B.Sc. LLB. (Hons) (Gujarat National Law University);
LLM (DAAD Scholar) (University of Hamburg)
Assistant Professor
ssjaswant@jgu.edu.in | |
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Key Expertise | Decentralised systems, data sovereignty, privacy concerns arising out of digital platforms. |
B.Sc. LLB. (Hons) (Gujarat National Law University);
LLM (DAAD Scholar) (University of Hamburg)
Shilpa is currently an Assistant Professor at Jindal Global Law school.
She completed B.Sc. LLB. (Hons) from Gujarat National Law University in 2017. During her undergraduate study, she was awarded the Best student researcher for her paper titled ‘Transfer Pricing & Intangible Assets: Focusing on Oil & Gas Sector’. She was awarded the DAAD-Basu Scholarship in 2017-18, financed by the DAAD and the European Union, to pursue LLM in European law at the Europa Kolleg- University of Hamburg. Her LLM thesis titled ‘Establishment of Investment Court System under CETA and EUVFTA and its compatibility with EU law’ was published as a Study paper and awarded as the best research.
Prior to teaching at JGLS, she worked as a competition lawyer in Germany and India. Her teaching and research focus at the intersection of law, trade and technology. She writes on decentralised systems and difference issues related digital privacy from the perspective of Indian legal framework. Her work involves issues regarding constitutional principles, governance systems, and dispute resolution systems in the field of trade law and competition law concerning the jurisdiction of the European Union.
She is a Research fellow for the CyberBRICS project and Visiting Professor at Centre for Technology & Society, FGV Law School, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She is a Research fellow at Centre for Research & Analysis in Finance, Technology & Law, Jindal School of Banking & Finance.
Her work has appeared in International review of law, computers & technology, Kluwer Competition law blog, Kluwer Arbitration law blog, Oxford International organisation.
International trade law, Critical perspective of EU law and politics, Human Rights law and theory, A practitioner’s approach to competition law in India
DAAD – BASU Scholarship in 2017
Confidentiality under Indian Competition Act and its applicability, Kluwer Competition Law Blog, April 1, 2019, http://competitionlawblog.kluwercompetitionlaw.com/2019/04/23/confidentiality-under-indian-competition-law-and-its-applicability/
Establishment of Investment Court System under CETA and EUVFTA and its compatibility with EU law, University of Hamburg-Europa Kolleg, Study Paper, https://europa-kolleg-hamburg.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Study-Paper-Shilpa-Singh-Jaswant.pdf. (Awarded as Best LLM thesis)
Analysing features of Investment Court System under CETA and EUVIPA, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 08.02.2019, available at http://arbitrationblog.kluwerarbitration.com/2019/02/08/analyzing-features-of-investment-court-system-under-ceta-and-euvipa-discussing-improvement-in-the-system-and-clarity-to-clauses/
New and Improved Investment Protection Regime: Truth or Myth!, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 04.02.2019, at http://arbitrationblog.kluwerarbitration.com/2019/02/03/new-and-improved-investment-protection-regime-truth-or-myth/
Children at War: The Dilemma of Child Soldiers (2016): proceedings of the Conference titled International Humanitarian Law and Refugee Law: Challenges and A Way Forward, International Committee of the Red Cross.
Ethical & Legal Implications of Human Genome Project, Chapter in SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND LAW: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2016, 132, ISBN 978-81-910389-7-2.
Children at War: The Dilemma of Child Soldiers, 2016, International Committee of the Red Cross in association with Nirma University.
ssjaswant@jgu.edu.in | |
Key Expertise | Decentralised systems, data sovereignty, privacy concerns arising out of digital platforms. |