
LL.M. in Human Rights

Why pursue an LL.M. in Human Rights?

The distillation of age-old principles of human value and dignity into the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 was the grand milestone of the 20th century. Human Rights have been identified as the inherent values attached to the dignity and identity of all human beings. For a society to be just and civil, it must aspire to inculcate respect for human rights and the underlying principles in its legal systems to ensure that its members can explore their development potential freely.
With the advent of globalisation, the nature of human rights has undergone a shift. Human rights concerns are no longer limited to the traditional struggles between the nation state and its citizens but must combat novel challenges of our chaotic times e.g. displacement, climate change, artificial intelligence and so on. Specialized study of human rights law has gained a renewed significance in all aspects of legal practice. A deeper understanding of the interplay between human rights principles and corporate action, or environmental activism or even technological advancement has become important for development of law and policy in varied fields.
The Human Rights specialization prepares the students for varied career opportunities in national and international arena that range from traditional advocacy roles to more advanced policy restructuring touching upon all aspects of legal reform.

What makes our LL.M. in Human Rights special?

The LL.M. in Human Rights offered at JGLS is a forward-looking programme designed to equip students with the skill set to engage with contemporary challenges of the changing world order. The course structure of the LL.M. programme focuses on the human rights concerns arising from business activities, technology, migration, climate change and much more. The course offerings are unique and aim to expand upon conventional human rights discourse. The Human Rights specialisation will train future legal professionals to navigate the ever-evolving value systems and current human rights concerns.  JGLS offers an opportunity to learn from international faculty who will bring forward perspectives from around the world, which are relevant for resolving these topical issues. Our modern world is closely integrated and we must look beyond national systems to overcome human rights related concerns. JGLS offers the optimum global environment for such a discourse to flourish.

Programme Structure
What will you study?

LL.M. in Human Rights is a 24 credits programme including three core courses (3 credits each), six specialised courses (2 credits each) and a dissertation (3 credits). 

1. Core/Compulsory Courses: 

  • Legal Research Methodology
  • Law and Justice in a Globalising World
  • Comparative Public Law

2. Specialised Courses: 

  • Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
  • Conflict and International Migration
  • Human Rights and the Indian Constitution
  • Global Rights and Business
  • Human Rights and Emerging Technologies
  • Climate Change and Human Rights 

3. Dissertation 
The specialised courses mentioned above are merely indicative and may vary from year to year depending on the availability of faculty members and their research interests.  It may not be possible to offer every course listed above.


Tuition Fees*

Particular Amount in (Rs.)
Accommodation Charges* 2,16,000 per annum
Other Allied Services Charges* (Other Services including but not limited to food, Laundry, Security Services, Housekeeping charges, electricity etc.)* 1,19,000 per annum
Refundable Security Deposit** (One time payment) 50,000

*The Tuition fee, accommodation charges and other allied service charges are subject to an annual increase of ten percent (10%).

**The security deposit will be fully refunded, subject to the completion of studies and/or receipt of a ‘No Dues Certificate’. The security deposit shall not carry any interest.


Admissions Team
Prof. Anand Prakash Mishra
Director Law Admissions and Associate Professor of Legal Practice & Associate Dean (Admissions, Outreach & Institution Building)
E: apmishra@jgu.edu.in

Ms. Anitha Shibu
Manager, CPGLS 
E: ashibu@jgu.edu.in
M: +91 8396907246

Mr. Vir Vikram 
Assistant Manager – JGLS Admissions
E: vir.vikram@jgu.edu.in
M: +91-741 9614 881

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