What is BA Sociology? Syllabus, Subjects, Scope & More!

BA in Sociology


Sociology systematically studies society, human social interactions, and the structures that shape them. It delves into the intricate workings of social institutions like family, education, religion, and politics, exploring how they influence individuals and groups. 

Sociologists examine patterns of social inequality, including those related to race, class, gender, and ethnicity, seeking to understand their origins and consequences. They also analyze social change and the dynamics of social movements, exploring how societies evolve over time. Through the lens of sociology, scholars investigate the complexities of socialization, identity formation, and the construction of meaning in interpersonal relationships. 

Moreover, sociology examines deviant behaviours and mechanisms of social control, shedding light on how societies maintain order and respond to challenges. In essence, sociology provides valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of human society and the forces that shape it. 

What is BA Sociology Degree?

A Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Sociology serves as a foundational undergraduate degree program that delves deep into the intricate dynamics of society, human behaviour, and the underlying structures that shape our collective existence. Rooted in the exploration of social phenomena, cultural intricacies, and the myriad issues permeating societies, this program offers students a panoramic view of the multifaceted tapestry of human interaction.

At its core, BA Sociology provides a holistic understanding of the webs of social relationships, norms, and institutions that underpin societal functioning. Students are equipped with the analytical tools necessary to decipher and navigate the complexities of human behaviour and societal dynamics. Whether unravelling the intricacies of social stratification, dissecting the mechanisms of power and inequality, or probing the nuances of cultural diversity, BA Sociology fosters a critical lens through which students can interpret and interrogate the world around them.

Students develop a nuanced appreciation for the myriad forces shaping human society by immersing themselves in the rich tapestry of sociological inquiry. They explore topics ranging from everyday life’s micro-level interactions to global institutions’ macro-level structures. BA Sociology offers a comprehensive exploration of the forces driving social evolution, from the study of socialization and identity formation to examining social movements and social change.

Why Study BA Sociology?

Studying a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Sociology offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it provides a deep understanding of social dynamics, equipping students with analytical skills to critically examine complex societal issues. This knowledge is invaluable for various career paths, including social work, public policy, human resources, and market research. Sociology fosters empathy and cultural awareness, essential traits for navigating diverse workplaces and communities. 

Additionally, it cultivates research and communication skills, enabling graduates to conduct and present findings effectively. Moreover, studying sociology encourages civic engagement and advocacy for social justice, empowering individuals to contribute positively to their communities. Overall, a BA in Sociology offers a versatile foundation for personal and professional growth, fostering a deeper understanding of society and enhancing one’s ability to effect meaningful change.

In India, a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology typically includes a range of subjects designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of sociological theory, research methods, and specialized areas within sociology. While specific subject offerings may vary between universities, here is a common list of subjects that students might encounter:

1. Sociological Theory

2. Social Research Methods

3. Indian Society: Structure and Change

4. Sociology of Gender

5. Sociology of Development

6. Rural and Urban Sociology

7. Sociology of Religion

8. Sociology of Education

9. Sociology of Health and Illness

10. Environmental Sociology

11. Political Sociology

12. Industrial Sociology

13. Criminology and Penology

14. Social Psychology

15. Sociology of Globalization

These subjects are designed to provide students with a broad understanding of sociological concepts and theories while allowing them to explore specialized areas of interest within the discipline. Additionally, students may be able to engage in fieldwork, internships, or research projects as part of their honours program.

Semester Wise BA Sociology Syllabus and Course Structure

Let’s take a look at BA sociology syllabus and the most common course structure:

Semester 1

The first semester introduces students to the foundational concepts of sociology. The course “Introduction to Sociology” covers the discipline’s basic concepts, scope, and significance, providing a broad overview of sociology. Alongside this, “Sociological Theories I” delves into classical sociological theories, exploring the seminal works of thinkers like Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim. This semester also includes “Sociology of India I,” which examines the structure and changes within Indian society. 

Semester 2

In the second semester, students continue their exploration of sociological theories with “Sociological Theories II,” which covers modern and contemporary perspectives. “Sociology of India II” builds on the previous semester’s course, addressing contemporary issues and dynamics within Indian society. The “Sociology of Family and Kinship” course investigates family structures, marriage, and kinship systems, highlighting their sociological significance. 

Semester 3

The third semester marks the beginning of methodological training with “Sociological Research Methods I,” an introduction to qualitative and quantitative research methods. “Social Stratification” explores the theories and types of social stratification, including class, caste, and gender. The “Sociology of Gender” course examines gender roles, gender relations, and feminist theories, providing a comprehensive understanding of gender dynamics. Students also select their first elective course, which may include topics such as Urban Sociology or Rural Sociology, allowing them to start specializing in areas of interest.

