
B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (University of North Bengal)

Prof. (Dr.) Milindo Chakrabarti

Professor and Associate Dean

Email mchakrabarti@jgu.edu.in
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B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (University of North Bengal)


Prof. (Dr.) Milindo Chakrabarti has distinguished experience of over 27 years as a Professor of Micro-economics, International Trade & Business, Environmental Economics, Indian Economics and Development Economics, nationally and internationally. Along with his long standing career in teaching, Dr. Chakrabarti holds Research Experience of 27 years and has written and published numerous research paper, articles and books from India and abroad. He has also delivered lectures at Indiana University, Bloomington, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Entrepreneurship Development Institute, Gandhi Nagar.

Dr. Chakrabarti has extensive experience in policy development and practice, and wide knowledge and experience working in different sectors such as: natural resources, social sectors, rural development, key cross-cutting issues, environment, governance and institutional development. Dr. Chakrabarti regularly travels throughout India on various academic and research assignments, and has travelled across many countries on academic assignments, for instance Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, China, Kenya, USA, Canada, UK, France, Italy, Portugal Egypt and Turkey. He has also been consultant to different ministries of Govt. of India, the Planning Commission, the World Bank UNDP, IFAD, the British Council. In his list of professional affiliations, he has also been a Member of Western Economic Association International, USA, Executive Director in Development Evaluation Society of India (DESI) and also Member, Network of Network on Impact Evaluation (NONIE)

Chaturvedi, Sachin and Chakrabarti, Milindo, 2019. “South-South Cooperation: A Theoretical and Institutional Framework”, UN office for South South Cooperation, New York, Forthcoming, March 2019

Chakrabarti, Milindo and Sinha, Pranay, 2019, “ Assessing Impact of South-South Cooperation: Variations in Perspectives: Select country Case Studies”, UN office for South South Cooperation, New York, Forthcoming, March 2019

Chaturvedi, S and Chakrabarti, M (eds) 2019: Raul Prebisch and Development Strategy: RIS

Garba Khaleel, Ahmad and Chakrabarti, Milindo,”Leap-Frogging to Renewables Energy Regime in West Africa; Arguing for a Community-led Initiative”. Accepted as a Springer Nature (Strategies for Sustainability) Book Series chapter to be published April, 2019.

Hackenesch, Christine, Belay Begahshaw, May Hui, Milindo Chakrabarti & Grace Onubedo. 2018. T20 Africa, G20 and Africa: Assessing Our Impact and Influence. T20 Policy Brief

Chaturvedi, Sachin and Chakrabarti, Milindo. 2018. Remembering BAPA and Way Forward, Spanish Journal of Development and Cooperation, 43. Pp: 53-59

Chakrabarti, Milindo and Garba Khaleel, Ahmad, 2018. “Scope of Public and Private Finance for Development of Tuna Fisheries in India”, A Component of the World Bank and Global Environmental Fund (GEF)-funded Oceans Partnership Programme in the Bay of Bengal (OPP-BOB)

Garba Khaleel, Ahmad and Chakrabarti, Milindo, 2018a. Leap-Frogging Challenges & Possibilities for Renewable Energy Transition in Developing Countries, Elixir International Business Management. 117 (2018) 50371-50379 (Elixir International Journal). Available online at athttp://www.elixirpublishers.com/articles/1523101605_ELIXIR2018036174A.pdf.

Chakrabarti, M 2018, ‘Lexicon and Syntax of Development Cooperation: Institutional Heterogeneity in Development Cooperation’, Development Cooperation Review, 1, no. 4, July. Available at: http://www.ris.org.in/journals-n-newsletters/Development-Cooperation-Review.

Chakrabarti, M 2018a, ‘Lexicon and Syntax of Development Cooperation: Do we need to evaluate SSC and frame a template for its reporting?’, Development Cooperation Review, 1, no. 5, August. Available at: http://www.ris.org.in/journals-n-newsletters/Development-Cooperation-Review

Chakrabarti, M 2018b, ‘Lexicon and Syntax of Development Cooperation: How does Lewis Model Validate the Logic of South-South Cooperation?’, Development Cooperation Review, 1, no. 6, September. Available at: http://www.ris.org.in/journals-n-newsletters/Development-Cooperation-Review

Chakrabarti, M 2018c, ‘Lexicon and Syntax: Development Cooperation through the Lens of Rawlsian Theory of Justice’, Development Cooperation Review, 1, no. 7, October. Available at: http://www.ris.org.in/journals-n-newsletters/Development-Cooperation-Review

Chakrabarti, M 2018d, ‘Lexicon and Syntax: Sustainable Development Goals— An Access Perspective’, Development Cooperation Review, 1, no. 8, November. http://www.ris.org.in/journals-n-newsletters/Development-Cooperation-Review

Chakrabarti, M 2018e, “Evaluation of Special Scholarship Scheme for Afghan Nationals”: Report submitted to Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India (with students from MAPP, JSGP)

Chakrabarti, M 2018f: Lexicon and Syntax of Development Cooperation: BAPA+40 Outcome Document – Some Contestations. Development Cooperation Review, 1, no. 10-12, January-March. http://www.ris.org.in/journals-n-newsletters/Development-Cooperation-Reviews
Email mchakrabarti@jgu.edu.in
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