Admissions Open 2024

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on US Foreign Policy and US- India Ties

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on US Foreign Policy and US- India Ties

Relations between the United States and India have grown in leaps and bounds in recent years, becoming what one U.S. President called a ‘defining partnership for the 21st century.’ India does more trade, more military exercises, and sends more students to universities in the United States than any other country in the world. Yet, the study of the United States remains comparatively underdeveloped in Indian universities and think tanks.

The increased strategic convergence between India and the United States is apparent at the level of political elites and government-to-government interactions, but a parallel informed appreciation of the two countries at the level of societies and among the youth of each country remains underdeveloped. While, American media, music, news, and more is becoming a mainstay in modern India, this rapid exposure is not accompanied by an understanding of the long and complex socio-political and cultural history from which these elements have emerged to at least some degree. This course provides a lens into this multifaceted complexity in a succinct and expansive manner informed as it is by the expertise of both American and Indian scholars.

In line with this, O.P. Jindal Global University has taken efforts to bring greater attention to the study of the United States in its curriculum, especially by encouraging students to pursue study abroad programs with 48 partner universities in the United States. There are 18 full-time American faculty members, including those holding senior leadership positions at our University. There are 168 (20% of total faculty) full-time faculty members who have received advanced degrees from the USA. JGU is in active engagement with the US Embassy, New Delhi, to set up a wide-ranging Institute for American Studies (IAS) that will advance the bilateral ties at the social level, especially among young people and the Indian diaspora in the US.

This MOOC will enable us to increase focus and attention on the US in the academic domain that could serve as a foundation for American Studies programs or an academic association in India. JGU also has extensive engagements with universities in India, and through this MOOC, will provide an additional opportunity to promote greater interaction among scholars of political science and international relations in North India.

Duration: 15 weeks (including a mid-semester break)

Start Date: March 29, 2022

End Date: July 10, 2022

This course on American Studies and US-India relations seeks to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of American history, polity, society, culture and foreign policy, with special emphasis on US-India bilateral relations. This interdisciplinary course will involve coverage of topics from the related disciplines of history, sociology, political science, law, international relations, environment, immigration, economics, gender, race and ethnicity and popular culture. The course will consistently focus on US-India bilateral relations, exploring aspects of the relationship beyond government-to-government interactions, including the role of state and cities, universities and think tanks, businesses and diaspora links.

Eligibility: Students in the age group of 20-24 pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree from the following states & Union Territory in North India – Chandigarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, and Uttar Pradesh.


The Making of the United States of America

This topic will explore the American War of Independence, 1776; the Civil War of 1861-65; the making of the US Constitution and also the Constitutional Law of the United States.

Instructor: Professor Michael C. Davis



Government and Politics of America

This topic will explore key tenets of American democracy- rights and liberties, federalism, political parties, media, interest and pressure groups; the three pillars of American democracy- legislature (US Congress), executive (the President), Judiciary; American Bureaucracy; powers and functioning of the federal, state and local governments.

Instructor: Dr. Rajdeep Pakanati



Race and Ethnicity in America

This topic will explore the history of multi-ethnic American society; abolition of Slavery; Civil Rights movement, contributions of Martin Luther King Jr; the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and identity-based social and political formations.

Instructor: Professor Courtenay Erin Morris



Gender in America

This topic will explore the history of women in America from the pre-colonial period, the turn of the twentieth century and the 21st century. It will also examine the significant cultural, economic, and political developments that shaped the lives of American women.

Instructor: Dr. Gitanjali Surendran



The Development of American Foreign Policy

This topic will explore America’s participation in world affairs since its inception in 1776 to the end of the World War 1. It will focus on the Monroe Doctrine, Roosevelt’s Corollary, Wilsonian Idealism and the League of Nations and America’s isolationism.

Instructor: Dr. Kenneth Holland



Institutions and Processes of US Foreign Policy

This topic will look at the finer details of foreign policymaking in the US involving the President, National Security Council, State Dept and affiliates, US Congress, Public opinion, think tanks, academia etc.

Instructor: Professor Harnit Kang



The US during WW2 and the Cold War

The topic will explore the rise of the United States as a global power; its role in WW2 and the advent of Nuclear age; impact of its foreign policy and global outlook; US shaping the liberal international order with creation of UN and its agencies; Cold War with Soviet Union, Cuban Missile Crisis; containment strategies for the USSR such as NATO, the Marshall Plan, the Truman Doctrine; US interventions in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan (1979); and detente with the USSR. It will also look at the US & the Cold War in Asia and its continuing relevance in contemporary politics.

Instructor: Dr. Sreeram Chaulia



Mid-semester break.



The US and the Unipolar World

This topic will explore the ascendancy of US as the sole superpower with the end of Cold War and disintegration of USSR; Operation Desert Storm: Iraq (1991); the terrorist threat to America; 9/11 and the subsequent War on Terror; US Humanitarian interventions; Nuclear non-proliferation, Arms control, and Disarmament.

