
B.A., LL.B. (Panjab University);

LL.M. (National Academy of Legal Studies and Research, Hyderabad);

M.A. (Soka University, Japan)


Lecturer & Assistant Director (CLC)

Email geetanjali.dhankar@jgu.edu.in
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Key Expertise Geetanjali’s research interest includes feminism, identity, intersectionality, power and leadership which was developed from her time at Soka University as well as closely observing and working with grassroot leaders. She saw how ordinary individuals who often were on the recieving end of the power binary and faced numerous barriers negotiated their way forward to find solutions or accessed incapaciated judicial systems to assert their rights.

B.A., LL.B. (Panjab University);

LL.M. (National Academy of Legal Studies and Research, Hyderabad);

M.A. (Soka University, Japan)


Geetanjali is a lawyer and has extensively worked on access to justice issues with the Ministry of Law and Justice in India and the United Nations Development Program. She addressed issues of sustainable livlihoods and natural resource management, delayed justice, inaccessibility of legal systems for vulnerable people particularly women and children and lack of legal infrastructure. Core areas of her work include policy research, designing and managing development programs.

Research Experience

She has published in international peer-reviewed journals; and her postgradute dissertation was on “The experience of Single Fathers in Parenting”. Apart from this, she has also contributed chapters to two Springer publications. She is currently working on research projects ranging from Psychological Capital and Academic Adjustment, Indigenous And Global Pedagogical Practices, and Benevolent Sexism.

Dhankhar, Geetanjali. “How Inclusive is Peacemaking.” In Gender Diversity and Inclusion: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives, edited by Elena V. Shabliy, Dmitry Kurochkin, Gloria Y. A. Ayee, & Tony Wall, 213. Lexington Books.
Email geetanjali.dhankar@jgu.edu.in
Key Expertise Geetanjali’s research interest includes feminism, identity, intersectionality, power and leadership which was developed from her time at Soka University as well as closely observing and working with grassroot leaders. She saw how ordinary individuals who often were on the recieving end of the power binary and faced numerous barriers negotiated their way forward to find solutions or accessed incapaciated judicial systems to assert their rights.
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