
M.A (Jawaharlal Nehru University);

M.Phil. (Jawaharlal Nehru University);

D.Phil. [PhD] (University of Oxford)

Prof. Dr. Sumeet Mhaskar


Email smhaskar@jgu.edu.in
Connect with me
Key Expertise Deindustrialisation, Joblessness, Return Migration, Occupational Choices, Labour Market Discrimination, Informal Economy, Social and Political Movements, Mumbai City, Indian Politics

M.A (Jawaharlal Nehru University);

M.Phil. (Jawaharlal Nehru University);

D.Phil. [PhD] (University of Oxford)


Dr. Sumeet Mhaskar is a Professor of Sociology at the Jindal School of Government and Public Policy, O. P. Jindal Global University. He earned his doctorate in Sociology from the University of Oxford and holds MA and MPhil degrees in Political Science from Jawaharlal Nehru University. His illustrious career includes post-doctoral and resident fellowships at renowned institutions such as Stanford University, Göttingen University, Kassel University, and Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity. He has been recipient of the prestigious post-doctoral fellowship awarded by the Alexander von Humboldt Fondation in Germany. 

Professor Mhaskar's research comprehensively explores the multifaceted vulnerabilities workers face at the lower end of India’s burgeoning economy. He is finalising his book manuscript on Mumbai’s mill workers and their responses to joblessness resulting from large-scale industrial closures. His scholarly contributions have been featured in peer-reviewed journals, edited books, magazines, policy reports, and working papers. Additionally, he shares his insights through opinion pieces in esteemed publications such as The Times of India, Hindustan Times, Indian Express, The Hindu, The Wire, Scroll.In, ThePrint, Sakal Times, and The Outlook. 

Coolies and Capitalism 

The Social and Political Dimensions of Labour Laws 

Survey Research Design and Analysis 

Qualitative Research Methods 

Politics of Development 

Class and Caste

State, Politics and Policy Making

Mhaskar, Sumeet. (2024). Varchaswasathi Nirwanichi Ladhai: Maratha Aarakshan [in Marathi]. (Translated by Nitin Salunke). Sanay Prakashan: Pune, pp: 1-64

José J. Pizarro, Mhaskar, Sumeet and 33 authors (2024). Sociopolitical consequences of COVID-19 in the Americas, Europe, and Asia: A multilevel, multicountry investigation of risk perceptions and support for antidemocratic practices. Political Psychology, 45(2), 407-433. https://doi.org/10.1111/pops.12930

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2024). N. Sukumar. Caste Discrimination and Exclusion in Indian Universities: A Critical Reflection (Routledge Press, 2022) Social Change, 54(1), pp. 135- 138.

Mhaskar, S. (2024). Back to Balasaheb, The Times of India, 17th April.

Mhaskar, S. (2024). Shramikanchi Mumbai Haravali (in Marathi) Sakal, 20 January.

Tschurenev, Jana and Mhaskar, Sumeet (2023). “Wake up for education”: colonialism, social transformation, and the beginnings of the anti-caste movement in India. Paedagogica Historica International Journal of the History of Education, Volume 59 (4) 1-19. DOI: 10.1080/00309230.2021.1920986

Mhaskar, Sumeet. (2023). Indian Muslims and the Ghettoised Economy: The Role of Negative Emotions on Occupational Choices in the Urban Labour Markets. In Tanweer Fazal, Divya Vaid, Surinder S. Jodhka edited Marginalities and Mobilities among India’s Muslims: Elusive Citizenship. Abingdon and New Delhi: Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 199–219

Mhaskar, S. (2023). Decoding the Maratha Claim for Reservations. Hindustan Times, 13 December.

Mhaskar, S. (2023). Marathyanchya Asantoshache Karan Kai? (in Marathi) Sakal, 2 December.

Mhaskar, S. (2023). Why are the Marathas Molibising Now? The Hindu, 29 November.

Mhaskar, S. (2023). How BR Ambedkar has become a global icon in the fight against injustice. Scroll.in, 14 April 2023

Mhaskar, S (2023) Bharat Jodo Yatra in Srinagar: The walk ends, a journey begins. Indian Express, 30th January 2023.

Mhaskar, Sumeet and Rahul Sapkal (2022) Backward or Forward? Examining the Contemporary Status of Marathas. Economic and Political Weekly (Special Article) 57(16): 51-59.

