The Centre for International Investment and Trade Laws (CIITL), formerly known as the Centre for International Trade and Economic Laws, is a research Centre at the Jindal Global Law School. The vision of the Centre is to promote research, writing, and dialogue on international economic law, with a special emphasis on international investment and trade laws. As an emerging major power in the world, India not only needs to build a capacity in the area of international economic laws but also conduct research that may lead to better policy outcomes.
In this regard, the Centre will further research by initiating research projects on relevant and contemporary issues in these areas, as well as creating a regular and continuous working paper series. To further research collaboration and outreach, the Centre will be organizing regular conferences and workshops on various aspects of international economic law and undertake several capacity-building workshops/events. The Centre aims to work with several stakeholders such as law firms, researchers, academicians, civil society, and the industry.
Joint Research Project on “Sustainability Indicator” for International Investment Agreements with Macquarie University
To accelerate economic growth, States enter into International Investment Agreements for the purpose of attracting foreign investors. At times the sustainability of these investments becomes challenging owing to issues like inequality, human rights abuses, and environmental pollution. To address these impending issues, researchers at the Centre for Environmental Law (CEL) of Macquarie University and Centre for International Investment and Trade Law (CIITL) of Jindal Global Law School (JGLS) of OP Jindal Global University are collaborating to develop a “sustainability indicator” that may be applied to assess the sustainability of international investment agreements. The project will apply the sustainability indicator to all investment agreements (i.e., bilateral investment treaties and investment chapters in free trade agreements) negotiated by India and then develop concrete recommendations to the Indian government to balance often competing objectives of investor protection and encourage responsible investor conduct.
Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Dr. Prabhash Ranjan
Dr. James J. Nedumpara
Dr. Aveek Chakravarty
Assistant Director
Dr. Pallavi Kishore
Senior Fellow
Avirup Bose
Senior Fellow
Oiswarjya Basu
Ruby Panchal
Bhawna Kataria
The Centre promotes discussion, research and scholarship in the field of international investment and trade laws
Exploratory Workshop on ‘Sustainability of Investment Agreements: Case of India’ (5 November 2022)
On November 5, 2022, CIITL, in collaboration with Macquarie Law School, Macquarie University, organised a one-day exploratory workshop on ‘Sustainability of Investment Agreements: Case of India’. The workshop saw the participation of various stakeholders from the government, academia, law firms, and the industry. Mr. Dammu Ravi, Secretary (Economic Relations), Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, delivered the key-note address. Professor Surya Deva from Macquarie University spoke about the project.
Other speakers included, Mr. Pranav Kumar (Reliance Industries); Professor James Nedumpara (Centre for International Trade and Investment Laws, IIFT); Mr. Tamal Mandal (Luthra and Luthra Law Offices); Ms Fereshte Sethna (DMD Advocates); Dr. Daniel Mathew (National Law University Delhi); Dr. Ajay Kumar Sharma (Faculty of Law, Delhi University); Ms. Ramya Raman (P&A Law Offices); Mr. George Pothan (Ministry of External Affairs); and Mr. Madhav Mallya (Jindal Global Law School).
by Prof. Dr. Steffen Hindelang organised by Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution in collaboration with Centre for International Investment and Trade Laws. He is a Professor at Uppsala University and an ICSID Arbitrator. The guest lecture is scheduled for the 27th of August from 4:30 to 5:30 PM.
Venue: Performing Arts Academy, Prithviraj Jindal Academic Block (T1), First Floor
Short bio of the speaker:
Steffen Hindelang is Professor of International Investment and Trade Law at Uppsala University in Sweden. He is also the Executive Director of the CELIS Institute, an independent, non-profit, non-partisan research enterprise dedicated to promoting better regulation of foreign investment in the context of security, public order and competitiveness. Steffen has advised the EU, European governments as well as companies on investment review regimes, international investment disputes, and international organisations on the reform of the current international investment law regime. He has been repeatedly invited by the European Parliament’s INTA Committee to prepare studies on the development of the EU’s Common Commercial Policy. He frequently acts as an expert advisor before international tribunals and national courts and has served as an ICSID arbitrator