
B.A. (University of Delhi);

M.A.; M.Phil.; Ph.D. (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)

Dr. Avanindra Nath Thakur


Email anthakur@jgu.edu.in
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ORCID ID 0000-0002-2914-0256
Key Expertise Development Economics, Labour Economics, Agricultural Economics, Data Science, Applied Econometrics

B.A. (University of Delhi);

M.A.; M.Phil.; Ph.D. (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)


Dr. Avanindra Nath Thakur is a Professor of Economics at the Jindal School of Government and Public Policy. He is also a Senior Research Fellow at the interdisciplinary research unit IDEAS at O.P. Jindal Global University and a Senior Fellow at Anadi Institute for Social Research and Action (AISRA). He has completed his M.A., MPhil, and PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru University. His Specialisation includes Development Economics, Economic Policies, Applied Econometrics, Labour Economics, Agricultural Economics and Data Science. His published works include research articles in many reputed academic journals and chapters in books published by esteemed publishing houses. Before joining J.G.U. in 2017, he taught at Delhi University Colleges and Ambedkar University Delhi. He is also an editor of an international peer-reviewed journal, “Socrates: A Journal of Public Policy, Public Administration and Philosophy”. He has completed a full ten-course specialisation in “Data Science with R” from John Hopkins University and a Specialization – in “Statistics with R” from Duke University.


1. Mathematical Methods of Economics 
2. Econometrics 
3.  Influential Ideas in the Evolution of Economics 
4. Equity and Fairness 
5. Development Economics 
6. Public Economics 
7. Indian Economy 
8. Growth Development and Employment: Data Systems in India 
9. R programming.

Qualified UGC NET in Economics (2012)

Senior Research Fellow at Office of Interdisciplinary Research, IDEAS, O. P. Jindal Global University

Senior Fellow at Anadi Institute for Social Research and Action (AISRA)

“Input Use and Socio-economic Status of Farmers: A Case of Paddy Cultivation in India” Forthcoming in Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, July-September 2024.

“Impact of Socio-economic factors on Agricultural Prices: A case study of paddy cultivation in India”, August, 2024, Indian Economic Journal, Sage Publication, ABDC-B.

“Access to Institutional Credit and Socio-economic Inequality: Implication for Social Justice in Rural Bihar”, Chapter in ‘Development with Justice: The Bihar Experience”, Routledge, 2024, eBook ISBN- 9781032626413

“The Interplay of Agricultural Prices, Input use, and Farm Profitability: A case of Rice Cultivation in India” at an International Conference, Agriculture through the Lens of Small and Marginal Farmers: Challenges and Pathways”, Organised by the Council for Social Development, IIC New Delhi- 15-16 July 2024.

“On the possibility of Research Collaborations between Public Policy Schools and Agricultural University” in a Workshop Organised jointly by Jindal School of Government and Public Policy and Panjab Agricultural University 24 June 2024, JGU, Sonipat.

“Dalit Women’s Time Allocation to Leisure: An Intersectional Approach” at the Time Use Conference 2024, at the University of Maryland Population Research Centre, University of Maryland, USA, under the theme – Temporal Dimensions of Structural Racism and Racial and Ethnic Inequities, 14-15 June 2024.

“The interplay of Output, employment, and COVID-19 in India: A gendered perspective”, with Priyanshi Chaudhary, 64, ISLE Annual Conference, Hyderabad Central University, Hyderabad, 29-31 March, 2024

“Does mother’s education matter for childcare? A Comparative Study of Nuclear and Multigenerational Households in India” with Kavita Rajeshwari at ISLE 64 Annual International Conference, Hyderabad, 29-31 March 2024.

“Challenges of Structural Transformation in Global South: Context and Prospects”, as an invited Panellist in Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand, 26 Jan 2024.

“Socio-Economic Inequality and Challenges of Financial Inclusion Farmers in Rural India” invited keynote lecture at Phranakhon Rajabhat University Bangkok at “International Conference on Sustainable Business Practices and Challenges in Management, Humanities, Law, Library Science, and Engineering (WIRIC - SBPM - HLLSE - 2024) In association with Global Research Conference Forum And Grammonnati Mandal’s Arts, Commerce and Science College (Savitribai Phule Pune University) 27th - 28th JANUARY 2024

“Agricultural Productivity and Socio-economic Inequality in India” as invited Panellist, Delhi School of Economics, in Young Scholars Seminars 16-17, March 2024.

“Structural Change, Social Security Provisions, and Industrial Policy in India: An Enterprise-level Analysis of Employment Status from 2004 to 2023”, SMAIAS-ASN Summer School, Harare, Zimbabwe, 5-9 Feb, 2024.

“Public Procurement, Land Ownership and Agricultural Price variation across States: A case of Paddy Cultivation in India”, in Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy, Sage Publication 12(3) 319–351, September, 2023, in.sagepub.com/journals-permissions-India, DOI: 10.1177/22779760231188582, journals.sagepub.com/home/ags

“Financial Inclusion of Farmers in Bihar: the Caste-Class Dynamics”, at Gyanotsava 2023, International Conference organised by Anadi Foundation, Bihar, 4-5 November at Pindaruch, Darbhanga, Bihar.

