
LL.M. in Taxation Law

Why pursue an LL.M. in Taxation Law?

One of the key concerns of corporations, domestic or foreign, today is the prolonged litigation on tax matters and the time it takes to resolve a tax dispute. At the same time, substantial revenues get locked up in disputes; some of which could have otherwise accrued to the receipts of the Government. Emerging concepts of investment arbitration, high sea sales, infrastructure projects and electronic commerce from a tax perspective need to be comprehended and addressed for effective and smooth transactions in international commerce. Therefore, it is important for a modern-day tax professional to understand the concerns of the industry, and also that of the Government, so that effective compliance with the existing regulations can be ensured and long and complex disputes could be avoided.

What makes our LL.M. in Taxation Law special?

Curriculum offers a combination of courses with a focus on the UK, US, EU and the Indian tax laws. The courses offer a balance of domestic, international, and comparative law perspectives that are pertinent in the wake of recent international controversies in the area of cross border taxation. The intensive curriculum provides specialised courses on contemporary topics from leading tax jurisdictions, which reflect the importance of studying the ever changing and evolving tax jurisprudence. The LL.M. in Taxation Law is designed to develop practical problem solving and research skills, and policy-oriented approach that are essential to succeed in a highly competitive professional environment.

Programme Structure
What will you study?

LL.M. in Taxation Law is a 24 credits programme including three core courses (3 credits each), six specialised courses (2 credits each) and a dissertation (3 credits). 

1. Core/Compulsory Courses: 

  • Legal Research Methodology
  • Law and Justice in a Globalising World
  • Comparative Public Law

2. Specialised Courses: 

  • Corporate Taxation
  • Digital Taxation: Decoding Myths and Realities
  • Tax Administration and Dispute Resolution
  • International Taxation and Tax Treaties
  • Introduction to Principles of GST
  • Transfer Pricing: Evolution, Challenges and Impact of BEPS

3. Dissertation 
The specialised courses mentioned above are merely indicative and may vary from year to year depending on the availability of faculty members and their research interests.  It may not be possible to offer every course listed above. 


Tuition Fees*

Particulars Amount in (Rs.)
Accommodation Charges* 2,16,000 per annum
Other Allied Services Charges* (Other Services including but not limited to food, Laundry, Security Services, Housekeeping charges, electricity etc.)* 1,19,000 per annum
Refundable Security Deposit** (One time payment) 50,000

*The Tuition fee, accommodation charges and other allied service charges are subject to an annual increase of ten percent (10%).

**The security deposit will be fully refunded, subject to the completion of studies and/or receipt of a ‘No Dues Certificate’. The security deposit shall not carry any interest.


Admissions Team
Prof. Anand Prakash Mishra
Director Law Admissions and Associate Professor of Legal Practice & Associate Dean (Admissions, Outreach & Institution Building)
E: apmishra@jgu.edu.in

Ms. Anitha Shibu 
Manager, CPGLS 
E: ashibu@jgu.edu.in 
M: +91 8396907246

Mr. Vir Vikram 
Assistant Manager – JGLS Admissions
E: vir.vikram@jgu.edu.in
M: +91-741 9614 881

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