
B.Tech. (Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology);

M.Tech. (CEPT, Ahmedabad);

Ph.D. (University of Massachusetts, Boston)

Prof. (Dr.) Namesh Killemsetty

Associate Professor and Associate Dean, Academic Affairs and Programme Strategy

Email nkillemsetty@jgu.edu.in
Connect with me
ORCID ID 0000-0001-5241-0464
Key Expertise Urban Studies, Slum Policies, Service Level Delivery

B.Tech. (Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology);

M.Tech. (CEPT, Ahmedabad);

Ph.D. (University of Massachusetts, Boston)


Dr Namesh Killemsetty is an Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Assistant Dean of Program Strategy and Academic Affairs in the Jindal School of Government and Public Policy at O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU), India. He also serves as the Assistant Director-Research and a Senior Research Fellow at IDEAS-Office of Interdisciplinary Studies at JGU. He completed his Ph.D. in Public Policy from the University of Massachusetts Boston in 2021. As a transdisciplinary researcher working in urban governance and poverty, Namesh’s work particularly focuses on housing, tenure security, and community rights of slum dwellers integrating theories and methods from Urban Studies, Policy Analysis, Operations Research, and Decision Sciences. His research looks at identifying and using participatory approaches that amplify the voices of marginalized populations such as slum dwellers for effective policymaking. Namesh is the recipient of the 2021 Urban Affairs Association Alma H. Young Emerging Scholar Award, USA.

GIS in Policy Analysis

Advanced Research Methods

Qualitative Analysis and Survey Design

Project Management in Public Policy

Statistics and Quantitative Analysis

Anticipatory Governance through a Systems Approach

Introduction to Public Policy

State and Governance

Statistics I

Statistics II

2021 Urban Affairs Association Alma H. Young Emerging Scholar Award

2021 Ph.D. in Public Policy Book Award, University of Massachusetts Boston

2019 Nominated as Honorary General Body Member of Youth for Social Development, a grass roots non-profit organization based in Berhampur, India.

2015 Best Teacher Award, O.P. Jindal University, Raigarh, India.

2013 Global Winner, 5th Annual Paper Competition on Urban Poverty organized by Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in association with USAID, IHC, Cities Alliance and World Bank

Killemsetty, N., Saluja, T.K. (2024) “Clay and struggle : The Unlit Kilns of Uttam Nagar Kumhars. In: Vulnerable communities in neoliberal India : Perspectives from a feminist ethnographic approach. Routledge, London, pp. 38-56. ISBN 9781003494065.

Killemsetty, N., Patel, A. (2022). “Slum dwellers as Experts: A Value-Focused Thinking approach to address housing challenges in slums” Journal of Urban Affairs. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/07352166.2022.2099283 (IF:2.559)

Killemsetty, N., Johnson, M.P. and A. Patel. (2022). “Using Community Based Operations Research to Understand the Housing Preferences of Slum Dwellers in India.” European Journal of Operational Research. Available at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2021.06.055 (IF: 6.363)

Ngawang, T., Singh, N., Killemsetty, N. (2022), “Analyzing India’s Science and Technology Policy – A Comparative Perspective”. Jindal Journal of Public Policy, Vol. 6, Issue II. Available at: https://jgu.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/jsgp/Article+3_+Volume+6+Issue+II.pdf

Killemsetty, N. (2022). “Review Of Problem Structuring Methods And Its Application In Understanding The Housing Needs Of Slum Dwellers In India”. Jindal Journal of Public Policy, Vol. 6, Issue 1. Available at: https://jgu.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/jsgp/Killemsetty_JJPP-Volume-6-Issue-I.pdf

Patel A, Joseph G, Killemsetty N, Eng S (2020) Effects of residential mobility and migration on standards of living in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: A life-course approach. PLoS ONE. 15(9): e0239735. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0239735 (IF: 3.752)

Killemsetty, N., Patel, A (2020). “Giving voice to the slum dwellers – understanding the implications of the implementation of the Land Rights Act in Odisha State, India” at 2020 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. Available at https://www.conftool.com/landandpoverty2020/index.php?page=browseSessions&form_session=645&presentations=show

Patel, A., Killemsetty, N (2020). “A Systematic review of slum policies in the Global South: what could we learn from successes and failures of the past?” at 2020 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. Available at https://www.conftool.com/landandpoverty2020/index.php?page=browseSessions&form_session=645&presentations=show

Killemsetty,N., Sahu, C.K. (2020) “Ensuring Dhan to the Jan: Rapid Assessment of the Garib Kalyan Package under PMJDY in Ganjam District, Odisha. Youth for Social Development. June 2020. Available at: https://ysdindia.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Report-of-Rapid-Assessment-of-Jan-Dhan-Yojana-in-Ganjam_YSD_22062020.pdf

Killemsetty,N., Sahu, C.K.(2020) “ARE WE PREPARED TO RECEIVE OUR PEOPLE?A Rapid Assessment of the Preparedness of Institutional Quarantine Facilities in Ganjam District”. Youth for Social Development. May 2020. Available at: https://ysdindia.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Report-of-the-Assessment-on-Qurantine-Centre-in-Ganjam_YSD_22062020.pdf

Killemsetty, N., Behare, S (2014). “Integrated Study of Measures and Techniques in Green Building Construction” at IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Volume 11, Issue 5, Ver. VI, Nov- Dec 2014.

Killemsetty, N., Kunal,k (2014), “Study on control of cracks in a Structure through Visual Identification & Inspection” at IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Volume 11, Issue 6, Ver. III, Sep- Oct 2014.

Killemsetty, N., Behare, S (2014). “Use of Schnell Construction technology as an alternative for Low Cost Housing in India” at International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science, Volume III, Issue 5 June 2014.

Killemsetty, N (2013). “Understanding the evolution of slums in Ahmedabad through integration of survey datasets” in Garland, A. (ed). Innovation in Urban Development: Incremental Housing, Big Data and Gender, 2013. pp.127-145, in Woodrow Wilson Centre, Washington DC. Available at https://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/innovation-urban-development-incremental-housing-big-data-and-gender-0
Email nkillemsetty@jgu.edu.in
ORCID ID 0000-0001-5241-0464
Key Expertise Urban Studies, Slum Policies, Service Level Delivery
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