“Agriculture Markets and Socio-economic Inequality: Implication for Price Realization of Paddy Farmers in India” Workshop on Political Economy of Agricultural Value Systems in India: Regional Perspectives and Policy Implications for Labour and Agri-business under the auspices of Global Partnership Network, University of Kassel and Jawaharlal Nehru University 29-30 September 2023 at JNU, New Delhi.

“The political economy of price difference across states: A case study of Paddy Cultivation” in an International Conference on 'Political Economy of India's Development Challenges: Celebrating 75 years of India's Independence, sponsored by ICSSR organized by G.B. Pant Social Science Institute, Prayagraj (A Constituent Institute of the University of Allahabad).

“Agriculture Prices and the Caste-class Dynamics: Vulnerability of Farmers in Neo-liberal India”, in Critical Theory Colloquium's panel on 'Vulnerability and Precarity' on the 5th of September, 2023, at India International Centre New Delhi.

“Access to Institution Credit and Socio-economic Inequality: Implication for Social Justice in Rural Bihar”, International Conference on Development with Justice: The Bihar Experience, to be held in Patna on 2-3 June 2023.

"Bharat Ki Aarthik Vikas ki Ranniti: Azadi Se Nav-Udarvaad Tak", Chapter in Samkaleen Bhartiya Rajnitik Vyavastha: Samvaidhanik Loktantra Ki Chunotiyon ka Vishleshan, ed. by Yuvraj Singh & Arvind Kumar Yadav, Manak Publication New Delhi,2022, ISBN-978-9391897123.

“State Level Price Variation of Paddy: The role of Public Procurement” in Agrarian South Network Bulletin, September- December 2022, available at- http://www.agrariansouth.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/ASN_RB_Sep-Dec_04_01_23.pdf

“Economic Implications of reverse migration in India”- chapter in a book- Migrants on the move: Precarity in the Times of the Pandemic, Edited by Pushpendra, Amit Ranjan and Shashank Chaturvedi, Aakar Publication, New Delhi,2022, ISBN- 978-9350027646.

“Economic Growth and Structural Transformation of Bihar’s Economy: Context and Prospects”, Gyanotsava 2022, an International Conference organised by Anādi Foundation, held on 5th and 6th of November 2022 at Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University, Darbhanga, Bihar

“Dynamics of Agricultural Price Variation across States: A case of Paddy Cultivation in India”, JSGP Working Paper Series. 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54945/preserve.26.

“The Economic Implication of Reverse Migration in India” Journal of Migration Affairs Vol. III(1): 16-31, Sept. 2020, TISS, Bihar, ISSN- 2582-0990.

“Aarthik Rashtravaad ke Badalte Swarup” A chapter in a book ‘Rashtravaad, Deshbhakti aur Deshdroh’,2020, Ed. By Arun Kumar Tripathi, Pradeep Kumar Singh and Ram Kishor, Anamika Publication, New Delhi. ISBN – 978-81-7975-859-5

“Grameen Bharat me Corona: Bihar ke Bharri Gaon ke Shramiko par ho rahe asar ko lekar ek update, NEWSCLICK, 4 July 2020. https://hindi.newsclick.in/Rural-Workforce-Bihar-COVID-19-Nationawide-Lockdown-Reverse-Migration

“Covid 19 in Rural India: Impact of on the Rural Workforce in Bihar’s Bharri: An Update”, NEWSCLICK, 2 July 2020. https://www.newsclick.in/Rural-Workforce-Bihar-COVID-19-Nationawide-Lockdown-Reverse-Migration

“Grameen Bharat me Corona: Bihar ke Bharri Gaon ke Shramiko par parhta Gambheer Prabhav, NEWSCLICK, 22 April 2020. https://hindi.newsclick.in/index.php/COVID-19-Rural-India-Impact-COVID-19-Rural-Workforce-Bihar

“Covid 19 in Rural India: Impact of on the Rural Workforce in Bihar’s Bharri”, NEWSCLICK, 20 April 2020. https://www.newsclick.in/COVID-19-Rural-India-Impact-COVID-19-Rural-Workforce-Bihar

“Sarkari Kshetra kisi ko bailout karne jitna Samarth nahi rah payega” Hindi Podcast on Bolti Kitaben, 10 April, 2020. https://audioboom.com/posts/7553275-

“Employment Conditions in India: Challenges and Prospects in the Times of Covid 19 Pandemic” in Three Days International Webinar on Covid 19 and its Impact on Global Economy, Organised by Department of Economics, Yobe State University, Damaturu, Nigeria, 5-7 July 2020.

“Economic Growth and well-being of rural workforce in Bihar”, ICSSR Sponsored International Conference on 'Economic Development of Indian States, Delhi University, September 18-19, 2019.

“Exploring relevance of Land reform policy in the era of Neo-liberal Reform in addressing poverty alleviation in India: A field based observation” in 4th International conference on Public Policy, Montreal, Canada, 26-28 June 2019.

