Admissions Open 2024

OEFL, its centres hold orientation programmes


OEFL, its centres hold orientation programmes

The Centre for Foreign Languages (OEFL) held its orientation programme for incoming students on August 20. The session began with a welcome address by Professor (Dr) Jagdish Batra, Executive Dean, OEFL. CFL faculty, viz., Dr. Shruti Jain, Dr. Sergio Meira, Dr. Shilpa Gupta, Prof. Mohd. Jilani, Dr. Navreeti Sharma, Dr. Neha Tygai, Prof. Deepika Teckchandani, Dr.Tatjana Kochetkova and Prof. Payal Kumari, made presentations on their courses in French, Spanish, German, Russian, and Persian. The highlights included short-term study abroad immersion programmes in Spanish, specialised courses, preparation sessions for international examinations, and the upcoming activities and events.

The Centre for Writing Studies (CWS) of OEFL held an orientation programme on August 20. Professors (Drs.) Madhura Lohokare and Shivani Kapoor discussed the pedagogy, courses, and events planned by CWS for Fall 2024. The orientation was opened the writing consultations for the semester.

The English Language Centre (ELC), OEFL, held its orientation programme on August 21. The ELC faculty, viz., Dr. Suman Rani, Prof. Shraddha Tripathi, Dr. Sasi Sekhar Mallampalli, Prof. Sadia Khan and Dr. Fatemeh Rajabi, made presentations on their courses in English Language Enhancement, Written Analysis of Communication, and Verbal Analysis & Communication. The programme also discussed upcoming activities and events.

CWS, OEFL organise lectures

The Centre for Writing Studies (CWS) organised on August 23,a lecture by renowned historian and author Swapna Liddle on ‘Shahjahanabad: Mughal imperial ideology as reflected in town planning and architecture’. Dr Liddle was closely involved in the movement to preserve historic sites and monuments and is associated with the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH). In the talk, Dr. Liddle showed how the Mughal Empire exhibited its ideology in very tangible ways by using texts as well as a range of visual materials, including archival maps, paintings, and photographs. The talk, organised by Prof. Nupur Samuel of CWS, was followed by a discussion.

In the first lecture organised under the OEFL Faculty Research Seminar series, Prof. Pia Bakshi, Adjunct Faculty member, spoke on the topic ‘Narrativizing Death: Frames of Post-colonial Mourning’.  Prof. Bakshi referred to the period of colonisation and the way the British rulers made use of Indian soldiers in the two World Wars. Her talk featured pictures of cemeteries, extracts from articles and titles of books relevant to the issue. The talk was followed by a discussion.