
Rise of Digital Anti-feminism in the Global South: Assessing Causal and Remedial Prospects of Gender-Neutral Laws

Jindal Global Law School

Rise of Digital Anti-feminism in the Global South: Assessing Causal and Remedial Prospects of Gender-Neutral Laws" is published in The Indian Journal of International Studies (Volume 04, Issue 02, July–December). TIJIS is a flagship journal of Aligarh Muslim University.

The paper was co-authored with Sadqua Khatoon, Student Aligarh Muslim University 
@Mohit Kumar Manderna, @Kritika Vatsaand @Pranava Kapur (Students, JGLS). 

The piece could be accessed at: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14948814.

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Published Date 07-03-2025
Category Activities
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