
Centre for Women’s Rights (CFWR)

About Us

Centre for Women’s Rights (CFWR), formerly known as Centre for Women, Law and Social Justice, envisions an inclusive and equal society, where every woman will be able to live her life to the fullest potential, with freedom from want and freedom from fear, particularly of violence. Towards this, the Centre has initiated pioneering research on contemporary issues pertaining to women’s rights. The Centre’s work foregrounds the pursuit of inclusive and inter-sectional justice through state level, national, regional and international forums, by adopting feminist and inter-disciplinary approaches. With an academic commitment to high-quality research, the Centre also contributes to wider legal thinking on issues pertaining to social justice. It endeavours to bridge the gap between women’s rights activism at the ground level, feminist lawyering in courts, progress made on women’s studies and work undertaken by the academia.

The Centre’s focuses on five specific areas, which are as follows:

  • Violence against women
  • Women’s rights to equality and non-discrimination
  • Women, peace and security
  • Gender & Securitisation
  • International law, human rights standards and women’s rights

On these five focus areas, the fulcrum of the Centre’s work is its research activities, particularly socio-legal and action research. The Centre strives to undertake research through collaborations with other universities, governmental entities and non-governmental organizations. Additionally, CFWR also engages in discourses and deliberations, capacity building and advocacy initiatives.

To know more about the Centre and its work, please find the concept note here.

Team Members

Current Members

Centre Director:

Director – Prof. (Dr.) Saumya Uma

Saumya Uma is a recipient of the British Chevening scholarship on human rights. She has over 28 years’ combined work experience as an academic, law researcher, lawyer, trainer, writer and campaigner on gender, law and human rights. She has served as a research consultant on human rights, with international agencies such as the United Nations Development Fund (UNDP), United Nations Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (UNOHCHR) and the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ). Her doctoral research was on formulating a legal framework for victim and witness protection with a specific reference to gender-based violence. Her current interests are: a) examining family law through a feminist perspective; b) victim and witness protection; c) freedom of religion and women’s rights; and d) situating women’s rights within the international human rights framework. She is presently preparing a book manuscript on violence against women and the Indian legal responses. For more details, see here.

Assistant Director- Prof. (Dr.) Niharika Banerjea.

Niharika Banerjea is uniquely situated as a transdisciplinary queer, gender and sexuality studies scholar, with critical empirical and collaborative work that crosses academic/activist borders and global north/global south divides. Her transnational collaborative work has been generously supported by competitive awards and grants, including an Economic and Social Research Council Grant, United Kingdom, and awards from the Leicester Institute of Advanced Studies, United Kingdom. She has about twenty years of consolidated undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. teaching, supervision, and mentorship experience across the United States and India. For more details, see here

Fellow – Srujana Bej

Srujana Bej earned her undergraduate degree in law from NALSAR University in 2019 and graduated with a master’s degree in law from Harvard Law School in 2023. Her interests lie in property law, land laws, spatial justice, critical caste studies, and socio-legal research. see here

Fellow – Shama B.H. Abbasi

Prof. Abbasi is an Assistant Professor and Assistant Director, at Mahatma Gandhi Centre for Peace Studies, JGU at the O.P. Jindal Global University. She works with the Mahatma Gandhi Centre for Peace Studies. Her research focuses on Islamic Feminism and the interface between State Power and Human Rights. For more details, see here

Fellow – Dr. Aditi Krishna

Dr. Aditi Krishna received her Ph.D. from Royal Holloway, University of London in 2021 with her doctoral thesis titled “Hindustani classical music and education: ‘Tradition’, values, and identity in post-1991 India”. Her thesis was an interdisciplinary project – drawing from the disciplines of Sociology, Social Anthropology, and Ethnomusicology or Anthropology of Music – and explored the way the values, traditional concepts, and the dominant discourse associated with Hindustani music are redefined, approached, subverted, and/or challenged today in a post-1991 neo-liberal India. For more details, see here

Fellow – Prof. (Dr.) Prerna Subramanian

Prerna Subramania (they/she) is an Assistant Professor at Jindal Global Law School, NCR. They hold a Ph.D. in Cultural Studies from Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada and their work on transgender mobility and middle class in India was supported by the OCUFA Henry Mandelbaum fellowship. Her research focuses on mobility, affective, and gender justice in pop culture. Notable publications include works in Agenda (2018), Society and Culture in South Asia (2022), Journal of Asia-Pacific Pop Culture (2023), Media Asia (2023), Feminist Media Histories (2024) and South Asia Review (2024). For more details, see here

Senior Research Associate – Upasana Khattri

Upasana Khattri’s research centres on human rights and constitutional law, areas in which she has authored numerous articles published in national and international journals. She holds an LL.M. in Constitutional and Human Rights Law from National Law University, Delhi, and a B.B.A. LL.B. from Banasthali University, Rajasthan. Currently a Lecturer of Law at Jindal Global Law School.

