Dr. Williams C Iheme

Dr. Williams C Iheme


LL.B. (University of Benin, Nigeria);

B.L. (Nigerian Law School);

LL.M. (Central European University);

S.J.D. (Central European University)

: wciheme@jgu.edu.in

Dr. Iheme is a Professor at the Jindal Global Law School. Based on full scholarship awards, he obtained his LL.M and Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.) degrees, respectively in 2013 and 2016, from the Central European University. His book entitled ‘Towards Reforming the Legal Framework for Secured Transactions in Nigeria’ (Springer, 2016), heralded a major law reform in Nigeria’s secured transactions law in 2017. He was a Visiting Research Scholar at the Cornell Law School in 2015. Before joining the academia full time, he practiced law at top commercial law firms in Lagos, where clients consulted him for his authoritative advice on contracts, corporate insolvency, secured transactions, arbitration, etc. Dr. Iheme’s post-SJD research has expanded beyond business law into other areas such as human rights, theft of public assets by office holders, Black studies, consumer protection, and the financial inclusion of vulnerable people in society. He has published extensively on issues emanating from the above areas of law, and has more than twenty peer reviewed publications, indexed in the Web of Science and SCOPUS.


1. Towards Reforming the Legal Framework for Secured Transactions in Nigeria: Perspectives from the United States and Canada (Switzerland: Springer, 2016) pp. 1-291 [indexed in Scopus]. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-41836-0

Journal Articles & Book Chapters

2. Towards Reforming Nigeria’s Secured Transactions Law: The Central Bank of Nigeria’s Attempt through the Back Door (2017) Vol. 61 (1) Journal of African Law pp. 131-153, Cambridge University Press (Co-authored as first author) Indexed in Scopus. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021855317000043

3. Vulnerability, Financial Inclusion, and the Heightened Relevance of Education in a Credit Crisis, in: CG, Stanescu & AA Gikay (eds), Discrimination, Vulnerable Consumers and Financial Inclusion (London: Routledge, 2020), pp. 80-110. DOI: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003055075-6/vulnerability-financial-inclusion-heightened-relevance-education-credit-crisis-williams-iheme

4. Remedying the Defects in India’s Credit and Insolvency Frameworks with Adapted Solutions from the Anglo-American Legal Scholarships (2020) Vol. 11 (2) Union U.L. Sch. Rev. (Pravni Zapisi) pp. 580-619 (Indexed in Scopus & Heinonline). DOI: https://doi.org/10.5937/pravzap0-28377

5. Rethinking the Effectiveness of the Consumer Protection Policies and Measures in the Financial Marketplace (2021) Zbonik Radova (conference proceedings on ‘Protection of the Collective Interests of Consumers’), pp. 347-373 https://doi.org/10.18485/union_pf_ccr.2021.ch18

6. Coping with the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Study of the Capabilities of the Kenyan and Nigerian Insolvency Frameworks (2021) Vol. 6 (2) Journal of Corporate and Commercial Law & Practice, pp. 112-138. (coauthored as first author) DOI: https://doi.org/10.47348/JCCL/V6/i2a4

7. A Doctrinal Assessment of the Insolvency Frameworks of African Countries in Coping with the Pandemic-triggered Economic Crisis (2021)32(2) Stellenbosch Law Review, pp. 306-329. (coauthored as first author) DOI: https://doi.org/10.47348/SLR/2021/i2a7

8. A Comparative Assessment of the Legal Frameworks on Cross-border Consumer Disputes, in: John Matthew et al (eds) The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law 2019 (Springer, 2021), pp. 61-93. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2175-8_4

9. The Defects of Nigeria’s Secured Transactions in Movable Assets Act 2017 and their Potential Repercussions on Access to Credit: A Comparative Analysis and Lessons from the Anglo-American Law (2021) vol. 27 Comparative Law Review, pp. 9-46, indexed in scopus. DOI: https://doi.org/10.12775/CLR.2021.001

10. Pandemic Recovery in Africa: A Case for Strengthening Insolvency Laws for Rescuing Small and Medium Enterprises (2021) 8(2) Journal of Comparative Law in Africa pp 69-103 (coauthored as first author). DOI: https://doi.org/10.47348/JCLA/v8/i2a4

11. A Differential Analysis between the Revised UCC Article 9 and the Canadian Personal Property Security Act: Reasons Nigeria should transplant elements of the former and not the latter (2013) vol. 6 (2) Journal of African and International Law, pp. 559-590, https://www.africabib.org/rec.php?RID=389977756

12. Theft of Public Assets in Developing Countries and the Ineffective Legal Frameworks on Cross-Border Asset-Tracing and Confiscation (2021) 10(2) Journal of Governance and Regulation, pp. 309-317 (indexed in scopus). DOI: https://doi.org/10.22495/jgrv10i2siart11

13. Systemic Racism, Police Brutality of Black People, and the Use of Violence in Quelling Peaceful Protests in America (2020) Vol. 15 (2) The Age of Human Rights Journal, pp. 224-262 (Indexed in Scopus). DOI: https://doi.org/10.17561/tahrj.v15.5851

14. Blackness in America and the Presumption of Innocence: How the American Police and Mass Media Poisoned Everything (2020) Vol. 15 (2) The Journal of Human Rights, pp. 153-174 (Indexed in Scopus). DOI: 10.22096/HR.2020.130966.1232

15. Assessing the Roles of Profit and Race in the Mass Incarceration of Black People in America (2021) Vol. 16 (1) The Age of Human Rights Journal, pp. 148-185 (indexed in scopus). DOI: https://doi.org/10.17561/tahrj.v16.6274

16. Black Bodies in America as the Metaphors for Oppression, Poverty, Violence and Hate – Searching for Sustainable Solutions Beyond the Black-letter Law (2022) Vol. 53(3), pp. 290-319 Journal of Black Studies, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/00219347221074060

17. The Perilously Racist Carceral System in America and Its Perpetuation of Police Brutality Against Black People (2021) vol. 9(2) Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, pp. 231-260 (Oxford University Press). Indexed in scopus. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/cjcl/cxab013

18. Religious Intolerance, Witchcraft, Superstition, and Underdevelopment in Africa (2020) Vol 25(2) Skeptic, pp. 22-26, https://www.skeptic.com/magazine/archives/25.2/

19. Police Brutality and the Role of Profit in Black Incarceration (2020) Vol. 40(6), pp 30-34 Free Inquiry (coauthored as first author), https://secularhumanism.org/2020/10/police-brutality-and-the-role-of-profit-in-black-incarceration/

20. The Incompatibility of Judeo-Christian Religion with Contemporary Human Rights (2018) Vol 38(5) Free Inquiry pp 32-42 https://secularhumanism.org/2018/09/the-incompatibility-of-judeo-christian-religion-with-contemporary-human-rights/

  1. Comparative Insolvency Law
  2. International Trade Law
  3. Law and Justice in a Globalizing World
  4. Interpretation of Statutes and Judicial Process
  1. Full CEU Scholarships (LLM & SJD) studies
  2. CEU Research Grants (2013: UNIDROIT, Italy; 2014: UNCITRAL, Austria; 2015: Cornell University, USA)
  • Surpass IRN – Fair and Non Discriminatory Access to Financial Services, organized by the University of Copenhagen, Denmark (Sept 2019)
  • Protection of the Collective Interests of Consumers, organized by the Union University School of Law, Serbia, in partnership with The Institute of Comparative Law (Oct 2020