
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (B.A. Hons.), University of Delhi

Master of Arts (M.A.), Jawaharlal Nehru University

M.A.; Ph.D. (Jawaharlal Nehru University)


Prof. (Dr.) Prachi Bansal

Assistant Professor and Assistant Dean, Placement and Internships

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ORCID ID 0000-0002-6744-4787
Key Expertise Agrarian Change, Development, Poverty, Labour, Agriculture, Inflation, Artificial Intelligence, Statistics, Food Security

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (B.A. Hons.), University of Delhi

Master of Arts (M.A.), Jawaharlal Nehru University

M.A.; Ph.D. (Jawaharlal Nehru University)



Dr. Prachi Bansal is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Jindal School of Government and Public Policy (JSGP). Her research primarily focuses on agriculture, labor markets, and economic development, with extensive experience in field-based research and the use of large-scale socio-economic datasets.

Her doctoral research, “Labour Absorption in Indian Agriculture since Independence: A Study based on Farm Enterprise Data” (JNU, 2017-2022), examined workforce dynamics in Indian agriculture. She has conducted large-scale socio-economic field surveys across Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, and Udaipur, gaining firsthand insights into rural labor markets. She is trained in handling secondary datasets such as the NSS, PLFS, and ASI, applying rigorous empirical methods to study employment, wages, and agrarian change.

She has worked as an Agricultural Statistician at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Thailand, where she contributed to projects on data anonymization, women’s participation in agriculture, and Sustainable Development Goals. As a Consultant at the International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva, she worked on issues related to child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking, receiving a competitive ILO seed grant for her research on “Modern Forms of Debt-Bondage in Rural India.” She also secured the Azim Premji Foundation Research Funding Grant (2021) for her work on the care economy in India.

In addition to her primary research on agriculture and labor, her secondary field of study is data science and AI/ML applications in economics and policy analysis. She teaches courses on Machine Learning, Python, and Statistics using R. She explores the application of computational methods in economic research, leveraging AI and statistical tools for data-driven policymaking.

She has been actively involved in expanding access to quantitative education. In 2023, she conducted India’s first workshop on teaching R to visually impaired students at Azim Premji University, pioneering methods to make quantitative methods accessible to all. Since 2017, she has been a visiting faculty at the Asian College of Journalism, teaching Quantitative Methods using R to journalists in the Bloomberg Program. She recently conducted a workshop on NSS data exploration at the University of Kashmir for faculty and post-graduate students. 

She also serves as the Disability Support Committee Representative at JSGP, working on initiatives to enhance accessibility and inclusion in higher education.

International Trade

Mathematics for Economics

Python Programming

Economics of Poverty and Inequality

Statistical Analysis using R

Statistical Methods and Data Analysis (Coursera) Masters in Public Policy (Live Sessions for Coursera)

Artificial Intelligence: Applications in Economics and Public Policy

Nominated for Best Paper under Macroeconomics at Delhi School of Economics, Winter School, 2024: Inflation Inequality Measurement in India

Awarded a grant of Rs. 10 lakhs (13,250 USD) from Azim Premji Foundation, Research Funding Programme, 2021. Project: Employment in the Care Sector inIndia: Assessing the Coverage Gap of Care Service Provisions. Duration: April 2022-Dec 2023

Awarded a seed grant of 10,000 USD by International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva. Project: “From Research to Action: Using Knowledge to Accelerate Progress in the Elimination of Child Labor and Forced Labour” (RTA) in August 2021. Grant awarded to only ten researchers globally.

Senior Research Fellowship (SRF), University Grants Commission, India, 2019-2021

Scholarship of 1500 euros for selection in the online course offered by AGTER and the International Land Coalition entitled “Analyzing land grabbing and sharing for action”, June-July 2020

Awarded a grant of Rs. 10 lakhs (13,250 USD) from Azim Premji Foundation, Research Funding Programme, 2021. Project: Employment in the Care Sector inIndia: Assessing the Coverage Gap of Care Service Provisions. Duration: April 2022-December 2023

Awarded a seed grant of 10,000 USD by International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva. Project: “From Research to Action: Using Knowledge to Accelerate Progress in the Elimination of Child Labor and Forced Labour” (RTA) in August 2021. Grant awarded to only ten researchers globally.

Visiting Faculty at the Asian College of Journalism, Chennai. Course: Quantitative Methods and R Programming (2017-present).

