More Than Just a Degree—Preparing for the World of Work

Many of today’s jobs are new and exciting possibilities. Tomorrow’s could be uncharted opportunities. As the boundaries between disciplines merge and expand, the very framework of the working world is changing. There is much more to be proven now.  Merit today comes not merely from certification, but from more dynamic Continue Reading

Outcomes of Intimate, Personalised Learning Experience

Many graduates would recall their college days as times of great learning. For those caught between hundreds of peers and a distant instructor in lecture halls big and daunting, learning has often happened outside the classroom. At JGU, the learning experience is diametrically different.  The classroom becomes a tight-knit community Continue Reading

Why Study Law?

New Delhi, Delhi, India:  Knowledge of law provides the foundation to understand society; Prof C Raj Kumar Seminar discusses emerging opportunities and interesting career options in the field of Law As the democratic institutions of India evolve, the country will gradually transition towards becoming a rule of law society; Vice Chancellor, Continue Reading