
M.Sc (University of Bangkok);

M.Sc.; Ph.D. (London School of Economics , London)

Prof. (Dr.) Bhuvaneswari Raman

Professor and Associate Dean, International Collaborations

Email braman@jgu.edu.in
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Key Expertise Urban Governance, Urban planning, Land and Housing Development, Anthropology (socio-legal study), Politics, Research Methodology, Gender

M.Sc (University of Bangkok);

M.Sc.; Ph.D. (London School of Economics , London)


Prof. (Dr.) Bhuvaneswari is trained in architecture, urban planning and social sciences. She was educated at the School of Planning and Architecture in Chennai, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok and the London School of Economics in the UK. She completed her doctoral degree in urban social policy at the London School of Economics, UK. Her research interests are in the areas of : transformation of urban land, urban politics, economic geography governance, research methodology, gender and urban poverty. She has held research position at the LSE, UK and has consulted for academic institutions including the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, and the University of Birmingham, UK as well as international development agencies including the World Bank and the UNESCO. She has experience with implementing urban poverty alleviation programmes having worked as a sector head for the habitat component of the Bangalore Urban Poverty Alleviation Programme. Currently, she is researching about the transformation of land in small towns and large urbanizing villages in South India and the role of new technologies in spatial governance. Besides, she is involved in research collaboration with the London School of Economics to explore the effects of squatter relocation policies in two cities viz. Chennai and Bangalore.

Raman, Bhuvaneswari (2018), “Production of Land for Real Estate Markets in the Suburban Areas of Chennai Metropolis: The Case of Sriperumbudur-Oragadam Region”, in R.Harriss and U.Lehrer (eds.), Suburban Land, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Benjamin, S., B. Raman, P. Shetty, R. Gupte et.al, 2018, Influence of Transnational Processes on the co-production of Urban Spaces in Indian Cities: The case of Chennai, Mumbai and Delhi, a final report submitted to the ICSSR, New Delhi. (Research report)

Raman. Bhuvaneswari (2017), “’Speculative Spaces’: The Material Practices of Urban Entrepreneurialism”, in S.K. Chandrasekhar (Ed) Entrepreneurial Urbanism, Springer Nature.

Raman, B., E.Denis and S.Benjamin, (2016), “From slum to an ordinary neighborhood in a provincial town of South India: resident-induced practices of participation and co-production”, in Agnes Debulot (ed.) ‘Rethinking Precarious Neighbourhood”, Paris: Agence Franco de Development. LA Vue 7218 CNRS, Paris. CNRS and ARD towards Post Istanbul

Raman, Bhuvaneswari (2016), “Corridor Urbanization: Practices of Urbanizing Land in India” Lahore Journal of Policy Studies, Lahore, Lahore School of Economics.

Raman, Bhuvaneswari (2016), “Reading into the Politics of Land: Real Estate Markets in the South-West Peri-urban Area of Chennai”, Economic and Political Weekly, 51(17):77-84. http://www.epw.in/journal/2016/17/special-articles/reading-politics-land.html

Raman, Bhuvaneswari (2015), “The Politics of Property in Land New Planning Instruments, Law and Popular Groups in Delhi”, Journal of South Asian Development, vol. 10 no. 3 369-395.

Raman, Bhuvaneswari (2015), “The Constitution of Urban Frontier Territories: Land Based Financing and its Implications”, The Journal of Social Science and Humanity Research, volume 111, Jan – June 2015: 148-166.

Raman, Bhuvaneswari (2015), “Urbanization and Disaster: Loss of Women’s Property Ownership Leh, Ladakh”. In K.Kusabe et.al (eds), Gender and Land Tenure in the Context of Disaster in Asia. Volume 21 of the series Springer Briefs in Environment, Security, Development and Peace, pp 61-73

Bhuvaneswari Raman, M.Prasad-Aleyamma, R´emi De Bercegol, Eric Denis, Marie-Helene Zerah (2015), Selected Readings on Small Town Dynamics in India,USR 3330 Savoirs et MondesIndiens” , Working papers series no. 7; SUBURBIN Working papers series no. 2. 114 pages. 2015.

Raman B (2014), “Patterns and Practices of Transformation in small town in Tiruchengode”, Review of Urban Affairs, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol – XLIX No. 22, May 31, 2014

Raman B and E.Denis (2013), “Digital tools for Planning Chennai Metropolitan Region: (mis)Matching Virtual GIS Generated City and Ground Realities”, Critical Planning, Volume 20, Fall 2013. (peer reviewed journal published by UCLA, US).

Raman, B (2013), ‘The Other Global City by Shail Mayaram”, Seminar 648 (August) New Delhi

Raman, Bhuvaneswari, 2013, “Practices of the City and Projections of a Transparent Plan”, SARAI Reader 9, Projections, New Delhi: CSDS.

Raman, Bhuvaneswari and Z. Bawa (2013), “ICT enabled Governance and Citizens Participation”. In A.Rajadhyaksha (ed.) In the Wake of Aadhaar: The Digital Ecosystem of Governance in India. Bangalore: CSCS.

Raman, B (2012). ‘The Rhetoric and Reality of Transparency Initiatives: Transparent Cities, Opaque Power and Urban Poor’s Claims to Land’, Journal of Community Informatics. 8 (2): Vol 8 (2): 866-909.

Raman B. 2011. ‘Property in Commons:Contested Spaces and Embedded Claims’. In Commons Initiative and FES (Eds). Vocabulary of Commons. Anand, India: Federation of Ecological Security and International Association for the Study of Commons lead by Dr.Elinor Ostrom.

Benjamin, S and Raman,B. 2011. “Claiming Land, Contestations and the Urban Poor in Globalizing Times”. In Zerah et.al (Eds.) Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India: Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship. New Delhi: UNESCO-CSH.

Benjamin, S. and Raman, B. 2011. Illegible Claims, Legal Titles, and the Worlding of Bangalore’. Revue Tiers Monde, n° 206, avril-juin.

Raman, B and Bawa,Z. 2011. ‘Interacting with the State via Information and Communication Technologies. The Case of Nemmadi Kendras in Karnataka’. Media Asia, an Asian Mass Communication Quarterly. 38 (1): 52-62.

Benjamin,S. and R.Bhuvaneswari (2007). “Okkupativer Urbanismus. Die Stadt der Nutzer”, Archplus, Issue 185. p.98.

Benjamin, S and R.Bhuvaneswari (2006). ‘Urban Futures of Poor Groups in Chennai and Bangalore: How these are shaped by the relationships between the Parastatals and Local Bodies’. In Niraja, G.Jayal, A.Prakash, P.Sharma (eds.); ‘Local Governance in India, Decentralisation and Beyond’. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Benjamin,S and R.Bhuvaneswari (2001). ‘Inclusive and Pro-poor Urban Governance in Bangalore’, Working Paper no.26. Birmingham: International Development Department, University of Birmingham.

Benjamin, S and R.Bhuvaneswari (1999). Urban Governance, Partnership and Poverty, Working paper 15. Birmingham: International Development Department, University of Birmingham.
Email braman@jgu.edu.in
Key Expertise Urban Governance, Urban planning, Land and Housing Development, Anthropology (socio-legal study), Politics, Research Methodology, Gender
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