“Difficulties and challenges of Financial Inclusion in Rural India Under the Reform Era”, IDPPA ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Stellenbosch University, School of Public Leadership, Cape Town, South Africa, January 8-10, 2019

“Dharatal par MSP ki sthiti” Prabhat Khabar, 26 July 2018. https://www.prabhatkhabar.com/opinion/1186688

Book Review “Capital in the Twentieth Century” by Thomas Piketty, Harvard University Press 2014; in The JMC Review: An Interdisciplinary Social Science Journal of Criticism, Practice and Theory, Vol II 2018; Online ISSN: 2456-9550.

“Employment Conditions in Rural Bihar: Structural Transformation vs Distress Diversification”, Sam Moyo Memorial International Conference on Land and Labour Questions in the Global South, JNU New Delhi 21-23 Feb, 2018.

“Buenos Aires Ki Vifalta ke Mayene” Prabhat Khabar, 17 December 2017.

“Arthvyavashtha par Mustaidi Jaruri”, Prabhat Khabar, 17 October 2017.

“Krishi me Sarkari Nivesh Badhana Hoga”, Prabhat Khabar, Hindi Newspaper, 26 May 2017.

“Dynamics of Calorie Intake in Rural Bihar” Journal of Rural Development, Vol 36 No. (3) pp 333-352, July- September 2017. ISSN 09703357.

“Employment Prospects in Neoliberal India” with Prof. Praveen Jha in Plutocracy, Cronyism & Populism, Vitasta Publication, New Delhi. 2017, Pp 123-138. ISBN 9789382711711

“Thirty Years on: Work and Well-being in Rural Bihar” with Prof. Praveen Jha in “The Changing Village in India: Insight from Longitudinal Research” Oxford University Press 2016. Pp 230-262. ISBN 0199461864.

“Agrarian questions and Land issues in Neo-liberal India: Shifting focus or losing relevance”, International Conference on Agrarian Question in Contemporary Indian Politics 18 - 19 February 2016, Centre for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi.

“Economic Growth and Employment Conditions during Neoliberal Regimes”, UGC Sponsored National Conference on Contemporary Challenges before the Indian Economy., at Satyawati Co-ed College University of Delhi, 8-9 March.2016

“Ek Dasak Ka Arthik Vikas”, Sablog, March 2015, ISSN: 2277-5897

“Employment Unemployment Conditions in India: Context and Prospects” with Prof. Praveen Jha in “India, Social Development Report-2012”, Oxford University Press, 2013, ISSN No. 0198095945.

“Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme: A Critical Appraisal”, The IFFCO Foundation Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 1, June 2013.

“Changing Pattern of Employment in Rural Bihar: A Move towards Desired Structural Transformation?” at ISLE International Conference, December 16-18, 2013, JNU New Delhi. Published in Conference Proceedings.

“Employment Conditions in Rural Bihar: The role of Public Policies” at International Conference Development Meet, Organised by Centre for Development Studies (CDS) Central University of Bihar (CUB), March 1-3, 2013. Published in Conference Proceedings.

“Structural Transformation of Bihar’s Economy Since Early 1980s: All Dressed up but Where to Go?” With Prof. Praveen Jha in Journal of Social and Economic Studies, Volume 22, Number 2, July 2012. ISSN No. 0377-0508

“Bangal ka Rajnitik Parivartan aur Krishi Niti”, Samved, January, 2012, ISSN No. 2231-3885

“Employment Trends in Rural India: Contexts and Prospects” at 36th Indian Social Sciences Congress, December 27-31,2012 Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Published in Conference Proceedings.

“30 Years On: Work and Well-being in Rural Bihar” at International Conference on Understanding Change in Rural India: Perspectives from Longitudinal Village Studies, November 19-20, 2012, JNU, New Delhi

“Giraft me Kheti aur Kisan”, Sablog, December, 2011, ISSN: 2277-5897

“Structural Transformation of Bihar’s Economy Since 1980s: Where is it headed” at a National Seminar on A Century of Transformation of Bihar and Road Ahead, November 5-6, 2011, Patna, Bihar

“Analysing Inflation” Yojana, August 2010, ISSN No. 0971-8400

“Evolution of Indian Banking in India” Yojana, Feb, 2010; Recorded as part of Parliamentary documentation Vol XXXVI, No 11. ISSN No. 0971-8400

Bharat Me Uchcha Siksha: Vikalp ki Talash, Sablog April 2010, ISSN: 2277-5897

“Labour and Well-being in Contemporary Bihar: Context and Prospects” at International Seminar on Poverty in Bihar: Pattern, Dimensions and Eradication strategies, April 18-20, 2010, Patna, Bihar. Published in Conference Proceedings.

Bharat me Krishi ki Chunautiya, Sablog, July 2009, ISSN: 2277-5897

“Contextualising NREGA: Problems and Prospects” at ISLE International Conference, December 12, 2009, Patiala, Punjab. Published in Conference Proceedings.

“Migration and Human Security: The Gandhian Perspective” at a National Seminar on Gandhi University of Allahabad November 21, 2009, Allahabad, UP
Email anthakur@jgu.edu.in
ORCID ID 0000-0002-2914-0256
Key Expertise Development Economics, Labour Economics, Agricultural Economics, Data Science, Applied Econometrics
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