
LL.M. in Dispute Resolution

Centre For Post Graduate Legal Studies

Why pursue an LL.M. in Dispute Resolution (Blended Learning Programme)?

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms such as arbitration and negotiation can be traced back to 3000 years. However, the last few decades have witnessed a boom in the demand for more efficient, cost-effective, and decisive resolution of disputes. The legal community of the modern world has developed a variety of methods to meet the commercial needs of the 21st century. Consequently, the widespread use of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms can be observed in both domestic and international businesses. Legal professionals across industries are expected to possess a nuanced understanding of not just traditional private law, but also understanding of subjects such as commercial mediation, domestic and international arbitration, investor-state dispute resolution, and enforcement of settlements and arbitral awards through domestic courts.

This programme provides students with a holistic understanding of both domestic and international dispute settlement processes. It equips legal practitioners with not just a theoretical understanding of the law, structure, and policy of alternative dispute settlement, but also the best practices essential for lawyers who are looking to expand their skill set in the field of Dispute Resolution, including ADR.

What makes our LL.M. in Dispute Resolution (Blended Learning Programme) special?
  • Novel and topical curriculum developed by the outstanding faculty members of the JGLS.
  • Comprehensive and industry-friendly approach to the management and resolution of dispute resolution processes to achieve decisive, cost-effective, and prompt results for clients.
  • Focus on the theory, law, and practice of prevalent dispute resolution mechanisms.
  • Research opportunities through our core and specialised courses.
  • Skill-based learning approach equips students to apply principles in the context of arbitration and mediation processes.
What will you Study?

LL.M. in Dispute Resolution (Blended Learning Programme) is a 24 credits programme including three core courses (3 credits each), six specialised courses (2 credits each) and a dissertation (3 credits).

Programme Structure

1. Core/Compulsory Courses: 

  • Legal Research Methodology
  • Law and Justice in a Globalising World
  • Comparative Public Law

2. Specialised Courses: 

  • Principles and Practice of Arbitration in India
  • International Commercial Arbitration
  • Investment Arbitration
  • Negotiation and Mediation
  • Recognition, Enforcement and Execution of Arbitral Awards
  • Ethical Issues in Alternative Dispute Resolution

3. Dissertation 




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