Karnataka, India. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
  • Gupta, I., & Guin, P. (2007). Health status and access to health services: A study of four slums. In Well-being of the urban poor: Assessment and policy issues. A study of slum-clusters in Jaipur, Ludhiana, Mathura and Ujjain. Report submitted to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Government of India, New Delhi. Earlier version published as IEG Discussion Paper Series No. 122/2007, Delhi: Institute of Economic Growth.
  • Gupta, I., Trivedi, M., & Guin, P. (2007). Cost of care & support services: A study of selected community care centres. Report submitted as an input to Setting up guidelines for providing care and support services including palliative care for people living with HIV/AIDS. Population Foundation of India.
  • Gupta, I., Trivedi, M., & Guin, P. (2007). Socio-economic impact of HIV and AIDS: Mainstreaming policies of impact mitigation. Report submitted to The Essential Advocacy Project (EAP), Futures Group International India Pvt. Ltd.
  • Lal, R., Guin, P. K., Mari Bhat, P. N., & Gulati, S. C. (2004). Quality of care in delivery of health and family planning services – Jharkhand. Report No. 5, Packard Foundation Funded Project on Demographic Trends in Bihar and Jharkhand. Institute of Economic Growth.
  • Guin, P. K., Lal, R., Mari Bhat, P. N., & Gulati, S. C. (2004). Quality of care in delivery of health and family planning services – Bihar. Report No. 3, Packard Foundation Funded Project on Demographic Trends in Bihar and Jharkhand. Institute of Economic Growth.
  • Climate Change, Environmental Health, Governance, Public Policy