Admissions Open 2024

Jindal Researcher-in-Residence Fellowship (JRRF)

Jindal Researcher-in-Residence Fellowship

Facilitating collaborative research between faculty and staff of the university and their research partners from other academic institutions across the globe.

The fellowship aims to provide a golden opportunity for career advancement through collaborative research and enhance the research capacity at various research centers of JGU.


The Jindal Researcher-in-Residence Fellowship (JRRF) intends to facilitate collaborative research between researchers of O.P. Jindal Global University and their research partners working in other academic institutions across the globe. The JRRF has two major objectives:

  • To foster collaborative research work between JGU researchers and academicians across the globe
  • To develop research capacity at various research centers of JGU

The proposed fellowship is open to researchers at all stages of their careers, particularly those who are:

  • have been awarded their doctoral degrees in the last four years and wish to pursue research work
    in collaboration with a JGU researcher at one or more of the university’s research centers.
  • already pursuing research work in collaboration with one or more JGU researchers.

The fellowship provides two types of researcher-in-residence opportunities:


On-semester Researcher-in-Residence
  • Spring Semester (Feb 1-May 31)
  • Fall Semester (Aug 1-Nov 15)
  • Teach a 4 credit course (60 contact hours)
  • Collaborate on your research work.
  • Statement of Collaboration by the host JGU researcher (1000 words)
  • Extended abstract of the researchwork
  • CV of the candidate
  • Course Outline of the proposed 4 credit elective course (60 contact hours)
  • Cover letter.

What do we offer?

  • Access to world-class campus infrastructure for research.
  • Experience in teaching an elective course.
  • On-campus residence and food arrangements, and pick-up & drop from Delhi airport

The Statement of Collaboration by the host JGU researcher should elaborate on the following:

  • Statement of intended collaborative research endeavor and its stage.
  • Research plan and a brief consideration of potential outcomes and impacts of the proposed research collaboration and output.
  • A description of how this collaboration is going to contribute towards research at JGU

To apply, please send an e-mail expressing your interest, along with the aforementioned documents, to the Office of Dean of Research –

Application Deadline:
Last date for application for Fall Semester fellowship: March 31
Last date for application for the Spring Semester fellowship: September 30.

Off Semester Researcher-in-Residence
  • Spring Semester (June 15 – August 31)
  • Collaborate on your research work
  • Statement of Collaboration by the host JGU researcher (1000 words)
  • Extended abstract of the research work
  • CV of the candidate
  • Cover letter.
  • Fall Semester (Dec 1- Jan 31)

What do we offer?

  • Access to world-class campus infrastructure for research.
  • Experience in teaching an elective course.
  • On-campus residence and food arrangements, and pick-up & drop from Delhi airport

The Statement of Collaboration by the host JGU researcher should elaborate on the following:

  • Statement of intended collaborative research endeavor and its stage.
  • Research plan and a brief consideration of potential outcomes and impacts of the proposed research collaboration and output.
  • A description of how this collaboration is going to contribute towards research at JGU

To apply, please send an e-mail expressing your interest, along with the aforementioned documents, to the Office of Dean of Research –

Application Deadline:
Last date for application for Fall Semester fellowship: August 30
Last date for application for Spring Semester fellowship: February 28

To apply for the Jindal Researcher-in-Residence Fellowship, interested researchers should send an email expressing their interest, along with the required documents, to the Office of Dean of Research :

Main Objectives

Career Advancement: The fellowship offers researchers the opportunity to advance their careers through collaborative research, thereby enhancing their academic reputation and credentials.

Research Capacity Building: By collaborating with faculty and staff at JGU, the fellowship aims to develop research capacity at the university's various research centers.

Eligibility and Who Can Avail:

The JRRF programme is open to researchers at any career stage and is particularly ideal for individuals who fall into the following categories:

  1. Researchers Two to Four Years Beyond Their PhD: Researchers who are two to four years past their PhD and wish to pursue collaborative research at one of JGU's research centers with a faculty or staff member.

  2. Researchers Already Collaborating with JGU Faculty/Staff: Researchers who are already engaged in research collaboration with a faculty or staff member at JGU.

Benefits of JRRF: The Jindal Researcher-in-Residence Fellowship offers a range of benefits to participants:

  1. Access to World-Class JGU Infrastructure: Fellows gain access to state-of-the-art research facilities and resources available at JGU to enhance their research endeavors.

  2. Experience in Teaching an Elective Course: As part of the fellowship, researchers have the opportunity to teach an elective course of their choice, providing valuable teaching experience.

  3. On-Campus Residence and Food Arrangements: Fellows are provided with on-campus residence and food arrangements during the fellowship period for a seamless research experience.

Types of Researcher-in-Residence Opportunities: Under the JRRF program, there are two types of researcher-in-residence opportunities:

  1. On-Semester: Researchers can apply for the on-semester researcher-in-residence opportunity to collaborate on research work with JGU faculty/staff during the regular academic semesters.

  2. Off-Semester: The off-semester researcher-in-residence opportunity allows researchers to collaborate during the academic break periods, providing more flexibility in research engagement.