Admissions Open 2024

Dr. Annika Bose Styczynski

Dr. Annika Bose Styczynski

Associate Professor and Associate Dean (Research and International Collaborations)

B.A.; M.A. (Europa Universität Viadrina);

Ph.D. (Freie Universität Berlin)


Annika is an Associate Professor working on climate-related public policy issues for more than 15 years. She has studied at Free University Berlin, Nagoya Daigaku, UC Berkeley, and European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (O.). Research fellowships took her to CERI Science-Po in Paris, TERI in New Delhi, CICERO in Oslo, the Economic Research Centre at Nagoya University and RIFS in Potsdam. Annika is trained on public transport systems through the World Bank in Singapore and worked as a consultant for Agora Energiewende, Adelphi and ANU. For more than a decade, she has been teaching an international cohort of students and executives on the governance of socio-technical transitions.

Teaching interests:

  • Sustainable Food, Water and Energy Governance
  • Environmental Management
  • Comparative Politics
  • Ethics and Public Policy
  • Law, Governance and Institutions
  • Political Philosophy
  • Academic Writing
Edited volume:

Bose Styczynski, A. (ed.): India’s Energy Revolution. Insights into the Becoming of a Global Power. Taylor & Francis Group (Routledge India), 260 pages, ISBN: 978-1-03-225152-3, publication 03.06. 2024

Book chapters:

Bose Styczynski, A. (2024). India’s Energy (R)evolution. Book chapter in Bose Styczynski, A. (ed.) (2024). India’s Energy Revolution. Insights into the Becoming of a Global Power. Taylor & Francis Group (Routledge India), pp. 1-14.

Mehrotra, A.; Agarwal, A.; Bose Styczynski, A. (2024). Gas Based Economy: A Road towards a Prosperous and Cleaner India. Book chapter in Bose Styczynski, A. (ed.) (2024). India’s Energy Revolution. Insights into the Becoming of a Global Power. Taylor & Francis Group (Routledge India), pp. 42-65.

Bose Styczynski, A. (2024). Business Model Innovation for Electric Vehicle Adoption in India – An Ecosystem Perspective. Book chapter in Bose Styczynski, A. (ed.) (2024). India’s Energy Revolution. Insights into the Becoming of a Global Power. Taylor & Francis Group (Routledge India), pp. 190-213.

Bose Styczynski, A. (2018b). Beyond COP21: What does Paris mean for European Climate and Energy policy? Book chapter in: Popovski, V. (ed.) The Implementation of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, Routledge, pp.283-296.

Journal articles (Scopus):

Bose Styczynski, A. (2019b). Klimaneutrale Elektromobilität in Indien. (Climate-neutral electric mobility in India.) Asien – The German Journal on Contemporary Asia, vol.150/151:28-51.

Bose Styczynski, A. & Hughes, L. (2019a). Public Policy Strategies for Next-Generation Vehicle Technologies: An Overview of Leading Markets, In: Environmental Innovations and Societal Transitions 31:262-272, DOI:10.1016/j.eist.2018.09.002.

Styczynski, A.; Wolf, J.; Tah, S.; Bose, A. (2014). When decision-making processes fail: an argument for robust climate adaptation planning in the face of uncertainty, In Environment Systems and Decisions, Special Issue: Climate and Energy Decision Making Under Uncertainty, December 2014, Volume 34, Issue 4, pp. 478-491.

Conference and Discussion papers:

Styczynski, A. (2017b). Accelerating the socio-technical transition process to low-carbon technologies. 14th South Asia Management Forum (SAMF) on ‘Governance and Public Policy – Role of Management Development’. Organised by AMDISA, 24.-27. April 2017, Maldives, Conference Compendium, pp.592-610.

Styczynski, A. (2017a). Why we need to study the Indian Energy Transition. JGU Law & Policy Brief, Vol. III (4) April 2017.

Styczynski, A. (2012). Historical Benefit and Contemporary Approaches to Sustainable (Low-Carbon) Urban Transport in Japan. Discussion Paper 186. Economic Research Center, Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya University, September 2012.

Newspaper articles:

Bose Styczynski, A. & Rajah, R.V. (2018a). Why not e-scooters? DNA India, April 25, 2018.

  • 4-day workshop on ‘Dealing with Climate Impacts: Fostering Climate Action and Building Resilience’, Bosch Alumni Network, Heidelberg (11/2023)
  • 3rd Europe-China Conference on Clean Energy Transition: Shared Net-zero Prosperity for an Inclusive and Sustainable Recovery, Agora Energiewende, GIZ and Shanxi Energy Research Institute, Berlin (09/2023)
  • Global Solutions Summit, High-Level Forum on Climate Policy, Berlin (05/2023)
  • Future Battery Forum ‘Next level: Establishing the battery society’, Berlin (11/2022)
  • German Academic International Network conference (GAIN22), Bonn (09/2022) (DAAD grant)
  • H2 Conference ‘Green hydrogen society – gigawatt scaling for EU’s CO2 neutrality’, Berlin (04/2022)
  • 5th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP5) (07/2021)
  • Consultation on ‘Just Transition in India’s Coal Mining Areas’, iFOREST (10/2020)

ICPP4 in Montreal (2019), 10th IST Conference in Ottawa (2019), 15th WCTR in Mumbai (2019), 5th Fraunhofer Innovation and Technology Platform (FIT) in Bangalore (2018), 31st Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS) in Kobe (2018), European Electric Vehicle Convention (EEVC), in Oslo (2018), IRENA Innovation Week in Bonn (2018). 1st Life-cycle Innovation Conference in Berlin (2018), 9th International Sustainability Transitions (IST) Conference in Manchester (2018), DAV Business School Conference in Kathmandu (2018), The Economic Times’ ‘Smart Mobility Summit’ in New Delhi (2018).

Lectures and presentations (upon invitation):

  • OMI Foundation and Climate Project (India and South Asia) (9/2023), 
  • Public Policy School, IIT Delhi and the Science Technology and Public Policy (STPP) Program, Harvard University (07/2021), 
  • GLOBUS Horizon 2020 workshop, Berlin (03/2020), 
  • Australia-India Institute (AII), New Delhi (02/2020), 
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), Karlsruhe (07/2019)

Invited presentations at South Asia Institute of the University of Heidelberg (2017), the 50th Anniversary of the German Association for Asia Studies (DGA) in Hamburg (2017), World PetroCoal Congress in New Delhi (2017), the Indian Energy Storage Alliance in Mumbai (2017), O.P. Jindal Global (Institution of Eminence Deemed To Be University), NCR Delhi (2016-17), the Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (2016), OIKOS Summer Academy at the University of Tel Aviv (2015), Technical University of Darmstadt (2015), Freie Universität Berlin (2015), ITM University Gwalior (2014), Center for International Climate and Environmental Research-Oslo (2013), ISA General Conference, San Francisco (2013), United Nations University, Tokyo (2013), TERI, New Delhi (2013), Society for Evolutionary Economics, Kyoto (2010), Nagoya University (2010, 2011, 2012), U.S. Embassy Berlin (2009).

The governance of socio-technical transitions toward digital, cleaner and more efficient energy technologies, climate adaptation and sustainable development in both advanced industrial and emerging economies.

DAV Business school conference, Kathmandu, Nepal
First Prize, Best Paper Award for ‘Disentangling the Transport Carbon Lock-In’ (paper available upon request)