Agricultural Statistician,Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAORAP, Thailand Project: Data Anonymization Techniques, SDG 5a.1, Statistical Briefs for Women’s Participation in Agriculture in Bhutan, Timor-Leste, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Nepal, 2022

Consultant/External Collaborator, International Labour Organization, Geneva 2021-2022

Agricultural Statistician 2021 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAORAP, Thailand

Indian Society of Agriculture Economics

The Indian Econometric Society (TIES)

Agricultural Statistician 2022 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAORAP, Thailand Project: Data Anonymization Techniques, SDG 5a.1, Statistical Briefs for Women’s Participation in Agriculture in Bhutan, Timor-Leste, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Nepal

Consultant/External Collaborator International Labour Organization, Geneva 2021-2022 Project 1: “Modern Forms of Debt-Bondage in Rural India”, paper based on a seed grant of 10,000 USD, From Research to Action: Using Knowledge to Accelerate Progress in the Elimination of Child Labor and Forced Labor Project 2: Development of 10 Country Briefs for SDG Alliance 8.7 Countries on the issue of child labour, forced labour and human trafficking

Agricultural Statistician 2021 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAORAP, Thailand Project: Data Anonymization Techniques on Spatial and Non-Spatial Data

Measuring Inflation Inequality in India (co-authored with Rohan Bansal), accepted in Economic and Political Weekly, forthcoming in 2025

Measures of Food Security, Handbook on the Politics of Food Security, Edited by Anjana Thampi, Ivica Petrikova and Jennifer Cole, De Gruyter Publications, forthcoming (2025)

Evaluating Agricultural Labour Data Challenges: Situation Assessment Survey Data vs Cost of Cultivation of Principal Crops Data, forthcoming issue (December, 2024) Indian Journal of Agriculture Economics, ISAE, SCOPUS-Indexed

Fertilizer Decontrol in India: Making of a Crisis, 2024, Vikas Rawal and Prachi Bansal, in a book titled India’s Economy 2024: Disparities in Fractured Democracy, edited by Satyaki Roy, Aakar Books

Apple seeds of discord: Farmers must not be trapped in a trade war, December 17, 2024, published in Mint (with Sahaj Sohi), Read here: https://www.livemint.com/opinion/onlineviews/apple-seeds-of-discord-farmers-must-not-be-trapped-in-a-trade-war-protest-trade- war-imports-united-states-turkey-iran-11734010975496.html

AI is sexist: Here’s how?, June 9, 2024, published in the Indian Express, Read here: https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/ai-is-sexist-workforce-gender-wagegap-data-feminism-9380584/, featured in the Top 5 Opinion Pieces across all newspapers for the weekend by The Quint. See here: https://www.thequint.com/opinion/sundayview-the-best-weekend-opinion-reads-curated-just-for-you-151

A vegetable triumvirate, inflation and the takeaway, May 23, 2024, published in The Hindu. Read here: https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/a-vegetabletriumvirate-inflation-and-the-takeaway/article68204706.ece

“Lives of Peasants in India”, Dec 1, 2017. Read here: https://www.newsclick.in/author/Prachi Provision of Training 1. Bansal, P. (2024, June 25- July 2). Lead Instructor and Co-Organizer, NSS Data Exploration using R, seven day workshop in the post-graduate department of Economics, for the faculty, Ph.D scholars, and Master’s students, University of Kashmir, Hazaratbal, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. Coverage in media: https://kashmirreader.com/2024/06/27/proficiency-in-data-analysis-indispensable-for-researchers-says-expert-at-ku/

Research Bulletin in the Agrarian South Network on The Political Economy of Fertilizer Crisis in India, Issue No: 13, Mar-Apr, 2022, http://www.agrariansouth.org/2022/05/17/asn-research-bulletin-mar-apr-2022/ Book Chapters

Economic Liberalisation and Fertiliser Policies, (co-authored with Vikas Rawal), in a book titled Distress in the Fields: Indian Agriculture After Economic Liberalization, edited by R. Ramakumar, Tulika Books, 9788195055906 (October, 2022)

Modern Forms of Debt-Bondage in Indian Agriculture, RTA-SEED Grant Paper, International Labour Organization, Geneva. Link: https://rtaconference.org/ session/modern-forms-of-debt-bondage-in-indian-agriculture/

Economic Liberalisation and Fertiliser Policies (co-authored with Vikas Rawal), Social Scientist, September-October, 2020, ISSN 0970-0293. Also, forthcoming as a book chapter (part of the seminar proceedings on Indian agriculture held in Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai in 2019)

COVID-19 in Rural India-XV: Agricultural Markets in Disarray, April 17, 2020. Read here: https://www.newsclick.in/COVID-19- Rural-India-Agricultural-MarketsDisarray or https://coronapolicyimpact.org/2020/04/16/ agricultural-inputs/

COVID-19 in Rural India- I: Harvesting and Selling Anxiety Grips Farmers in Haryana’s Birdhana Village, April 7, 2020. Read here: https://www.newsclick.in/COVID19-Rural- India-Harvesting-Selling-Anxiety-Grips Farmers-Haryana

Covid-19: India’s Lockdown through the Eyes of French Media, May 5, 2020. Read here: https://coronapolicyimpact.org/2020/05/05/covid-19-indias-lockdownthrough-the-eyes-of-french-media/

Economic Liberalisation and Fertiliser Policies (co-authored with Vikas Rawal), SSER Monograph, October, 2020, ISBN: 978-81-948800-4-2, Read here: http:// indianstatistics.org/ssermonograph/2020/10/23/fertilizer-policies.html

