The worldwide socio-economic impact of the covid-19 epidemic has been devastating. In India there are millions of covid-positive cases and, as of mid-May, a staggering 2.87 lakh reported deaths. In 2017, before the current pandemic, the World Health Organisation (WHO) labelled India the world’s “most depressing country”. It was estimated Continue Reading

JIBS conducts virtual session on ‘Stress Management and Performance Enhancement’

‘Need to raise awareness and understanding of behavioural competencies among students to alleviate stress’ Friday, May 14 With an aim to equip students about the spectrum of techniques that can be used in effective stress management, Jindal Institute of Behaviourial Sciences (JIBS) under the aegis of O.P Jindal Global University Continue Reading

Reputed organisations in India and abroad hire students of Jindal School of International Affairs (JSIA)

Every year as per the career mapping of the batch, Jindal School of International Affairs (JSIA) of O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU) increases its outreach to diverse organisations for  possible student career options to our students. The variegated fields in which JSIA has been creating professional opportunities for its students Continue Reading

O.P. Jindal Global University Partners with Coursera to Launch 3 New Online Masters’ Degree Programmes in Business, Public Policy and International Relations

O.P Jindal Global University (JGU) announced three online university masters’ degree programmes on the Coursera platform at the annual Coursera Conference on 19th April. The new programmes include Master of Business Administration in Business Analytics, Master of Arts in International Relations, Security and Strategy, and Master of Arts in Public Continue Reading

Jindal Global Business School (JGBS) Launches Specialisation in Media, Entertainment & Sports with Student Immersion Experience at UCLA

Jindal Global Business School at the O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU) launches a new, year-long course titled Specialization in Digital Business Innovation in Media, Entertainment and Sports, which enables its students to spend a full summer doing an intensive cultural immersion experience at the iconic University of California Los Angeles Continue Reading