Instructor: Dr. Pankaj Jha



America’s Trade, Economics and Globalization

This topic will look at how the US drives economic globalization and the role it plays in international economic institutions like the IMF, World Bank and the WTO. It will also

look at how the global financial crisis of 2008 impacted the world. It will also cover the contemporary US-China trade war, which is redefining global economic relations. It will also look at the sanction(s) regimes which have been impactful economic levers in the US foreign policy kit.

Instructor: Dr. Mohan Kumar



India-US Strategic Relations

This topic will cover the evolving bilateral defense/ strategic engagements in the twenty first century leading to the global strategic partnership and participation in the quadrilateral security dialogue or ‘Quad’. Students will also learn about the future of India and the US jointly shaping the Indo-Pacific region considering the China challenge, and the importance of shared democratic values driving the India-US ‘comprehensive global strategic partnership.’

Instructor: Dr. Shishir Upadhyaya



The Indian Diaspora in the India-US Relationship

This topic will focus on the role of the Indian diaspora in the United States, which has acted as source of influence in the US by becoming an economically and socially well-established part of American society. The back-and-forth linkages between Indian Americans and their two homelands, one ancestral and the other domiciled, and their contributions to both countries will be explored in detail.

Instructor: Professor Ronita Choudhuri-Wade



Educational and Cultural Dimensions of the US-India relationship

The US-India relationship is significantly affected through deeply intertwined ties promoted through education and cultural exchanges. This module will cover the Indian students’ experience in US universities, and also the relatively small but growing phenomenon of American students looking to come to India for study abroad, semester exchange and even full-time degree programs.

Instructor: Dr. Kathleen Modrowski



The US-India Business Relationship

The US-India business relationship is a critical component driving the overall ties. Bilateral trade accounts for 3% of the US’ world trade. The US is India’s largest

goods export market, and the third-largest goods import supplier. This relationship has potential to increase with increasing defense sales and interest of American investors in participating in the ‘Make in India’ initiative. This module will look at notable landmarks in commercial relations, the role of governments as well as individual entrepreneurs of both countries in promoting business links, and the remarkable rise of Indian IT and BPO firms as key partners for enabling the efficiency and profitability of American corporations.

Instructor: Professor Ram B. Ramchandran



American Culture

The US is sometimes described as a melting pot where different cultures have together contributed to what is considered as American culture. On the other hand, this distinct American culture has left an indelible mark on the world through radio, television, cinema and in the 21st century through the internet. This module will cover both popularly known aspects such as Hollywood and Disneyland, as well as lesser-known elements of w

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, students are expected to:

  1. Be introduced to the United States of America and gain the ability to think about American polity, culture, and society in interdisciplinary and historically informed ways.
  2. Get a comprehensive understanding of American foreign policy and its impact on the world order.
  3. Understand the nuances of US-India relations, the development of the relations over the years and familiarize with the multiple stakeholders in the relationship- businesses, think tanks, academia, diaspora, popular culture etc.
  4. Ability to express their interpretive and analytical arguments clearly through submissions of short written essays for bolstering US-India relations.

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Areas of Expertise

  • Law, International Affairs, Human Rights 


  • Professor of Law and International Affairs at O. P. Jindal Global University.
  • Held a number of distinguished visiting appointments, including J. Landis Martin Visiting Professor at North-western University, the Robert and Marion Short Visiting Professor at Notre Dame University, and the Frederick K. Cox Human Rights Professorship at Case Western Reserve University
  • Senior Research Scholar at the Weather head East Asia Institute at Columbia University. Global Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center in Washington, DC.


Areas of Expertise

  • Comparative Politics, International Political Economy, Foreign Policy


  • Founding Dean, Jindal School of International Affairs
  • Radhakrishnan British Chevening Scholar at the University of Oxford, UK
  • Holds a Master of Science (MSc.) degree in History of International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Holds a Doctorate (Ph.D.) and a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Political Science and International Relations from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University


Areas of Expertise

  • International Relations, Comparative Politics, International Law and Global Governance.


  • Holds a Masters and Doctorate degree from the University of Delaware, US. Previously also an instructor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Delaware.
  • Also holds Master’s degree in Politics and International Relations and an M.Phil. degree in International Law from Jawaharlal Nehru University (India)
  • Research particularly engaged with issues of transparency and accountability, and how they contribute to good governance.


Areas of Expertise

  • Asia-Pacific studies, Transnational organizations, Human Rights 


  • Holds an M.Sc. in Asian Studies from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and an M.B.A. degree from Hult International Business School, California, US
  • Also worked for think tanks, refugee focused NGOs, governmental agencies and a start-up.


Areas of Expertise

  • Security Studies, International Relations


  • Holds a Doctorate degree from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India 
  • Served as Director (Research) with Indian Council of World Affairs and Deputy Director, National Security Council Secretariat
  • Was visiting fellow with Centre for International Security Studies, Sydney University, and Institute for South Asian Studies, Singapore.
  • Director of Centre for Security Studies (CSS) and Honorary Director of CeSCube, a research-oriented think tank

Areas of Expertise

  • Diplomatic practice, Foreign Policy, India’ Strategic Affairs, Trade Negotiations, Globalization. 


