9 Indian students selected for Interdisciplinary Program at Bar Ilan University, Israel

Nine students of O.P. Jindal Global University have been chosen for a programme at the prestigious Bar Llan University, Israel. The course on International Interdisciplinary Program in Conflict Resolution, Management and Negotiation is a fully paid month long programme beginning from 6 July to 3 August 2017.

Each student has been granted full tuition fee USD2,270, plus free accommodation by Bar-Ilan University for four weeks.

The selected students are: Subrahmanyan TD, Sunidhi Gupta, Karthikeya Dwivedi, Raghunandan, Anashwara, Poonam Jindal, Aditya Mukherjee, Eesha Bakshi and Riya Gupta.

Congratulating the students on achieving this feat, JGU Vice Chancellor, Professor (Dr) C Raj Kumar said, “The university’s aspiration to become a world class university is founded on our commitment to promoting high-quality interdisciplinary approach in a vibrant and plural environment, facilitated by a supportive governance and management structure, enabling policies and facilities and state-of -the -art-infrastructure. These international exchanges not only will broaden the horizon of the participants but will also arm them with greater degree of intellectual prowess towards global institution building.

The four-week interdisciplinary summer program will be taught in English. It offers four graduate level courses which focus on identity-based conflict with a particular emphasis on conflicts between Israelis and Palestinians and how to creatively address them. Courses can also be taken individually.

Dr. Khinvraj Jangid, Assistant Professor & Faculty Coordinator Jindal Centre for Israel Studies (JCIS) congratulating the students said, “In the minds of aspiring Indian youth, Israel does not come up as one of the options for academic purposes. Rather Israel is perceived as case of mighty state with strong military capabilities. Also, many parents carry mistaken view that it is insecure to go because there is perpetual fight out there. JCIS is pioneering knowledge creation about Israeli society and academia. Jindal students who went to Bar-Ilan University earlier returned with more nuanced view of Israeli state and society. I am sure, the nine who are going will come back with more complex questions than stereotypes or easy answers.”

Students from all disciplines in the social sciences and the humanities (including conflict resolution practitioners) will gain theoretical insights and practical understanding that have a wide range of applications at home, work and in the world. Courses are taught in experiential and hands-on way by internationally recognized scholars and practitioners and include full day study tours, guest lectures, films, simulations and extracurricular activities. Classroom studies take place at the main Bar-Ilan University campus in Ramat-Gan, 15 minutes from Tel Aviv.

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