Centre For Post Graduate Legal Studies

Legal Note on the Discussions on Dispute Settlement Understanding Reforms at the WTO

The Trade Policy Division at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India sought a legal note on key information on various reforms which were proposed to the Dispute Settlement Understanding (Agreement) of the WTO in a special session of the Dispute Settlement Body. This

was meant for the Ministry to plan India’s strategy at the WTO session on the possible DSU reform scheduled to be taken up in the 10th Ministerial Conference of the WTO.

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Study on Chile Taxes on Automobiles for the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India

CITEL prepared a legal memo on the potential WTO claims against the Chilean additional tax on diesel vehicles. The note studied the key provisions of the Chilean Tax Reform Bill, 2014 which modified the system of taxation of income while introducing different adjustments in the tax system of Chile. It provided an additional tax on the import of most polluting diesel light vehicles to encourage the use of less polluting vehicles which affected Indian imports of automobiles.

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Bonded Labor: Abolition, Rehabilitation and Legal Recourse

The International Justice Mission (IJM) and the CHRS collaborated for the completion of a project initiated by IJM’s Freedom Network. The Freedom Network is an initiative to holistically fight bonded labor in India by connecting organizations across state and subject matter boundaries to create unified responses to labor trafficking. As a research partner, CHRS was assigned with the task of generating research on the following areas:

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Global Health and Human Rights Database

CHRS is a research partner with the Global Health and Human Rights Database, a free online database of law from around the world relating to health and human rights. It offers an interactive, searchable, and fully indexed website of case law, national constitutions and international instruments and is the first attempt to comprehensively make available health and human rights law from both common and civil law jurisdictions. The database is a joint initiative between the O’Neill Institute at Georgetown University and Lawyers Collective, an Indian NGO. This initiative was an attempt to expand and deepen the database. The Global Health and Human Rights Database worked with a student group from CHRS, supervised by faculty to (a) train the students in the basics of the right to health framework and (b) have the students assist in the research, summarization and processing of the cases which are then published to their website.

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Globalization, Lawyers and Emerging Economies (GLEE) Program at Harvard Law School

The Centre for International Trade and Economic Laws (CITEL) has been entrusted with the preparation of comprehensive trade policy monitoring reports (TPMR) of India’s six major trading partners by the Centre for WTO Studies at the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India since 2011. CITEL had successfully completed the TPMRs for the six countries as of March 2015 and aims to continue producing the reports on a semi-annual basis in the future.

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Right to Vote

Deeply concerned about impediments which hamper the exercise of the right to vote, the CHRS undertook a study with a view to documenting the inadequacies in the present system. The study recommends concrete measures to strengthen India’s democratic system and to make it more participatory. The study was aimed at helping establish a rule of law society and improve the quality of governance. In September 2010, a Report on “Making the Indian Electoral Process Inclusive: Challenges and Opportunities” was compiled by the Centre. It was disseminated widely among concerned government departments, the Election Commission of India, Members of Parliament, academics, NGOs.

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