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2022) How a Strike 40 Years Ago Dismantled Workers’ Claim Over Mumbai, Hastened its Gentrification. 18th January 2022. https://thewire.in/labour/great-textile-strike-mumbai-mill-workers

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2022). (with Jesus Chairez and Prabodhan Pol) Ambedkar, Labour Leader Published July 13, 2022. The Nagrik Podcast. https://open.spotify.com/episode/1b23LZYlz509MEAtMdT9X3

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2021). Crisis of Dominance: Understanding the Rural-Urban Roots of Maratha Caste Mobilisation for Reservation. Urbanisation (Indian Institute for Human Settlement) 6(1): 64-81

Tschurenev, Jana and Mhaskar, Sumeet (2021). “Wake up for education”: colonialism, social transformation, and the beginnings of the anti-caste movement in India. Paedagogica Historica International Journal of the History of Education, 1-19.

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2021). Sai Balakrishnan. Shareholder Cities: The Land Transformation Along Urban Corridors in India (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020) Pacific Affairs Volume 94 – No. 4.

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2021). Sheetal Chhabria Making the Modern Slum. The Power of Capital in Colonial Bombay (University of Washington Press, 2019) H-Soz-Kult¸History Department, Humboldt University of Berlin. https://www.hsozkult.de/review/id/reb-49941?title=s-chhabria-making-the-modern-slum

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2021) Ajantha Subramanian. The Caste of Merit: Engineering Education in India (Harvard University Press, 2019). South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 1-2

Sumeet Mhaskar and Prabodhan Pol, Satyendra More (2021). The Memoirs of a Dalit Communist: The Many Worlds of R.B. More, South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal [Online], Book Reviews, Online since 25 March 2021, connection on 01 June 2021. URL:https://journals.openedition.org/samaj/7111

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2021). Dalit Rights Matter: The Fight for Equality and the Long Road Ahead. Published February 26. Declarations: The Human Rights Podcast, Centre of Governance & Human Rights (CGHR), University of Cambridge. https://open.spotify.com/episode/3sc4SqtG0eSJJTBGTo0ZKl

José J. Pizarro, Mhaskar, Sumeet and 31 authors (2020) Tell me what you are like and I will tell you what you believe in: Social representations of COVID-19 in the Americas, Europe and Asia. Papers on Social Representations (London School of Economics and Political Sciences), Volume X, Issue X, pages X.1-X.38. ISSN 1021-5573

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2020) Ambedkar’s fight wasn’t just against caste. Scholars have overlooked his labour activism, The Print, 14 April 2020. https://theprint.in/opinion/ambedkars-fight-wasnt-just-against-caste-scholars-have-overlooked-his-labour-activism/401133/

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2020) Will the ‘new outsider’ revive nativist politics in Mumbai? The Federal, 16 February 2020. https://thefederal.com/opinion/will-the-new-outsider-revive-nativist-politics-in-mumbai/

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2020). University Politics in India. डॉ। सुमीत म्हस्कर के साथ विश्वविद्यालय की राजनीति. In conversation with Vandit Jain of Lights Camera Azadi. Season 1: Episode 27. Published 27 September 2020. (In Hindi)https://lightscameraazadi.in/podcast/27-university-politics-with-dr-sumeet-mhaskar/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEOEimXkDsM

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2020). Caste Dismissed: Dalit Schooling in Colonial India. In conversation with Esha Krishnaswamy of Historic.ly. Published 26 July 2020. https://historicly.substack.com/p/caste-dismissed-dalit-schooling-in

Mhaskar, Sumeet. (2019). Preface In H. Van Wersch, The 1982-83 Bombay Textile Strike and the Unmaking of a Labourers City. New Delhi: Speaking Tiger, pp. xv – xxxvi.

Mhaskar, Sumeet. (2019). The State of Stigmatised Employment in India: Historical Injustices of Labouring. In D. Dutta (Ed.), Mind The Gap: The State of Employment in India, Oxfam India Inequality Report 2019. New Delhi: Oxfam India, pp. 180 – 199.

Mhaskar Sumeet and Prabodhan Pol (2019) Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (India 1891-1956). In Barbara Potthast, Katharina Schembs (eds.) Student Protests in the Global South: Annotated sources (1918-2018). Cologne: Global South Studies Center (GSSC), University of Cologne.

Mhaskar Sumeet and Prabodhan Pol (2019) Anti-Reservation Student Protests, University of Delhi (India 1990). In Barbara Potthast, Katharina Schembs (eds.) Student Protests in the Global South: Annotated sources (1918-2018). Cologne: Global South Studies Center (GSSC), University of Cologne.

