
 B.Sc. Hons (St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata);  

M.A.; M.Phil. (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi);  

PhD (University of Rochester)

Dr. Subhasish Ray


Email subhasish@jgu.edu.in
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 B.Sc. Hons (St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata);  

M.A.; M.Phil. (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi);  

PhD (University of Rochester)


Dr. Subhasish Ray is trained in Political Science and Economics. He received a Ph.D. in Political Science from the Department of Political Science, University of Rochester. He has MA and MPhil degrees in Economics from the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University. Prior to joining JSGP, he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, National University of Singapore, and a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, University of Rochester.

Subhasish’s research interests fall in the area of civil conflict, broadly construed. He serves as an editor of the Journal of Genocide Research. His most current line of research examines how a legacy of civil conflict shapes elections, public opinion, and voting. The project utilizes original survey data he collected in the Maoist insurgency-affected Junglemahal region of the state of West Bengal prior to the 2016 state assembly election and the 2019 parliamentary election.

Ray, Subhasish. 2022. “Insurgencies and Counterinsurgencies in South Asia.” In Routledge Handbook of the International Relations of South Asia, Eds. Sumit Ganguly and Frank O’Donnell, Routledge.

Ray, Subhasish. 2021. “Dominant Party Rule, Development, and the Rise of Hindu Nationalism in West Bengal.” In Theory, Policy, Practice: Development and Discontents in India, Eds. Suman Nath and Debraj Bhattacharya, Routledge, 200-217.

Ray, Subhasish and Anil Varughese. 2021. “Economic Voting in Multi-level Contexts: Evidence from Kerala and West Bengal in India,” Electoral Studies, 73, 102378. [Excerpt published in The Print, https://theprint.in/opinion/new-study-how-kerala-bengal-decided-who-to-vote-for-between-centre-state-in-2019/728820/]

Ray, Subhasish. 2020. ”State-Society Relations in South Asia.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. Ed. Sandy Maisel. New York: Oxford University Press.

Ray, Subhasish. 2020. ”Bureaucracy Unbound? The End of Dominant Party Rule and the Politics-Administration Interface in West Bengal,” India Review, 19(1), 1-32.

Ray, Subhasish. 2019. ”History and Ethnic Conflict: Does Pre-Colonial Centralization Matter?” International Studies Quarterly, 63(2), 417-431.

Ray, Subhasish. 2019. ”Does History Play Dice? Navigating Quantitative Historical Legacies Research,” SAGE Research Methods Cases, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781526495969.

Ray, Subhasish. 2018. ”Beyond Divide and Rule: Explaining the link between British Colonialism and Ethnic Violence,” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 24(4): 367-388.

Ray, Subhasish. 2018. ”Ethnic Inequality and National Pride,” Political Psychology, 39(2): 263-280.

Ray, Subhasish. 2018. ”The Second Dominant Party System and India’s COIN Strategy,” Indian Politics & Policy, 1(1): 131-161.

Ray, Subhasish and Mohan J. Dutta. 2018. ”Insecure Peace: Understanding Citizen and Local Government Relations in a Maoist-Affected Region in India,” Critical Asian Studies, 50(1): 37-57.

Ray, Subhasish. 2017. ”How Hegemonic Parties Decline: Theory and Evidence from West Bengal,” Economic and Political Weekly, 52(17): 27-32.

Ray, Subhasish. 2017. ”Intra-Group Interactions and Inter-Group Violence: Sikh Mobilization during the Partition of India in a Comparative Perspective,” Journal of Genocide Research, 19(3): 382-403.

Ray, Subhasish. 2016. ”Sooner or Later: The Timing of Ethnic Conflict Onsets after Independence,” Journal of Peace Research, 2016, 53(6): 800-814.

Ray, Subhasish. 2013. ”The Non-Martial Origins of the Martial Races: Ethnicity and Military Service in Ex-British Colonies,” Armed Forces & Society, 39(3): 560-575.
Email subhasish@jgu.edu.in
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