  • Prof. Kush Makkar, Assistant Professor JGLS & Assistant Dean (Scholarships), Convener
  • Prof. Asmita Singh, Assistant Professor JGLS & Assistant Dean (Scholarships)
  • Prof. Anupama Sharma, Assistant Professor JGLS
  • Prof. John Sebastian, Assistant Professor JGLS
  • Dr. Nivedita Haldar, Assistant Professor JGBS
  • Dr. Raghav Sharma, Assistant Professor JSIA
  • Dr. Vinod Vyasulu, Professor & Vice Dean (Academic Affairs), JSGP
  • Prof. Sucharita Sen, Assistant Professor JSLH
  • Dr. Pankaj Challa, Assistant Professor & Assistant Dean, JSJC
  • Terms of reference:
  1. Review the scholarship policy from time to time and suggest appropriate changes in the policy. The first such review must be completed by 15th May 2017.
  2. Oversee the student scholarships and ensure the timely and fair review of scholarship applications based on the recommendations of the respective School/ Admissions Office.
  3. Approve the scholarships in consonance with the JGU scholarship guidelines.
  4. Allocation of scholarship recipients amongst different research centres and administrative departments, as is required, to enable them to render 10 hours a week service in lieu of studentship.
  5. Monitor the progress of scholarship holders and approving extensions to scholarships as appropriate.