Mhaskar Sumeet and Prabodhan Pol (2019) Rohith Vemula Suicide Note (India 2016). In Barbara Potthast, Katharina Schembs (eds.) Student Protests in the Global South: Annotated sources (1918-2018). Cologne: Global South Studies Center (GSSC), University of Cologne.

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2019) In Maharashtra, it is time to talk about marginalised workers, Hindustan Times, 9 October. https://www.hindustantimes.com/analysis/in-maharashtra-it-is-time-to-to-talk-about-marginalised-workers/story-1pbytw7yOXh5x8QnouLw5L.html

Mhaskar, Sumeet. (2018). “Ghettoisation of Economic Choices in a Global City: A Case Study of Mumbai.” Economic and Political Weekly (Special Article) 53(29): 29-37.

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2018) Kamala Mills & Bawana Fires: When Socio-Economic Status Of Victims Dictates Scale Of Outrage And Action, Outlook Magazine, Web Edition, 21 January


Mhaskar, Sumeet (2018) Violence Against Dalits in Maharashtra Is Not New, but Dalit Reaction to It Is Changing, The Wire, 15 January. https://thewire.in/213893/violence-dalits-maharashtra-not-new-dalit-reaction-changing/

Mhaskar, Sumeet, and Jana Tschurenev. (2017). “Bildung Und Politische Mobilisierung Im Kolonialen Indien. Die Anti-Kasten-Bewegung in Maharashtra, 1848-1882.” Zeitschrift Für Pädagogik 63: 561-81.

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2017) Aseem Prakash. Dalit Capital: State Market and Civil Society in Urban India. Journal of South Asian Development, Volume: 12 issue: 2, page(s): 206-209

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2016) The Roots of the Maratha Unrest Lie in Mumbai’s Changing Political Economy. The Wire, 5 December. http://thewire.in/84198/maratha-unrest-linkages-mumbai-political-economy/

Mhaskar, Sumeet, Gajendran Ayyathurai, Dickens Leonard and Chittibabu Padavala (2016) Göttingen Stands Up For Annihilation Of Caste. Routesblog https://routesblog.com/2016/08/14/gottingen-stands-up-for-annihilation-of-caste/

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2016) The Slow Genocide of Dalit Minds. The Wire, 21 January 2016. http://thewire.in/2016/01/21/the-slow-genocide-of-dalit-minds-19810/#print

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2015) Dalit Rajakaran ani Samakalin Pravahatun Avaidh Honyachi Bhiti. Anivikshan Traimasik: 6(2), October-December, pp.92-94 (in Marathi).

Mhaskar, Sumeet. (2014). Claiming Entitlements in ‘Neo-Liberal’ India: Mumbai’s Ex-millworkers’ Political Mobilisation on the Rehabilitation Question. QEH Working Paper Series, QEHWPS200: Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford, pp.1-24.

Mhaskar, Sumeet. (2014). Locating Caste in a Globalising Indian City: A Study of Dalit Ex-millworkers’ Occupational Choices in Post-Industrial Mumbai. In Mobility or Marginalization? Dalits in Neo-Liberal India ed. Clarinda Still. New Delhi and Abingdon: Routledge, pp.107-132.

Mhaskar, Sumeet (2014) No Right Turn, Outlook Magazine, Web Edition, 16 October 2014. http://www.outlookindia.com/article/no-right-turn/292290

Mhaskar, Sumeet. (2013). Indian Muslims in a Global City: Socio-Political Effects on Economic Preferences in Contemporary Mumbai. MMG Working Paper 13-04: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen, ISSN 2192-2357, pp.1-31

Mhaskar, Sumeet. (2013). Encountering ‘Inclusion’ and Exclusion in Post-industrial Mumbai: A study of Muslim Ex-millworkers’ Occupational Choices. In Navigating Exclusion, Inclusion Engineering: Entangled Social Processes in India, ed. Uwe Skoda, Kenneth Bo Nielsen and Marianne Qvortrup Fibige. London: Anthem Press, pp.149-166. ISBN 9780857283221.
Email smhaskar@jgu.edu.in
Key Expertise Deindustrialisation, Joblessness, Return Migration, Occupational Choices, Labour Market Discrimination, Informal Economy, Social and Political Movements, Mumbai City, Indian Politics
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