
BBE (University of Delhi);

M.A. Criminology (LNJN NICFS, GGSIPU);


Dr. Vipin Vijay Nair

Associate Professor, Chairperson JIBS Doctoral Committee & Deputy Director CVPS

Email vvnair@jgu.edu.in
Connect with me
ORCID ID 0000-0002-4231-218X
Key Expertise Financial criminology, positive victimology, cybercrime forensic victimology, penology, sexual minority rights, victim assistance, fraud examination, forensic psychology, restorative justice, Criminology, Victimology, criminal justice system

BBE (University of Delhi);

M.A. Criminology (LNJN NICFS, GGSIPU);



Dr. Vipin Vijay Nair is currently working as Associate Professor and Chairperson, School Doctoral Committee at Jindal Institute of Behavioural Sciences, O.P Jindal Global University. He has received Best Ph.D. Thesis Award 2022 in recognition of the doctoral work titled “Exploring Coping Mechanism of Vulnerable & Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation: A Participatory Action Research in Rehabilitation & Protective Homes in India” in the field of organized crime by International Association of the Study of Organized Crime, Global Initiatives Against Transnational Organized Crime, Switzerland. Nair has received his master's in criminology from LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Sciences, where he was awarded the University Silver medal for his academic and research vigour. He has qualified UGC-NET lectureship (Criminology) in 2016 and F-PACT Certification (Forensic Psychology) in 2019 under Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India. He is a Certified Cyber Crime Intervention Officer under National Security Database Cadet Level Program. Nair has been recognised as “Financial Crime Change Maker-2023” by Association of Certified Financial Crime Specialist, USA. Dr. Nair has been awarded International Fellowship of Restorative Justice Practitioners (IFRJP) and is an Approved Restorative Justice Practitioner. He has been bestowed with the prestigious Indian Society of Criminology (ISC) Fellow Award in 2024 in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the field of Criminology. Dr. Nair has more than 8 years of teaching, research and industry experience and his key teaching areas are Victimology, Criminology, Penology, Forensic Psychology and Criminal Justice System. Dr. Nair has more than 20 publications and have completed many academic and individual research projects and is actively pursuing research in the field of victimology and criminology, with active involvement in various research centres at Jindal Institute of Behavioural Sciences, JGU.

Fundamentals of Criminal Behaviour (JGU: Fall’24)

Advance Practicum in Forensic Psychology (JGU: Spring’24)

Insights into Cybercrime and Digital Forensics (JGU: Fall’23)

Restorative Justice & Victimological Jurisprudence (JGU: Spring’23)

Fraud Examination & Financial Forensics (JGU: Fall’21, Spring’22, Fall’23)

Law Enforcement & Crime Prevention (JGU: Spring’21)

Financial Criminology (JGU: Spring’20, Fall’20, Spring’21, Fall’22, Spring’23, Fall’23)

Penology & its Victimological Discourse (JGU: Fall’19, Fall’20, Spring’22)

Introduction to Victimology (JGU: Fall’18, Spring’19, Spring’20, Fall’21, Fall’22, Fall'24)

Principles of Criminology (JGU: Spring’19, Fall’19)

International Fellowship of Restorative Justice Practitioners (IFRJP) in recognition of your outstanding contribution to the field of Restorative Justice by the Restorative Justice 4 All, United Kingdom. 10th September 2024

Fellow- Indian Society of Criminology in recognition of your outstanding contribution to the field of Criminology by the Indian Society of Criminology. 23rd January 2024.

Best Ph.D. Thesis Award 2022 in recognition of the doctoral work in the field of organized crime by International Association of the Study of Organized Crime, Global Initiatives Against Transnational Organized Crime, Switzerland.

Award for Research Excellence in recognition of Outstanding Contribution to Research at Twelfth Anniversary of the University of O. P. Jindal Global [ Institution of Eminence Deemed to be University]. 30th September 2020

Best Research Scholar (Criminology & Victimology) at Legal Desire Summit & Awards, 2020. 31st January 2021

Co- Principal Investigator for Mid Term Research Grant of INR 6,50,000 awarded for the project “Exploring Compassion Fatigue of First Responders in Prison Complexes in India” by Research Grant Committee of O.P. Jindal Global University (July 2023 – December 2024).

Collaborative Research Project titled “Environmental Crime & Restorative Justice” with Instituto Vasco De Criminología-Kriminologiaren Euskal Institutua, Basque Institute of Criminology (UPV/EHU, University of the Basque Country) financed by the Ministry of Science of Spain. (2022-2025)

Nair, V.V. & Sahni S.P. (2023) Understanding Coping of Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation at Rehabilitation & Protective Homes in India. In Martinez G.M. Victimology and Violence: Connecting with Victims (pp. 259-271). ARANZADI. ISBN:978-84-1125-414-4

Nair V.V. (2023) ‘The status of victim protection in India: comparative analysis with international regime’, Int. J. Public Law and Policy, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp.130–147 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1504/IJPLAP.2022.10047172

Nair, V.V. (2023, January 23). Debating Sensitivity and Sanctity of the Juvenile Justice Act. News18, Retrieved from https://www.news18.com/news/opinion/opinion-debating-sensitivity-and-sanctity-of-the-juvenile-justice-act-6899659.html

