
B.Sc.; M.Sc. (University of Calcutta);

M.Phil.; Ph.D. (IGIDR, Mumbai)

Prof. (Dr.) Tirtha Chatterjee

Associate Professor and Associate Dean, Student Affairs

Email tirtha.chatterjee@jgu.edu.in
Connect with me
Key Expertise Agricultural Economics, Spatial Economics, Empirical Development Economics, Gender and Labour. She teaches courses on Principles of Economics, Public Economics, Econometrics, Statistics and Indian Economy.

B.Sc.; M.Sc. (University of Calcutta);

M.Phil.; Ph.D. (IGIDR, Mumbai)


Tirtha Chatterjee is an Associate Professor in Jindal School of Government and Public Policy of O.P. Jindal Global University. She completed her Ph.D. in Development Studies from Indira Gandhi Institute of Development and Research(IGIDR), Mumbai in 2018. Prior to joining JSGP, she was an Assistant Professor at Centre for Development Studies (CDS) in Kerala. She has received her M.Phil. in Development Studies from IGIDR, Mumbai, MSc. in Economics from University of Calcutta and B.Sc. from Presidency College, Calcutta. Her areas of research interest lie in the fields of Agricultural Economics, Spatial Economics, Empirical Development Economics, Gender and Labour. She teaches courses on Principles of Economics, Public Economics, Econometrics, Statistics and Indian Economy.

Statistics 1

Econometrics 2

Public Economics

Indian Economic Development

Issues in Indian Agriculture

Principles of Economics

Jain, R., & Chatterjee, T. (2024). Information and communication technology and female employment in India. Information Economics and Policy, 101116.

Jain, R., & Chatterjee, T. (2024). The Politics of State-level COVID-19 Responses in India: Evidence from the First Wave in 2020. The Indian Economic Journal, 00194662231212753.doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/0019466223121

Chatterjee, T., & Jain, R. (2023). Financial Incentives and Fertility Choices: Evidence from India. The Indian Economic Journal, 71(4), 673-688. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/00194662221139337

Sil, R., Chatterjee, T & Jain, R. (2023), Altruistic Preference and Crime Perception, Social Indicators Research, 2023, 1-26, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-023-03077-x

Jain, R., & Chatterjee, T. (2023). Effect of testing and social distancing measures on COVID‐19 deaths in India: Role of pre‐existing socio‐economic factors. Journal of Public Affairs, 23(1), e2828, doi: 10.1002/pa.2828

Information and Communication Technology and Female Labour Market Participation (with Ritika Jain), Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 58, Issue No. 11, 18 Mar, 2023

Derivatives trading suspension is futile. Its consequences are damaging, with (Nidhi Aggarwal and Karan Sehgal), Money Control, published on 3rd October 2023, https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/opinion/commodities-derivatives-trading-suspension-is-futile-its-consequences-are-damaging-9268631.html

Chatterjee, T. (2022). Farm households that adopt ICT change production decisions: evidence from India. Agricultural Economics Research Review, 35(2), 43-58, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5958/0974-0279.2022.00030.1

""What Explains the Sudden SEBI Ban on Future Contracts in Chana?"" (with Siraj Hussain), The wire, published on 23rd August, 2021, https://thewire.in/agriculture/what-explains-the-sudden-sebi-ban-on-future-contracts-in-chana

Chatterjee, T, Raghunathan, R, Gulati, A, Agri-commodity futures and value chains, in Mishra, A. K.,Kumar, A., & Joshi, P. K. (Eds.). (2020). Transforming Agriculture in South Asia: The Role of Value Chains and Contract Farming. Routledge.

""Is Covid-19 equally deadly across all states?"" (with Ritika Jain), Ideas for India forum, 28th April 2020, https://www.ideasforindia.in/topics/macroeconomics/is-covid-19-equally-deadly-across-all-states-a-preliminary-examination.html

The Economics of a Plate of Food in India, Letters to the Editor, Vol. 55, Issue No. 13, 28 Mar, 2020, https://www.epw.in/journal/2020/13/letters/economics-plate-food-india.html

Addressing Farm distress: MSP, Loan waivers and Direct Income Support (with Gulati, A. & Terway, P.), Economic Developments in India, EDI Volume 245, edited by Uma Kapila,Academic Foundation (2019)

Supporting Indian Farmers: Price Deficiency Payments or Direct Income/Investment Support? (with Gulati, A. & Hussain, S.), Economic Developments in India, EDI Volume 243, edited by Uma Kapila,Academic Foundation(2018)

Quick fix for the farmer, The Indian Express, also published in the Financial express under the title, AASHA fails to lift farmers’ nirasha, (with Ashok Gulati), published on December 10, 2018

The limits of MSP, The Indian Express, also published in the Financial express under the title, The MSP and Procurement Conundrum. (with Ashok Gulati), published on 23rd July, 2018

The right agri-support, The Indian Express, also published in the Financial express under the title, The MSP and Procurement Conundrum (with Ashok Gulati), published on 2nd April, 2018

Chatterjee, T. (2017), Spatial convergence and growth in Indian agriculture: 1967−2010, Journal of Quantitative Economics, 15, 121-149.doi: 10.1007/s40953-016-0046-3

Spatial aspects of Diversification in India (with A. Ganesh-Kumar), India Development Report 2017 edited by S. Mahendra Dev, Oxford University Press (2017) Media Articles, Commentary, Blogs & Letters to Editor

Agri-futures, like China, The Indian Express, also published in the Financial Express under the title Reviving Indian agri-futures- Lessons from China (with Ashok Gulati), published on 4th December, 2017

Plan for the Agri-futures, The Indian Express, also published in the Financial Express under the title Getting agri-futures right for farmers, (with Ashok Gulati), published on 14th August, 2017

Chatterjee, T & Ganesh- Kumar, A. (2016), Geographic neighbourhood and cluster formation: Evidence from Indian agriculture, Journal of Development Studies, 2016, 52(11), 1577-1592. doi: 10.1080/00220388.2016.1166211

Mega External Preferential Trade Agreements and Their Impacts on Indian Economy (with A. Ganesh- Kumar), Foreign Trade Review, 2016, 51(1), pp.46-80, doi: 10.1177/0015732515616545.
Email tirtha.chatterjee@jgu.edu.in
Key Expertise Agricultural Economics, Spatial Economics, Empirical Development Economics, Gender and Labour. She teaches courses on Principles of Economics, Public Economics, Econometrics, Statistics and Indian Economy.
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