Explain the Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies

The environment is the natural and human-made surroundings that affect and sustain life on Earth. The environment is composed of various physical, chemical, and biological components that interact with each other and with human activities. The environment is also influenced by social, economic, political, and cultural factors that shape human values, attitudes, behaviors, and institutions. The environment is a complex and dynamic system that faces various challenges and opportunities in the present and future scenario. 

In this blog, we will discuss what is multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies, the meaning of multidisciplinary, how environmental studies is a multidisciplinary study, the components of environmental studies, the environmental studies career scope, and the importance of multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies. 

What are Environmental Studies? 

Environmental studies can be defined as the study of the interactions between humans and the natural environment, and the implications and aspirations of these interactions for the present and future generations. Environmental studies is a multidisciplinary field that integrates knowledge from the natural sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences. Environmental studies covers various aspects of physical, biological, social, and economic processes that affect the environment and human well-being. 

How is Environmental Studies a Multidisciplinary Study? 

Environmental studies is a multidisciplinary study, as it uses the knowledge and methods of different disciplines or fields of study to understand and address the environment and its issues. Environmental studies is a multidisciplinary study, as it: 

  • Combines the knowledge and methods of the natural sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences, to understand the physical, biological, social, and economic aspects and dimensions of the environment and its issues. 
  • Incorporates the views and experiences of different disciplines or fields of study, such as environmental science, ethics, policy, law, education, communication, justice, history, sociology, psychology, economics, geography, anthropology, art, and more, to offer a diversity and richness of perspectives and insights on the environment and its issues. 
  • Generates new and novel ideas and solutions, by combining and synthesizing the knowledge and methods of different disciplines or fields of study, to enhance the creativity and innovation in addressing the environment and its issues. 
  • Facilitates the communication and exchange of information and resources, among different disciplines or fields of study, to foster the collaboration and cooperation in addressing the environment and its issues. 

Environmental studies is a multidisciplinary study, as it provides a comprehensive and holistic understanding of the environment and its issues, and contributes to the environmental and sustainability protection and improvement. 

Components of Environmental Studies 

The components of environmental studies are the biotic and abiotic factors that constitute the environment. Biotic factors are the living organisms, such as plants, animals, and microorganisms, that interact with each other and the environment. Abiotic factors are the non-living elements, such as air, water, soil, minerals, sunlight, temperature, and climate, that influence the biotic factors. 

The biotic and abiotic factors form the structure and function of the ecosystem, which is the basic unit of environmental studies. The components of environmental studies are also the topics and themes that cover the various aspects and dimensions of the environment and its issues. 

Some of the major topics and themes of environmental studies are: 

  • Environmental science: the study of the natural environment and its components, processes, and interactions. 
  • Environmental ethics: the study of the moral principles and values that guide the human-environment relationship and the environmental actions and policies. 
  • Environmental policy: the study of the rules, regulations, and plans that govern the environmental management and protection at different levels and sectors. 
  • Environmental law: the study of the legal frameworks and instruments that regulate the environmental rights and responsibilities of different actors and stakeholders. 
  • Environmental education: the study of the methods and strategies that promote the environmental awareness, knowledge, skills, and attitudes of different groups and individuals. 

These components show that environmental studies is a comprehensive and diverse field that encompasses various aspects and dimensions of the environment and its issues. 

Scope of Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies 

Environmental studies offers a wide range of career opportunities and prospects for the graduates, depending on their interests, skills, and qualifications. There are a wide range of courses and degrees available in the field such as BA Environmental Studies and BSc Environmental Studies, that can help you build a strong foundation in the social, economic, and political aspects of environmental issues and sustainability. Some of the common types of roles and jobs in environmental studies are: 

  • Environmental scientist: An environmental scientist is a professional who applies scientific methods and principles to investigate and solve environmental problems, such as climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss, and natural resource management. 
  • Environmental engineer: An environmental engineer is a professional who designs and develops new and sustainable technologies and practices that can enhance the efficiency and productivity of environmental resources and services, and reduce the environmental footprint of human activities and systems. 
  • Environmental educator: An environmental educator is a professional who educates and trains people about the environment and sustainability, and the environmental and sustainability issues and challenges. 
  • Environmental communicator: An environmental communicator is a professional who communicates and exchanges the environmental and sustainability information, messages, and narratives among different audiences and platforms. 

Importance of Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies 

The multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies is one of the key features and strengths of this field. It means that environmental studies uses the knowledge and methods of different disciplines or fields of study to understand and address the environment and its issues. The multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies is important for various reasons, such as:

  • It provides a comprehensive and holistic understanding of a complex and dynamic problem or question, by considering its various aspects and dimensions. 
  • It offers a diversity and richness of perspectives and insights, by incorporating the views and experiences of different disciplines or fields of study. 
  • It enhances the creativity and innovation, by generating new and novel ideas and solutions, by combining and synthesizing the knowledge and methods of different disciplines or fields of study. 
  • It fosters the collaboration and cooperation, by facilitating the communication and exchange of information and resources, among different disciplines or fields of study. 

The multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies also reflects the reality and complexity of the environment and its issues, which cannot be understood or solved by a single discipline or field of study. The environment and its issues are influenced and affected by various factors, such as physical, biological, social, economic, political, and cultural, which require a multidisciplinary approach to address them. 


In conclusion, environmental studies is a multidisciplinary field that combines the knowledge and methods of various disciplines to understand and address the complex and dynamic issues surrounding the environment.

If you wish to pursue a rewarding career in environmental and sustainability, you can begin your journey by selecting an appropriate programme in the field. Some exemplary programmes for BA Environmental Studies and BSc Environmental Studies are offered by the Jindal School of Environment & Sustainability (JSES) at O.P. Jindal Global University.

The institute offers B.Sc.( Hons ) Environment And Sustainable Development and  B.A. (Hons.) Environment and Sustainable Development, both aimed at helping students gain knowledge of key areas in sustainable development and environment. Moreover, the interdisciplinary nature of the programmes rightly equips the students with the skills needed to national and global issues in environmental protection and sustainable development.

The multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies provides a comprehensive and holistic understanding of the environment and its issues, offers a diversity of perspectives and insights, enhances creativity and innovation, and fosters collaboration and cooperation.Environmental studies offers a wide range of career opportunities and prospects for graduates, and the multidisciplinary nature of the field is crucial in addressing the complex and dynamic environmental challenges facing the world today.

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