Senior Research Assistant – Akshata Ahire

Akshata Ahire’s professional journey began with extensive experience in litigation, particularly in handling pro-bono cases, which reinforced her commitment to advocating for the rights of marginalised communities, especially women. Her teaching and research focus on the intersection of gender, caste, and law. Currently, she is pursuing a Master’s in Gender and Development Studies from IGNOU, further deepening her expertise in these critical areas.

Research Assistant – Sheetal Shinde

Doctoral Fellow

Sheetal Shinde is a PhD Scholar at Jindal Global Law School, NCR. She holds a Master’s degree in Law from the National Law School of India University, Bangalore, specialising in Human Rights. Distinguished by her academic excellence, she was the University topper in her course and was awarded four Gold Medals, including those for International Humanitarian Law and Best Research Project. Following her postgraduate studies, she served as an Academic Fellow at the National Law School of India University, Bangalore, where she contributed significantly to the Centre for Women & Law (CWL) and the Centre for Child and the Law (CCL). In this role, she participated in multiple research projects funded by esteemed organizations such as NITI Aayog, the Centre for Reproductive Rights, and the Centre for Environment Law, Education, Research and Advocacy. Her research interests encompass gender studies, child rights, and the intersection of gender and religion. Sheetal has published research papers in the Indian Journal of Arbitration and Law (2018), Gender, Human Rights and Law (2021), and Social Change (forthcoming).

Past Members

Senior Fellow – Prof. (Dr.) Sagnik Dutta

Sagnik Dutta’s research lies at the intersection of political theory, political anthropology, critical socio-legal studies, and feminist and critical international relations. Their doctoral research explored how debates on minority rights, gender, and religion in political theory can be de-parochialised by studying the meanings of these categories in the everyday life of social movements led by women. Their other strand of research focuses on counterterrorism, gender, and de-colonial approaches to security. For more details, see here

Senior Research Associate – Sanya Kishwar.

Sanya Darakhshan Kishwar researches in the area of human rights, gender studies and feminist theories. Her ongoing doctoral project at NLU, Delhi focuses on the rise of digital antifeminism in the Global South. She was the recipient of the Best Law Student of India Award, 2018 and SILF-MILAT full tuition scholarship for LLM at Pennsylvania State University. She received Liberty Scholarship for LLM, with specialisation in International Human Rights Law at the University of Leeds. Sanya has been the President of Indian Lawyers Association, Sonipat Chapter and a Council member of WICCI (Women’s Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry). She is also mentoring a student-led initiative called P’Voice which aims at simplifying laws for the awareness and understanding of common people. For more details, see here

Senior Fellow – Prof. (Dr.) Preethi Krishnan

Preethi Krishnan’s research explores the broad question of how state-society dynamics influence social change. She addresses this question through two thematic projects. Her project on Integrated Child Development Services (Anganwadi) examines how structures of gender, caste, and class influence how women claim entitlements for care and food. The second thematic project examines how the supreme court interprets domestic violence laws and impacts gender justice while adjudicating cases. In another collaborative project, her research explores how women navigated violence during the Covid-19 pandemic. For more details, see here

Research Assistant – Pauline Forje

Pauline Forje’s interest and research are deeply influenced by her international background and education, spanning Europe and Africa. Her work focuses on the intersection of human rights and public policy in developing countries, emphasising the importance of South-South cooperation. For more details, see here

Events & Activities


1st Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Gender Violence, Access to Justice, and the Law in India

The Centre for Women’s Rights (CFWR), in collaboration with The Prajnya Trust, is proud to host its 1st Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Gender Violence, Access to Justice, and the Law in India, 2024, on 7th December 2024.

