Centre For Post Graduate Legal Studies

Popovski, Vesselin; 2013 “Complexity and effectiveness of transitional justice in Latin America and Eastern Europe”

Title: Complexity and effectiveness of transitional justice in Latin America and Eastern Europe Authors: Popovski, Vesselin Issue Date: 31-Dec-2013 Citation: Popovski, Vesselin. (2013). Complexity and effectiveness of transitional justice in Latin America and Eastern Europe.In Popovski, Vesselin and Serrano, Monica (eds). After oppression transitional justice in Latin America and Eastern Europe: 484-495. Abstract: The violations…

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Popovski, Vesselin; Turner, Nicholas; 2013 “Blood across borders: the role of the kin-state in minority protection”

Title: Blood across borders: the role of the kin-state in minority protection Authors: Popovski, Vesselin Turner, Nicholas Issue Date: 31-Dec-2013 Citation: Popovski, Vesselin and Turner, Nicholas. (2013). Blood across borders: the role of the kin-state in minority protection. In Popovski, Vesselin and Turnet, Nicholas (ed.). Role of the kin-state in minority protection:231-239. URI: http://www.un-ilibrary.org/migration/blood-and-borders_72295baa-en http://hdl.handle.net/10739/930…

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Murthy, YSR; 2013 “Role of national human rights institutions in abolishing capital punishment: a critical evaluation”

Title: Role of national human rights institutions in abolishing capital punishment: a critical evaluation Authors: Murthy, YSR Keywords: Capital punishment National law Death penalty National human rights institutions Human rights law Issue Date: 31-Dec-2013 Publisher: Oxford University Press, New York Citation: Murthy, YSR. (2013). Role of national human rights institutions in abolishing capital punishment: a…

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