Semester 4

Building on the previous semester, “Sociological Research Methods II” in the fourth semester covers advanced research techniques, including fieldwork and data analysis. The “Sociology of Religion” course offers sociological perspectives on religion, secularization, and religious movements. “Sociology of Change and Development” addresses theories of social change, development policies, and the impact of globalization. Another elective course allows further specialization, with options such as Sociology of Health or Sociology of Education.

Semester 5

The fifth semester includes “Urban Sociology,” which examines urbanization, urban life, and associated social issues. “Sociology of Work and Industry” focuses on work, labour markets, and industrial relations. “Political Sociology” explores the dynamics of power, authority, the state, and political movements. An additional elective course provides further opportunities for specialization, with options like Criminology or Environmental Sociology.

Semester 6

Students undertake a significant independent research project in the final semester, culminating in a dissertation. This project allows them to apply their knowledge and research skills to a sociological topic of their choice. “Contemporary Sociological Theories” introduces postmodernism, critical theory, and other contemporary approaches. “Sociology of Health and Medicine” examines health systems, medical sociology, and public health issues. The final elective course allows students to round out their studies with topics such as Sociology of Media or Population Studies.

BA Sociology Teaching Methodology at JGU

The BA in Sociology program at O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU) is meticulously designed to provide students with a well-rounded education incorporating various critical aspects such as methodology, theory, holism, and policy. This comprehensive approach ensures students have the necessary tools to analyze and explore the world’s complexities.

Teaching Methodology

Students are introduced to both qualitative and quantitative research methods. This includes training in data collection, statistical analysis, ethnographic studies, and case studies, enabling students to conduct thorough and rigorous research. Emphasis is placed on practical application, with students often engaging in fieldwork and real-world research projects to hone their methodological skills.


The program covers various sociological theories, from classical to contemporary. Students engage with the works of foundational theorists like Marx, Weber, and Durkheim and modern perspectives that include critical theory, postmodernism, and intersectionality. This theoretical foundation is crucial for understanding and interpreting social phenomena.

Interdisciplinary Approach

The program’s interdisciplinary approach allows students to explore sociology’s intersections with other disciplines, such as economics, political science, psychology, environmental studies, and the arts. This broadens their analytical framework and enhances their ability to understand and address multifaceted social problems. Courses often integrate perspectives from these disciplines, providing a richer and more nuanced understanding of societal dynamics.

BA Sociology Important Books

Certainly! Here are the important books for a BA in Sociology program in India:

Foundational Texts

1. “Sociology: Themes and Perspectives” by Michael Haralambos and Martin Holborn

2. “Indian Society: Structure and Change” by K.L. Sharma

3. “Sociological Theory” by George Ritzer

4. “Social Change in Modern India” by M.N. Srinivas

5. “Caste in Modern India and Other Essays” by M.N. Srinivas

Contemporary Texts

1. “India’s Changing Villages: Human Factors in Community Development” by S.C. Dube

2. “Handbook of Indian Sociology” edited by Veena Das

3. “The Idea of India” by Sunil Khilnani

4. “Gender and Caste” edited by Anupama Rao

5. “Modernization of Indian Tradition” by Yogendra Singh

Research Methods

1. “Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques” by C.R. Kothari

2. “Methods in Social Research” by William J. Goode and Paul K. Hatt

3. “Qualitative Research Methods” by Pranee Liamputtong

About JGU BA Sociology Course

The B.A. (Hons.) in Sociology program at Jindal School of Liberal Arts and Humanities (JSLH) aims to prepare students to analyze and address contemporary societal challenges by studying institutions like family, education, politics, and religion. 

The program equips students with the tools to understand and transform social arrangements for more just outcomes. Graduates have diverse career options in NGOs, education, civil service, research, human resources, journalism, the corporate sector, and global organizations like UN agencies. They can also pursue careers in fields such as environment, media, public health, and law and are well-suited for fellowships and advanced studies in related disciplines.


What is BA Hons Sociology?

BA Hons Sociology is an undergraduate degree program that offers an in-depth study of sociological theories, methods, and concepts. It typically involves rigorous coursework, research projects, and fieldwork, focusing on understanding social structures, relationships, and dynamics.

What is the scope of BA Sociology in 2024?

In 2024, the scope of BA Sociology remains broad, offering opportunities in various fields such as social work, research, public policy, human resources, and community development. With the increasing focus on social issues and diversity, sociology graduates are in demand for their analytical skills and understanding of societal dynamics.

What are the subjects in BA Sociology?

Subjects in BA Sociology often include sociological theory, research methods, social psychology, anthropology, criminology, gender studies, globalization, and social policy. These subjects cover a wide range of topics, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of society and its complexities.

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