Centre For Post Graduate Legal Studies

My book dedicated to PG entrance dermatology preparation

Kashif Saeed shares his opinions on work-life balance, where big data is heading, and what JSOM students can do to stay ahead of the game.Kashif Saeed shares his opinions on work-life balance, where big data is heading, and what JSOM students can do to stay ahead of the game.Kashif Saeed shares his opinions on work-life balance, where big data is heading, and what JSOM students can do to stay ahead of the game.

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We’ll Be Fine – By Niall Histic

This is the fifth 9 AM lecture I’ve missed in a row. Should you be worried? Is this another one of those depression induced lay-ins? Or is it just another late night of listening to indie rock and playing Cards Against Humanity? You saw me last night, I seemed to be alright, my smiles were genuine, my laughter not forced. So you go for class, deciding to worry only if there’s a more concrete sign of me hitting a downward spiral.

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JSOM students can do to stay ahead of the game

Kashif Saeed shares his opinions on work-life balance, where big data is heading, and what JSOM students can do to stay ahead of the game.Kashif Saeed shares his opinions on work-life balance, where big data is heading, and what JSOM students can do to stay ahead of the game.Kashif Saeed shares his opinions on work-life balance, where big data is heading, and what JSOM students can do to stay ahead of the game.Kashif Saeed shares his opinions on work-life balance, where big data is heading, and what JSOM students can do to stay ahead of the game.

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