Admissions Open 2024

Going Global: Micro Credential Pathway to HE Certificate

Going Global: Micro Credential Pathway to HE Certificate

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External Grant: Going Global: Micro Credential Pathway to HE Certificate
Project TitleA flexible micro-credential pathway to Higher Education Certificate in digital literacy, sustainability, inclusion, and 21st Century skills
Project Investigator/s at JGUProf. B Ramchandran (JSBF)
Funding AgencyBritish Council
Collaborating Institution/s

Nottingham Trent University, UK

Project StatusCompleted

The focus of this project will be to develop and refine an innovative modular micro-credential course that will act as the launchpad for a new transnational higher education model. The choice of the model is based on the need for a flexible access pathway to higher education for students from disadvantaged groups of the society, with prime focus on women currently outside education. The course will come to close the supply gap for a flexible innovative academic course that will provide students with key skills and competencies for the 21st century employment market. This model can be used as an exemplar of future transnational education programmes that are designed to create specific local impact and promote widening participation at global scale. NTU and JGU are already strategic partners and have extensive experience in TNE projects. Dr. Vangelis Tsiligkiris and Prof. Ram B. Ramachandran, who are leading on this project, are experts in TNE and innovative forms of HE provision.