“Prevalence of Undernourishment in Indian States: Explorations Based on the NSS 68th Round Data” (co-authored with Vikas Rawal and Vaishali Bansal) as Special Article in Economic and Political Weekly on April 13, 2019, Volume 54, Issue No: 15, ISSN Print: 0012-9976. Read here https://www.epw.in/journal/2019/15/ special-articles/prevalence-undernourishment-indian-states.html

“Land Acquisition and Income Disparities: Case Study of a Village in Jharia, Jharkhand” (co-authored with Vikas Rawal and Vaishali Bansal), published in “Whither Rural India? Political Economy of Agrarian Transformation in Contemporary India : A Festschrift for Venkatesh Athreya”, May 20, 2019, Tulika Books, also published internationally by the Columbia University Press, edited by A. Narayanamoorthy and R.V. Bhavani

“Chickpea: Transformation in Production Conditions” (co-authored with Vikas Rawal), The Global Economy of Pulses, (2019) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Read here: http://www.fao.org/3/i7108en/I7108EN.pdf

“Pulses of Phaseolus and Vigna Genera” (co-authored with Vikas Rawal and Vaishali Bansal), The Global Economy of Pulses, (2019), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Read here: http://www.fao.org/3/i7108en/I7108EN.pdf

“Dry Pea: Production Driven by Demand for Animal Feed” (co-authored with Vaishali Bansal), The Global Economy of Pulses, (2019, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Read here: http://www.fao.org/3/i7108en/I7108EN.pdf

“Pulses of the Vicia Genus”, The Global Economy of Pulses, (2019), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Read here: http://www.fao.org/3/i7108en/I7108EN.pdf

“Surgical Strike on Employment: The record of the first Modi government”, Jun 4, 2019, co-authored with Vikas Rawal. Read here: https://www.networkideas.org/featured-articles/2019/06/surgical-strike-on-employment-the-record-of-the-first-modi-government/

Bansal, P. (2019, May 1). Sustainable Development Goals Indicator 2.3.1, 2.3.2 and 2.4.1 related to productivity and incomes of small – scale food producers,Introductory workshop on SDG indicators related to food and agriculture, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations, New Delhi.

Prevalence of Undernourishment in Indian States: Explorations Based on the NSS 68th Round Data (co-authored with Vikas Rawal and Vaishali Bansal) as Special Article in Economic and Political Weekly on April 13, 2019, Volume 54, Issue No: 15, ISSN Print: 0012-9976. Read here https://www.epw.in/journal/ 2019/15/special-articles/prevalence-undernourishment-indian-states.html

Land Acquisition and Income Disparities: Case Study of a Village in Jharia, Jharkhand (co-authored with Vikas Rawal and Vaishali Bansal), published in Whither Rural India? Political Economy of Agrarian Transformation in Contemporary India : A Festschrift for Venkatesh Athreya, May 20, 2019, Tulika Books, also published internationally by the Columbia University Press, edited by A. Narayanamoorthy and R.V. Bhavani

Chickpea: Transformation in Production Conditions (co-authored with Vikas Rawal), The Global Economy of Pulses, (2019) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Read here: http://www.fao.org/3/ i7108en/I7108EN.pdf

Pulses of Phaseolus and Vigna Genera (co-authored with Vikas Rawal and Vaishali Bansal), The Global Economy of Pulses, (2019), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Read here: http://www.fao. org/3/i7108en/I7108EN.pdf

Dry Pea: Production Driven by Demand for Animal Feed (co-authored with Vaishali Bansal), The Global Economy of Pulses, (2019, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Read here: http://www.fao. org/3/i7108en/I7108EN.pdf

Pulses of the Vicia Genus, The Global Economy of Pulses, (2019), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Read here: http: //www.fao.org/3/i7108en/I7108EN.pdf Reports/ Background Papers/ Statistical Briefs

“Surgical Strike on Employment: The record of the first Modi government”, Jun 4, 2019, co-authored with Vikas Rawal. Read here: https://www.networkideas.org/featuredarticles/2019/06/surgical-strike-on-employment-the-record-of-the-rst-modi-government/

Deborah Brautigam (2015), Will Africa Feed China?, Oct 17, 2017 in Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy. (A longer version of the above review was published on the Indianstatistics.org. Read here: http: //indianstatistics.org/2017/10/20/land-grab.html “Lives of Peasants in India”, Dec 1, 2017. Read here: https://www.newsclick.in/author/Prachi Monographs

Land Acquisition and Income Disparities: Case Study of a Village in Jharia, Jharkhand (co-authored with Vikas Rawal and Vaishali Bansal), SSER Monograph, 2016, ISBN: 978-81-937148-0-5, Read here: http://indianstatistics. org/ssermonograph/2016/08/22/land-acquisition-and-displacement.html

Bansal, P. (2016, December 16-22). Research Methodology Workshop organized by the Society for Social and Economic Research, New Delhi
ORCID ID 0000-0002-6744-4787
Key Expertise Agrarian Change, Development, Poverty, Labour, Agriculture, Inflation, Artificial Intelligence, Statistics, Food Security
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