
B.Sc. [Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Punjab]

M.Sc.; Ph.D. (Mental Health Rehabilitation) [National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences, Karnataka]

Dr. Amrita Roy

Assistant Professor

Email amrita.roy@jgu.edu.in
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Key Expertise Psychiatric rehabilitation in mental health establishments, long-term care of persons with psychiatric disabilities, community-based rehabilitation, reasonable accommodations in educational settings for persons with mental health challenges

B.Sc. [Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Punjab]

M.Sc.; Ph.D. (Mental Health Rehabilitation) [National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences, Karnataka]


Dr. Amrita Roy is an Assistant Professor at JIBS. She completed her doctoral study in mental health rehabilitation, focused on work programs for persons with mental illness and intellectual developmental disabilities. She actively worked with the rehabilitation team to implement sustainable income-generation work programs for clients attending psychiatric rehabilitation services at the National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences (NIMHANS). She was awarded the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) – Junior Research Fellowship in 2017 and Senior Research fellowship in 2019.

Research Experience

Dr. Roy’s research is centered on psychiatric rehabilitation of persons with mental health challenges. She has published several peer-reviewed journal articles and presented at national and international conferences. She won the J K Trivedi award for her doctoral research paper at the National Conference of the Indian Association of Social Psychiatry in 2021. She is currently working on appraising the implications of mental health-related legislations on psychiatric rehabilitation in collaboration with the faculty of psychiatric rehabilitation services, NIMHANS.

During her doctoral work, she was involved in clinical teachings in multi-disciplinary team settings involving professionals from the field of psychiatry, psychiatric social work, clinical psychology, psychiatric nursing, and other staff members of the rehabilitation team. At JGU, she was instrumental in designing the course curriculums for the two new ‘Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI)’ liscenced courses – ‘M.Sc. in Psychosocial Rehabilitation’ and ‘Masters in Rehabilitation Science’ started in the academic year 2023-24. She is the course director for ‘M.Sc. in Psychosocial Rehabilitation’ and teaches two core courses – Psychosocial Rehabilitation I and Research Methods I.

Roy, A., Jayarajan, D., & Sivakumar, T. (2023). Financial viability of a psychiatric rehabilitation daycare work program in India. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 45(4), 443–444. https://doi.org/10.1177/02537176221139143

Roy, A., & Sivakumar, T. (2023). Income-generation work programs in psychiatric rehabilitation. National Institute of Mental Health & Neuro Sciences. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/370837701_Income-Generation_Work_Programs_in_Psychiatric_Rehabilitation#fullTextFileContent

Roy, A., & Sivakumar, T. (2022). “Income generation programs” for patients at psychiatric rehabilitation centers. Indian Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 25(1), 60–68. https://doi.org/10.55229/ijbs2022.03010

4Roy, A., Sivakumar, T., & Jayarajan, D. (2022). Impact and facilitators of a psychiatric rehabilitation daycare work program: A qualitative study. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry, 38(1), 21-25. https://doi.org/10.4103/ijsp.ijsp_347_21

Roy, A., Jayarajan, D., & Sivakumar, T. (2022). Incentives for involvement in income generation programs: Pragmatic mechanisms used by Indian mental health rehabilitation centers. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 44(2), 192–194. https://doi.org/10.1177/025371762199718

Roy, A., Jayarajan, D., & Sivakumar, T. (2022). Income generation programs for persons with mental health challenges: Practices from 13 Indian mental health rehabilitation centers. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 44(2), 160–166. https://doi.org/10.1177/0253717620959759

Jagannathan, A., Joseph, M., Achukatla, S., Meera, J., Roy, A., Jothibalan, A., & Jayarajan, D. (2022). Recreation for psychosocial rehabilitation of clients with mental health disorders: A retrospective review. Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health, 9(3), 329–333. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40737-021-00247-3

Sivakumar, T., Roy, A., Reddy, K. S., Angothu, H., Jagannathan, A., Muliyala, K., Bhola, P., Gandhi, S., & Kumar, D. (2021). Psychiatric rehabilitation in Indian general hospital psychiatry unit settings. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry, 37(4), 352-359. https://doi.org/10.4103/ijsp.ijsp_318_21

Roy, A., Sivakumar, T., Jayarajan, D., Maithreyi, N. B., Balasubramanian, M., Kalyanasundaram, S., & Thirthalli, J. (2019). Eco-friendly holi colors: hospital-based ‘income generation activity’ for persons with mental health challenges at a quaternary mental health care facility in India. Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health, 6, 217-225. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40737-019-00138-8

Roy, A., Govindan, R., & Muralidharan, K. (2018). The impact of an add-on video assisted structured aerobic exercise module on mood and somatic symptoms among women with depressive disorders: study from a tertiary care centre in India. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 32, 118-122. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajp.2017.12.004

Roy, A., & Sivakumar, T. (2022). Long term care for chronic mental illness. In Mental health at crossroads – challenges and solutions (1st ed.). White Falcon Publishing. Roy, A., Kalita, B., & Sivakumar, T. (2022). Psychiatric rehabilitation in general hospital psychiatry unit. In Indian Psychiatric Update: Rehabilitation Psychiatry (Vol. 5, pp. 89-102). Indian Psychiatric Society – South Zonal Branch. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/370837778_Indian_Psychiatric_Update_Rehabilitation_Psychiatry-Chapter_8-Psychiatric_Rehabilitation_in_General_Hospital_Psychiatry_Unit
Email amrita.roy@jgu.edu.in
Key Expertise Psychiatric rehabilitation in mental health establishments, long-term care of persons with psychiatric disabilities, community-based rehabilitation, reasonable accommodations in educational settings for persons with mental health challenges
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