
Ph.D. (Cornell University)- History of Architecture and Urbanism- USA

Ph.D. (Cornell University)- Socio-Cultural Anthropology- USA

Ms. Arch. (University of Cincinnati) USA

B.Arch. (Institute of Environmental Design, Gujarat)

Prof. (Dr.) Jaideep Chatterjee

Professor and Dean, Jindal School of Art & Architecture

Email deanjsaa@jgu.edu.in
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Key Expertise History of Architecture and Urbanism, Popular and Visual Culture, Theory of Design, Techno-Politics, Comparative Modernities; (Asia, Latin America and Africa), Anthropology of Space and Place; Anthropology of Expertise, Professions and Institutions; Marxian, Postcolonial, Phenomenological and Poststructural theory.

Ph.D. (Cornell University)- History of Architecture and Urbanism- USA

Ph.D. (Cornell University)- Socio-Cultural Anthropology- USA

Ms. Arch. (University of Cincinnati) USA

B.Arch. (Institute of Environmental Design, Gujarat)


Jaideep “Swiss army knife” Chatterjee An obsessive compulsive multi-disciplinarian, Jaideep is an architect, a historian and an anthropologist. With a doctorate in History of Architecture and Urbanism and another one in Socio-cultural Anthropology from Cornell University, Jaideep’s academic enquiries traverse questions of design, visual culture, techno-politics, social formation of expertise, popular culture and nationalism. His research on architects, and design as a form of knowledge in post-colonial India has been published with prestigious academic presses worldwide. Jaideep has taught at several universities, including Cornell, The University of Cincinnati, and the University School of Architecture and Planning, Delhi. In addition to his academic pursuits, Jaideep also actively collaborates with designers, architects, artists and filmmakers to work on many interdisciplinary projects. In his free time trains his pack of street dogs along with his German shepherd Norbu. He is also a sci-fi nerd who loves to cook and deconstruct everything, from restaurant menus to milk cartons.

The Gift of Design: Expertise, Techno-politics and Subjectivity in IndiaToday. Routledge Press US. (2019)

“The Politics of (the) Design(ed).” Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015. V. 184 pp. 22-29.

Urban Present(s), Inter-Action Dialogues, Lila Foundation. http://www.lilainteractions.in/delhi/

Improvisacionesarquitectónicas el diseño y la modernidaden la Indiaposcolonial”. OtrasModernidades:Historias, Culturas, Identidades. 325-345.

“Registering Architects in India Today,” Journal of Asian Urbanism, Sept, no. 5.
Email deanjsaa@jgu.edu.in
Key Expertise History of Architecture and Urbanism, Popular and Visual Culture, Theory of Design, Techno-Politics, Comparative Modernities; (Asia, Latin America and Africa), Anthropology of Space and Place; Anthropology of Expertise, Professions and Institutions; Marxian, Postcolonial, Phenomenological and Poststructural theory.
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