  • Hold a Doctorate (Ph.D.) from Sciences Po University, Paris. 
  • Served as Joint Secretary overseeing India’s bilateral ties with Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Maldives at the Ministry of External Affairs. Also served as Indian Ambassador to France and the Kingdom of Bahrain
  • Ambassador (Dr.) Mohan Kumar was India’s lead negotiator first at the GATT and then at WTO 
  • Currently serves as the Chairman of Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) since June 2018


Areas of Expertise

  • International relations, Public international Law


  • Holds a Ph.D. in International Relations and Security Studies from the University of Wollongong in Australia
  • Commander Dr. Shishir Upadhyaya (Retd.) is a former Indian Naval intelligence officerspecialising in Indo-Pacific security and defence diplomacy
  • Held senior managerial positions at leading aerospace, defence and maritime consulting companies such as IHS Markit and Lloyds in Singapore.
  • Was also a research fellow at the National Maritime Foundation at New Delhi, adjunct faculty the Defence Services Staff College and Associate Professor at the Gujarat Maritime University


Areas of Expertise

  • Anthropological Studies, Film-making, Human rights advocacy, Education


  • Worked as a consultant at the United Nations Economic, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), at its Paris headquarters
  • Member of the research laboratory Geste et Image (Gestures and Images) at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
  • Built up the global studies and experiential learning programs of the Global College of Long Island University (LIU), New York for the last 25 years 
  • Worked to promote human rights education with the Peoples’ Movement for Human Rights Learning (PDHRE), as a member of the Board of Directors and Director of the Education Program Committee. In that capacity, helped build Human Rights Cities in Kenya, Mali, and India.


Areas of Expertise

  • Judicial Systems, Democratic Regimes, Establishing the rule of Law in developing countries


  • Holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Chicago,
  • Held academic positions at Luther College, the University of Wisconsin—Madison, the University of Vermont, the University of Memphis, Kansas State University, and Ball State University.
  • Served as the Senior Civilian Rule of Law Advisor to the NATO Rule of Law Field Support Mission in Afghanistan.
  • Past President of the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States.


Areas of Expertise

  • Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Process Automation, and IoT


  • Professor of Practice & Vice Dean (Strategy & Planning), Jindal School of Banking and Finance 
  • An accomplished hands-on senior executive with over thirty-five year’s track record of building and leading global information management practices, high-growth businesses, and high-performing teams across financial services and retail industries. He has helped several Fortune 100 financial services firms with their enterprise transformation programs. 
  • Was the Managing Director at Ernst & Young, New York responsible for driving Data & Analytics, Robotics Process Automation, and Telematics solutions for his clients.


 Areas of Expertise

  • Modern South Asian cultural and intellectual history, Environmental and Gender history.


Graduated from Lady Shri Ram College for Women in 2000 with a first class in BA (Hons) History
Holds an MA in modern Indian history from Jawaharlal Nehru University in 2002
Recipient of Commonwealth Scholarship to read Modern History at Oxford University in 2003.
Received a Phd from Harvard University in 2013

She has received awards for her teaching and grants from various sources including the Weatherhead Centre for International Affairs, the South Asia Initiative and the Clive fellowship to complete her research. She was a Junior Research Fellow at the Nalanda-Sriwajaya Centre in Singapore in 2010.


Areas of Expertise

  • Legal Practice, International Human Rights Law


  • Juris Doctor degree from the University of Michigan Law School 
  • Bachelor of Arts in Russian language and literature, Cornell University 
  • Courtenay Morris is a professional attorney who has practiced law across a wide range of fields, from international human rights law and overseas contracting to representing underprivileged, minority clients in criminal cases in the United States.
  • She ran a multi-million dollar criminal justice reform program for the U.S. Department of State in Nairobi, Kenya.

Prior to that, she taught police officers, lawyers and judges as a law enforcement and trial advocacy expert for the U.S. Department of Justice, also in Kenya.


Areas of Expertise

  • Diplomatic practice, Foreign Policy, India’ Strategic Affairs, Trade Negotiations, Globalization.  


  • Hold a Doctorate (Ph.D.) from Sciences Po University, Paris. 
  • Served as Joint Secretary overseeing India’s bilateral ties with Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Maldives at the Ministry of External Affairs. Also served as Indian Ambassador to France and the Kingdom of Bahrain
  • Ambassador (Dr.) Mohan Kumar was India’s lead negotiator first at the GATT and then at WTO 
  • Currently serves as the Chairman of Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) since June 2018

Prof. Swati Chawla

Areas of Expertise

Modern South Asian history and digital humanities


Holds B.A., M.A., and M.Phil. degrees in English from the University of Delhi

Ph.D Candidate from the University of Virginia

Trained as a digital humanist and a developer of a digital platform for collaborative textual interpretation