PURE (Publications Repository)

PURE (Publications Repository)

PURE is the official publications repository of JGU, serving as a centralized platform for archiving and showcasing the research output of the university's faculty and researchers.

It is designed to increase the visibility and accessibility of JGU's research contributions, thereby promoting knowledge dissemination and collaboration among the global academic community.

Key Features

Comprehensive Repository: PURE houses a diverse range of research publications, including articles, conference papers, book chapters, books, book reviews, reports, and more, authored by members of JGU with affiliations to the university.

Web-Wide Visibility: By archiving papers in PURE, JGU researchers benefit from increased web-wide visibility, making their work accessible to a wider audience, including scholars, policymakers, and the general public.

Collaboration Promotion: PURE facilitates collaboration between JGU researchers and their counterparts from other academic institutions worldwide, fostering joint research initiatives and partnerships.

User-Friendly Interface: The repository offers a user-friendly interface, enabling easy navigation, search, and access to relevant research publications.

Integration with Academic Search Engines: The metadata in PURE is exposed to renowned academic search engines like BASE, enhancing the discoverability and reach of JGU's research output.