We are honoured to welcome Professor (Dr.) Albeena Shakil, esteemed faculty member at Jindal Global Law School, as our keynote speaker for this event.

This conference aims to foster critical discussions on the intersection of gender violence, access to justice, and legal frameworks in India. Through keynote addresses, panel discussions, and scholarly presentations, the event seeks to (re)imagine the law as a tool for advancing gender justice. Bringing together academics, practitioners, policymakers, and advocates, the conference promises a vibrant platform for exchange and action-oriented dialogue.

Poetry, Prose, or Painting Competition

To commemorate International Women's Day on 08th March 2024, the Centre partnered with GirlUp JGU, a student-run society linked to the United Nations Foundation's Girl Up Campaign and Girl Up India, to promote gender equality. This year's theme, "Inspire Inclusion," encouraged students from all schools and departments at JGU to express themselves through poetry, prose, or painting. These contributions will soon be featured on social media for greater visibility, using a specific hashtag. We received several entries, which are scheduled to be shared soon.

Online Virtual Summit on Gender, Data and Technology

The Virtual Summit on Gender, Data, and Technology, held on February 16-17, 2024, brought together speakers and participants to discuss the intersection of gender, data, and technology. Organised by Maharashtra National Law University - Mumbai, in collaboration with Amity University - Dubai and CFWR - JGLS, JGU, the event aimed to foster inclusivity and promote equality through diverse gender identities. The CFWR provided content support and publicised the Summit. Prof. (Dr.) Saumya Uma participated as a panelist in the session 'Gender Sensitivity and Gender Neutrality in the Digital Age,' where she discussed sexual and gender-based cyber violence, arguing against gender neutrality.


World Indigenous Rights Day 2023


Film Screening

The film,Holy Rightsby Farha Khatun was screened on the 15thMarch 2023 on the University premises.

The film depicts a female character who enrolls in a training program to train other women to become Oazis (Muslim clerics who interpret and administer personal law) which is traditionally male dominated. The film portrays the challenges faced by Muslim women in their fight against the practice of tiple talaq, the condescending attitudes of their community as well as resist external forces from exploiting their movement for their own political gain.

Photography Competition

I Am WOMAN' photography contestto commemorate International Women's Day (08thMarch 2023).

The Centre organised the 'I Am WOMAN' photography contest to commemorate International Women's Day (08thMarch 2023). Students were asked to send in pictures to highlight the meaning of being a woman. From women's struggles, unionising, women at work, women at leisure, women dancing, laughing and so on. 19 students participated across different schools and departments. Three winners were unanimously chosen and announced during the film screening of Holy Rights by Farha Khatun. Their pictures are to be displayed around the University grounds very soon.

Winners of the 'I Am WOMAN' photography contest

Muslim women, dressed in black chador,  engrossed in a conversation at Marine Drive while they bathein the warm afternoon light of a Sunday sunset.

Having struggled with body image issues for as long as I can remember, one day, I decided to own my flaws and conducted a photo shoot for myself since photography is what I like to use to express my creativity and emotions. This image is one of the best results of that shoot. I have always considered my eyes the most beautiful feature I have, so I tried to photograph them as best I could with a timer and a tripod. The song "I am Woman"  by Emmy Emmy Meli has always been a source of strength for me. So, for International Women's Day 2023, I wanted to pay homage to myself and the beauty I bring by submitting this photograph of myself.

On my way to YB, I spotted these women sitting at the divider. They were having a very intense conversation, and on this divider they made themselves very comfortable. I won't ever know what they were talking. But, i can imagine it. Can you? Your imagination will determine the life of these women now.


Webinars:Ear to the Ground

Book Discussion

International Women's Day, 9th March 2022
The Centre held avirtual screening sessionand discussion of JUICE; AHALYA & PLEASE MIND THE GAP



Online Conference on Gender Violence, Access to Justice and the Law in India, 7th – 8th December 2024. Theme of Conference: Judgement analysis and Judicial Trends. For more details, see here.

Film Exhibition – Coming soon in September 2024. Stay tuned.

Online Internatonal Conference on Family Laws in South Asia: Examining Strategies For Gender-Just Reforms and Exploring The Potential For Transnatonal Feminist Learnings, 30th to 31st August 2024, For more details, see here.

CFWR in the Media

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