Prof. (Dr.) Cosmin Corendea

Prof. (Dr.) Cosmin Corendea

Professor, Jindal Global Law School (JGLS)

S.J.D. (Golden Gate University USA);

LL.M. (St. Thomas University USA)

Prof. Corendea currently teaches Climate Law and Policy, Refugee and Migration Law and International Comparative Law, as founder faculty for the LL.M. Programme in Environmental Law, Energy and Climate Change, with the WWF and founder Vice Dean for Jindal School of Environment and Sustainability.

Having spent over 20 years in the field of international law, and receiver of multiple awards and grants, as a research expert and policy maker, Prof. Corendea proved his practical and multicultural experience accumulated in the field, by delivering successful regional and domestic policies on human security, including but not limited to human mobility, climate change and human rights, for countries around the world.

Prof. Corendea is credited for initiating and developing the ‘international hybrid law’, an international legal concept which synergizes human rights, environmental and refugee/migration law in international climate law, revealed in his seminal book on this subject: Legal Protection of the Sinking Islands Refugees.