Leadership Development

JILDEE defines ‘Leadership Development’ as the keystone of strategy, which implies competitive advantage, if an organization is to effectively identify and prepare the next generation of top managers and future leaders of the company. The leadership development programme is aimed at equipping executives with skills required for value creation in times of uncertainty and rapid change, in a context populated by multiple actors and complex issues. JILDEE is committed to ensuring that present and future leaders are able to articulate a compelling vision for their companies and organizations and to address such critical issues as sustainability, integrity, ethical decision-making, and the complexity of global networks.

JILDEE works with Jindal Steel and Power Limited (JSPL) to develop and deliver programmes for their senior leadership core focusing on leadership, strategy, and executive coaching.

Leadership Development Programmes are aimed at

Managing Directors
Chief Financial Officers
Group and Corporate Directors
D Level Executives
Senior Government Officials
Defence Personnel