Admissions Open 2024

Aakanksha Shrawan

Aakanksha Shrawan

Assistant Professor

B.A. (University of Delhi);

M.A. (South Asian University);

Ph.D. (IIT Delhi)

Aakanksha Shrawan has a Ph.D. in Economics from the Department of Management Studies at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. Her thesis focuses on the dynamics of structural transformation, international trade and business cycle synchronization in advanced and developing countries, with a special focus on India. She has published three articles in peer-reviewed journals along with several other op-eds and blogs. Before joining the Jindal Global Business School as an Assistant Professor, she was working as a Research Associate at the Centre for Social and Economic Progress (formerly Brookings India), New Delhi. She was also awarded the Junior and the Senior Research Fellowship that is provided by the University Grants Commission. She holds a Master’s in development economics from South Asian University and a Bachelor’s degree from IP College for Women (University of Delhi). She has interned at the Centre for WTO Studies and Observer Research Foundation. Her areas of interest include development economics, international trade, macroeconomics, and econometrics.