Shekhar B., Sahni S.P., Priyamvadha M, & Nair V.V. (Eds.) (2022). A Global Perspective on Victims of Crime and Victim Assistance: Best Practices around the World. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN:978-93-54355-67-7. Retrieved from https://www.bloomsbury.com/in/global-perspective-on-victims-of-crime-and-victim-assistance-9789354355677

Nair V.V (2022). Crime Prevention & Victim Assistance: Two Sides of a Coin. In Shekhar B., Sahni S.P., Priyamvadha M, & Nair V.V. (Eds.) A Global Perspective on Victims of Crime and Victim Assistance: Best Practices around the World. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN:978-93-54355-67-7

Nair V.V, Sahni S.P. & Andzenge D.T. (2022). Role of Victim Assistance Scheme in Effective Rehabilitation for Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation. In Shekhar B., Sahni S.P., Priyamvadha M., & Nair V.V. (Eds.) A Global Perspective on Victims of Crime and Victim Assistance: Best Practices around the World. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN:978-93-54355-67-7

Verma S. & Nair V. V (2021) The Association between Early Marriage and Intimate Partner Violence in Egypt, Journal of Loss and Trauma 27(5) 461-473, ISSN: 1532-5024 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15325024.2021.2006970

Nair V.V, Sahni S.P. & Andzenge D.T. (2021). An Explorative Study of Coping Mechanisms towards Vulnerability & Victimization within Commercial Sexual Exploitation in India. International Journal Public Sociology & Sociotheraphy. 1(2) 51-61. ISSN: 2691-9192, DOI: https://doi.org/10.4018/IJPSS.2021070104

Nair V.V, Sahni S.P. & Andzenge D.T. (2021). Experiences of Survivors of commercial sexual exploitation availing rehabilitation at rehabilitation & protective homes in India. Journal on Rehabilitation of Torture Victims and Prevention of Torture. 31(1) 64-75. ISSN: 1997-3322, DOI: https://doi.org/10.7146/torture.v31i1.121473

Varkey, S.A., & Nair, V.V. (2021). “Understanding Moral and Social Deterrence of Crime Prevention: Revisiting Cesare Beccaria in Criminal Justice Systems of USA & India”, Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, ISSN: 2056-2985, Retrieved from https://www.rj4allpublications.com/product/understanding-moral-and-social-deterrence-of-crime-prevention-revisiting-cesare-beccaria-in-criminal-justice-system-of-usa-india/

Nair V.V. & Sahni S.P. (2021). Financial Criminological Analysis of Fugitive Economic Offenders of India. Financial Crime, Money Laundering, and Asset Recovery. Alma Publishing House. ISBN: 978-606-567-423-3

Bhadra P. & Nair V.V. (2021). Investigative Psychology through a Forensic Victimology Perspective. In Sahni S.P., Bhadra P., (Eds.) Criminal Psychology and the Criminal Justice System in India (pp. 185-201). Springer Publications, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-4570-9_12

Nair, V. V., & Varkey, S. A. (2021). From Victim to Criminality: Understanding Sex Trafficking Within the Walls of Sex Work – Victimization of Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation. In M. Pittaro (Ed.), Global Perspectives on Reforming the Criminal Justice System (pp. 288-308). IGI Global. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/from-victim-to-criminality/285734

Nair, V. V. (2020). Drones as Futuristic Crime Prevention Strategy: Situational Review during COVID-19 Lockdown. J Soc Sci, 64(1-3), 22-29. ISSN 2456-6756, DOI: https://doi.org/10.31901/24566756.2020/64.1-3.2265

Sahni S.P. & Nair V.V. (2020). The need for Financial Criminology in India over changing Global Financial Scenario. In Shekhar B, Sahni S.P(Eds.) A Global Perspective in Victimology & Criminology: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow. Bloomsbury Publication, India. ISBN: 9789389867503

Nair V.V (2019). Evolutionary Social Contract of Homosexuals in India, Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality and Culture, 5(1). 18-26, ISSN: 2581-575X, Retrieved from http://iisb.org/pdf/june2019/8.%20Evolutionary%20Social%20Contract%20of%20Homosexuals%20in%20India.pdf

Nair V.V (2019). The State of Victimization of Commercial Sex Workers in India, Journal of Legal Studies & Research, 5(1), ISSN 2455-2437, Retrieved from http://jlsr.thelawbrigade.com/index.php/2019/02/16/vol-5-issue-1-february-2019/

Nair V.V, Bhadra P, Sahni S.P (2019). Status of Refugees, Migrants and Criminal Law in India. In Bhadra P, Sahni S.P(Eds.) Crime and Criminal Law: Perspectives on Global Migration (pg. 17-36). New Delhi, India: Har-Anand Publisher. ISBN: 978-93-88409-47-6

Nair, V.V. & Fernando, S. (2018, December 16). 70 Years on: UN Declaration on Human Rights from the lens of Victimology. Modern Diplomacy, Retrieved from https://moderndiplomacy.eu

Nair, V.V. & Fernando, S. (2018, December 17). 70 Years on: UN Declaration on Human Rights from the lens of Victimology. Eurasia Review, Retrieved from https://www.eurasiareview.com
Email vvnair@jgu.edu.in
ORCID ID 0000-0002-4231-218X
Key Expertise Financial criminology, positive victimology, cybercrime forensic victimology, penology, sexual minority rights, victim assistance, fraud examination, forensic psychology, restorative justice, Criminology, Victimology, criminal justice system
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