
LL.M. in International Trade & Investment Law

Why pursue an LL.M. in International Trade and Investment Law?

Understanding of global economic relations requires specialised and advanced learning of trade and investment institutions, rules and principles. This programme, therefore, seeks to provide a platform for richer theoretical, contextual, practical and multidisciplinary inquiry to understand institutional frameworks, global legal processes, policy dynamics, and contemporary challenges in the area of international trade and investment. Students will engage in an intensive study of global, regional and local economic regimes concerned with trade and investment, their interactions and contemporary relevance through a carefully selected elective courses. Students can explore a wide variety of topics and examine emerging issues in international trade and investment in great detail in their areas of professional and research interest. This specialisation will enable students to develop critical thinking, a range of perspectives and policy-oriented approach towards the most pressing contemporary issues arising from global economic relations.

What makes our LL.M. in International Trade and Investment Law special?

In addition to core courses, JGLS offers a range of exciting and stimulating specialised courses in the area of international trade and investment that are global in focus, innovative and progressive in curriculum design, and benchmarked against leading global law schools in terms of teaching, learning and assessment to provide a challenging and rewarding academic experience. The courses are designed by JGLS faculty members, who not only hold qualifications from leading universities of the world, but also are highly experienced and outstanding scholars, innovative thinkers, leading professionals and experts in their field, engaged in cutting-edge research, and publish regularly in leading trade and investment law journals. Academics at JGLS follow research-led and highly interactive teaching method.

Programme Structure
What will you study?

LL.M. in International Trade and Investment Law is a 24 credits programme including three core courses (3 credits each), six specialised courses (2 credits each) and a dissertation.

1. Core/Compulsory Courses: 

  • Legal Research Methodology
  • Law and Justice in a Globalising World
  • Comparative Public Law

2. Specialized Courses: 

  • Law of International Trade
  • International Investment Law
  • Trade and Development 
  • International Investment Arbitration
  • Anti-Dumping and Trade Remedies
  • WTO and Dispute Settlement 

3. Dissertation 
The Specialised Courses mentioned above are merely indicative and may vary from year to year depending on the availability of faculty members and their research interests. It may not be possible to offer every course listed above. 


Tuition Fees*

Particular Amount in (Rs.)
Accommodation Charges* 2,16,000 per annum
Other Allied Services Charges* (Other Services including but not limited to food, Laundry, Security Services, Housekeeping charges, electricity etc.)* 1,19,000 per annum
Refundable Security Deposit** (One time payment) 50,000

*The Tuition fee, accommodation charges and other allied service charges are subject to an annual increase of ten percent (10%).

**The security deposit will be fully refunded, subject to the completion of studies and/or receipt of a ‘No Dues Certificate’. The security deposit shall not carry any interest.


Admissions Team
Prof. Anand Prakash Mishra
Director Law Admissions and Associate Professor of Legal Practice & Associate Dean (Admissions, Outreach & Institution Building)
E: apmishra@jgu.edu.in

Ms. Anitha Shibu
Manager, CPGLS
E: ashibu@jgu.edu.in 
P: +91 8396907246

Mr. Vir Vikram 
Assistant Manager – JGLS Admissions
E: vir.vikram@jgu.edu.in
P: +91-741 9614 881

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