Mary Sabina Peters

Mary Sabina Peters

Associate Professor

BA. L (University of Kerala);

LL. B (University of Kerala);

LL.M Oil and Gas Law (University of Aberdeen)

Mary Sabina Peters is an Associate Professor at Jindal Law School; before joining OP Jindal Global University, she was a faculty at XIM University, Odisha, India. she completed her BA.LLB from the University of Kerala earned her LLM in Oil and Gas law from the University of Aberdeen. She is one of the university’s first female Indians to be awarded a commendation in oil and gas law. Presently she is pursuing her Doctoral Studies on ‘International law and its efficacy to govern competing claims in the ‘changing geosphere ‘of the Arctic region.’ She has been awarded fellowships such as CB Davidson fellow and Global Policy Fellow (UNOSSC-UN South-South Cooperation)., WILING (American Society International Law-Mentor), UNEP-ISNAD (Africa-Mentor) Fellow, Mentor working group African Network of Young Leaders for Peace and Sustainable Development (ANYL4PSD) Leading the Climate Justice and New Deal for Nature and People Coalitions and Lead Like A Girl Fellowship, Shenomics. In the past, she has worked as a Research fellow on the Scottish marine bill for the Scottish parliament, effectively promoting the need for Environmental Impact Assessment in decision-making processes. Her research work has been acknowledged globally in energy laws and environmental laws. In the 2020 UN Law of the Sea Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea Office of Legal Affairs, the United Nations acknowledged her work as global reference material. Further, the United Nations Economic Commission of Europe has also considered her work on the water convention. Her work has been published in the Encyclopaedia of Public International Law in Asia (EPILA) and by the Encyclopaedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals Springer. In the past, she has also worked/interned with Law secretaries of state, leading Judges and lawyers of the Supreme Court of India.
  1. ‘Analysis of Innocent Passage in the Territorial Sea under The Law of the Sea Regime 1982’ (2012) EuropeanEnergy and Environmental Law Review, Issue 6, pp. 306–315
  2.  ‘Strategic Environmental Assessment – Experience, Status and Directions’ (2012) 21 European Energy and Environmental Law Review, Issue 2, pp. 92–98
  3. An Insight into Production Sharing Agreements—How They Prevent States from Achieving Maximum Control Over Their Hydrocarbon Resources, The Journal of Energy and Development, volume37, joint issue of numbers 1 and 2, published in November/December 2012.
  4. Why International Oil Companies Choose to Enter into Joint Operating Agreement’, ACTA JURIDICA HUNGARICA 53, No 2, 2012 pp. 175–180. Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
  6. Unique UK‘s licensing policy favours the state than the industry: contradicting conventional wisdom to be published in the spring edition of ACTA JURIDICA HUNGARICA 54, No 2, June 2013pp 200-204
  7. Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law ―Approaches to Ensuring Maximum Economic Recovery in the UK Continental Shelf: A Good Model for Other Jurisdictions, published Volume 8, Number 2, 2012-2013
  8. Hermeneutics of the Term ―Consequential Loss‖, [2013] I.E.L.R., Issue 6 © 2013 Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK Limited and Contributors.
  9. The impact of EU ET scheme on flaring of gas in the United Kingdom Continental Shelf‖, (2013) 22 European Energy and Environmental Law Review, Issue 4, pp.161-165.
  10. A Review of Enforcement Action in Scotland under Part II of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981‖, 23European Energy and Environmental Law Review,(2014) Issue 1, pp.21-28
  11. International Law Does Not Provide an Answer as To Where International Maritime Boundaries Shall be Drawn –it provides Answers‖, 23 European Energy and Environmental Law Review (2014), Issue 2, pp72-74.
  12. Minimize Risk of Carbon Sequestration through Environmental Impact Assessment & Strategic Environmental Assessment, 2014(IELR),
  13. Improving India‘s installed Wind Capacity through Accelerated Depreciation Mechanism‖ European Energy and Environmental Law Review (2014),
  1. Introspect ―Special and Differential Treatment‖ given to Developing Countries under the WTO Dispute Settlement System, 2014 Int. A.L.R., Issue 6 © 2014 Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK Limited and Contributors.
  2. Minimize Risk of Carbon Sequestration through Environmental Impact Assessment & Strategic Environmental Assessment, 24 European Energy and Environmental Law Review February(2015)Issue 6,pp12-16
  3. Why Would the Oil and Gas Industry Opt for Agreed Dispute Resolution Processes Instead of Using the Procedures of National Courts?, Oil Asia Journal August(2015),pp58-61
  4. The Exploitation of the Continental Shelf in Disputed Areas on the Example of the Arctic Ocean, 3(1) BRICS Law Journal 42–65 (2016).
  5. A Snitch at the Production Sharing Agreement of Russia, Oil Asia Journal August(June-2016),pp58-61.
  6. Is There a Convincing Case for a Specialist Environmental Court in the UK? ‖ Environmental Policy and Law 46(5): 347-351
  7. Mary Sabina Peters,‗‘Indian Gas in Price Buns‘‘, Oil Asia Journal Sep(2017),pp44-46
  8. 2017 Understanding the term Consequential Loss in Oil and Gas contracts perspective, European Energy Journal, Volume 6, Issue 4, on pages 59 to 64 Publisher: Claeys & Casteels is a publishing house specialising in European Law, EU.
  9. Energy Charter Treaty is an instrument for promoting cooperation Oil Asia Journal (Feb-2018), pp44-46
  10. 2018 Critical Commentary on the Energy Charter Treaty, European Energy Journal, Volume 7, Issue 4 on pages 47-54Publisher: Claeys & Casteels is a publishing house specialising in European Law, EU
  11. Competition in India ‘s Energy Sector Purview of Indian Electricity Act 2003, Oil Asia Journal October 2018 pg. 46-51,
  12. Reflecting upon inadequacies of the Indian Environmental regime governing Exploration and Production, Oil Asia Journal pg. 50-53, Jan 2019
  13. Water regime of India and how its economic value is understood, Sambodhi Journal ISSN: 2249-6661(UGCCare Journal) Vol-43, No.-2, April-June (2020)
  14. Energy Charter Treaty and India, Energy Review -The Climate and Energy observers, Vol2, issue 8 pg6-8
  15. Mary S Peters, ‘Production Sharing Agreements: Learning Lessons from Russia and Nigeria’ (2021) 01:03 Journal of Environmental Law & Policy 27-57.29.2022 Contextualizing Groundwater crisis in the light of Disaster Risk Management in India, Administrative and Environmental Law Review is a journal published by Faculty of Law, Universitas Lampung, under a Creative Commons, Vol 3 Issue 1, January-June 2022: pp.37-48
  1. Dam-Related Displacement and Sustainable Development Goal 6, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 W. Leal Filho et al. (eds.), Clean Water and Sanitation, Encyclopaedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals,
  2. Book Chapters contributed to Brill Encyclopaedia of Public International Law in Asia Online, Dec 2021
    a) Coastal Zone Regulation in India.
    b) Marine Pollution and India initiative.
    c) India’s Hydrocarbon Deregulation Regulatory Regime.
    d) Maritime Piracy and India
    e) Role of UNHRC and framework for Refugee protection in India
  3. Disaster Law in Asia: A Retrospect, edited by Prof. (Dr) S. Sivakumar, to be published by Thomson Reuters (forthcoming), expected date of release July 2023